Log message #4189698

# At Username Text
# Jun 16th 2019, 17:20 admad also you should be using `'controller' => 'Plots'` not `'controller' => '/plots'`
# Jun 16th 2019, 17:19 admad @joey.mukherjee cause the router adding current plugin to URLs by default. Add `'plugin' => false` to the URL array to prevent that
# Jun 16th 2019, 16:19 joey.mukherjee Basic question: I am trying to use the CakeDC/Users plugin with v3.7. I have a menubar.ctp as my element being included in my Template/Layout/default.ctp I have a: <a href="<?php echo $this->Url->build (['controller' => '/plots', 'action' => 'index']); ?>">Plots</a> and a <a href="profile">Profile</a>. When I go to the profile page, my Plots link now has a users prepended to it. Why?
# Jun 16th 2019, 16:06 rogerpro Thank you very much, @ndm and @admad. Actually, my specific goal is to run tests for a plugin intended for an app that uses token auth. At some point, it seemed easier to me to test controller actions directly instead of making the auth work in test dev. Or, more important, test plugin functionality no matter which auth config is set up in the app.
# Jun 16th 2019, 15:41 admad https://github.com/ADmad/cakephp-i18n/blob/master/tests/bootstrap.php#L11-L24
# Jun 16th 2019, 15:39 ndm A bit old, but the concept is still the same: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35565066/setting-up-cakephp-3-plugin-testing/35611216#35611216
# Jun 16th 2019, 15:39 slackebot1 directory (`../../vendor/bin/phpunit`).
# Jun 16th 2019, 15:39 ndm @rogerpro If you plan to make a standalone plugin, then you need to clear the auto-generated `tests/bootstrap.php` file and use it to set up an application environment that pulls in the core's bootstrap. If you're making a plugin that's part of your app, then you need to use the phpunit installation of the app, and run it either from the app's root and pass the plugin path (`vendor/bin/phpunit plugins/ContactManager`), or run it from your plugin
# Jun 16th 2019, 15:09 rogerpro So everyone using running tests from a standalone plugin that has a bootstrap file should face the issue, I guess.
# Jun 16th 2019, 15:08 rogerpro Got it, it’s here but not loaded. Hope this is not happening only to me :)
# Jun 16th 2019, 15:07 rogerpro ``` total@aadd2f92f77f:~/mnt/my_app_name/plugins/ContactManager$ cat vendor/cakephp/cakephp/tests/phpunit_aliases.php <?php if (class_exists('PHPUnit_Runner_Version')) { if (version_compare(\PHPUnit_Runner_Version::id(), '5.7', '<')) { trigger_error(sprintf('Your PHPUnit Version must be at least 5.7.0 to use CakePHP Testsuite, found %s', \PHPUnit_Runner_Version::id()), E_USER_ERROR); ```
# Jun 16th 2019, 15:07 rogerpro It is actually here:
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:58 admad I don't remember from where/how it's supposed to be auto loaded
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:58 admad For some reason this file isn't being loaded for you https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/tests/phpunit_aliases.php
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:47 rogerpro 7.2.17-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:46 rogerpro I got the same error
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:46 admad What's your PHP version?
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:46 admad Try `composer update --with-dependencies`
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:45 rogerpro Sure
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:45 rogerpro Actually, I also ran `rm -rf vendor/ composer.lock andand composer clearcache andand composer install andand vendor/bin/phpunit`
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:45 admad Ah right, I misread, it would install latest 3.7 even with `^3.5`
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:44 rogerpro Of course
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:43 admad Did you run composer update after changing it?
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:41 rogerpro Nope. It actually installs 3.7.8. And updating it to `"^3.7"` keeps the PHPunit error.
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:38 admad Well you know what to do with that :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:36 rogerpro “^3.5”
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:33 admad @rogerpro what's the cakephp version specific in composer.json?
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:30 rogerpro Got same error
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:29 rogerpro Did not worked for me, @admad . I did `rm -rf vendor/ composer.lock andand composer clearcache andand composer install andand vendor/bin/phpunit` in the plugin’s directory.
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:20 admad @rogerpro delete the vendor directory and composer.lock file, clear composer cache, then run composer install again
# Jun 16th 2019, 13:55 rogerpro I just reported a bug: https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/issues/13353 — no idea why this is happening
# Jun 16th 2019, 08:39 graziel https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/tests/TestCase/ORM/TableTest.php
# Jun 16th 2019, 08:38 maymeow complete tests examples
# Jun 16th 2019, 08:37 graziel still not sure what you need, mock table? test finders?
# Jun 16th 2019, 08:32 maymeow for models im using tests li this https://gist.github.com/MayMeow/a163111262275ec1ff70e25dd29b08ab (dont remember where i found it)
# Jun 16th 2019, 08:29 maymeow For example how to test models Tables
# Jun 16th 2019, 08:07 graziel and also in book https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/development/testing.html
# Jun 16th 2019, 08:06 graziel but what do you need exactly? theres a bunch of tests in cake already https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/tree/master/tests
# Jun 16th 2019, 07:58 maymeow is there any good examples of CakePHP 3.x tests?
# Jun 16th 2019, 07:57 maymeow Hi
# Jun 16th 2019, 04:20 subhanahmed Hi All, I just updated an old app to cakephp 3.7. I’m getting the following error: `Property _transportConfig does not exist ` in `ROOT/vendor/cakephp/debug_kit/src/Panel/MailPanel.php, line 43 ` Any solutions? Thanks.