Log message #4189683

# At Username Text
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:46 rogerpro I got the same error
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:46 admad What's your PHP version?
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:46 admad Try `composer update --with-dependencies`
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:45 rogerpro Sure
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:45 rogerpro Actually, I also ran `rm -rf vendor/ composer.lock andand composer clearcache andand composer install andand vendor/bin/phpunit`
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:45 admad Ah right, I misread, it would install latest 3.7 even with `^3.5`
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:44 rogerpro Of course
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:43 admad Did you run composer update after changing it?
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:41 rogerpro Nope. It actually installs 3.7.8. And updating it to `"^3.7"` keeps the PHPunit error.
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:38 admad Well you know what to do with that :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:36 rogerpro “^3.5”
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:33 admad @rogerpro what's the cakephp version specific in composer.json?
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:30 rogerpro Got same error
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:29 rogerpro Did not worked for me, @admad . I did `rm -rf vendor/ composer.lock andand composer clearcache andand composer install andand vendor/bin/phpunit` in the plugin’s directory.
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:20 admad @rogerpro delete the vendor directory and composer.lock file, clear composer cache, then run composer install again
# Jun 16th 2019, 13:55 rogerpro I just reported a bug: https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/issues/13353 — no idea why this is happening
# Jun 16th 2019, 08:39 graziel https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/tests/TestCase/ORM/TableTest.php
# Jun 16th 2019, 08:38 maymeow complete tests examples
# Jun 16th 2019, 08:37 graziel still not sure what you need, mock table? test finders?
# Jun 16th 2019, 08:32 maymeow for models im using tests li this https://gist.github.com/MayMeow/a163111262275ec1ff70e25dd29b08ab (dont remember where i found it)
# Jun 16th 2019, 08:29 maymeow For example how to test models Tables
# Jun 16th 2019, 08:07 graziel and also in book https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/development/testing.html
# Jun 16th 2019, 08:06 graziel but what do you need exactly? theres a bunch of tests in cake already https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/tree/master/tests
# Jun 16th 2019, 07:58 maymeow is there any good examples of CakePHP 3.x tests?
# Jun 16th 2019, 07:57 maymeow Hi
# Jun 16th 2019, 04:20 subhanahmed Hi All, I just updated an old app to cakephp 3.7. I’m getting the following error: `Property _transportConfig does not exist ` in `ROOT/vendor/cakephp/debug_kit/src/Panel/MailPanel.php, line 43 ` Any solutions? Thanks.
# Jun 15th 2019, 23:29 joey.mukherjee @khalid These are my two ajax calls. I feel like they are pretty basic... I see the _Token in my page source. It is just after the form end.
# Jun 15th 2019, 23:27 slackebot1 $('#gvmain_content').html (data); }, error: function (data) { alert ('Something went wrong!'); console.log (data); $('#gvmain_content').html (data); } }); });
# Jun 15th 2019, 23:27 slackebot1 $this->Url->build ('/plots/change_version', true); ?>", type: 'GET', beforeSend: function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader ('X-CSRF-Token', $('[name="_csrfToken"]').val ()); }, data: {version: version}, dataType: 'html', success: function (data) {
# Jun 15th 2019, 23:27 slackebot1 complete: function () { // alert ('Complete on submission!'); } }); e.preventDefault (); }); $('body').on ('change', "#gv_version", function () { var version = $('#gv_version').val (); var ajaxData = $('#gvInputForm').serializeArray (); $.ajax ({ url:"<?php echo
# Jun 15th 2019, 23:27 slackebot1 ('X-CSRF-Token', $('[name="_csrfToken"]').val ()); }, data: data, success: function (data, text, xhr) { $('#output_div').html (data); }, error: function () { alert ('Error on submission!'); $('#output_div').html (data); },
# Jun 15th 2019, 23:27 joey.mukherjee $('body').on ('submit', "#gvInputForm", function (e) { data = $('#gvInputForm').serializeArray (), formURL = $('#gvInputForm').attr ('action'); // + '.json'; $.ajax ({ url: formURL, dataType: 'html', type: 'POST', beforeSend: function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader
# Jun 15th 2019, 23:21 khalid can you show Ajax call here?
# Jun 15th 2019, 23:11 joey.mukherjee @khalid Hmm, yes, I did have it in there. However, taking it out didn't fix it. Any other ideas?
# Jun 15th 2019, 23:07 scriptstupid I'm using FormHelper::control for a form and validation errors aren't being displayed. The entity is not saving and in the controller I can set a var to $entity->getErrors() and see them, yet the form itself displays nothing. Fields are named appropriately.
# Jun 15th 2019, 22:52 khalid if that is there then you can remove it from Routes.php
# Jun 15th 2019, 22:51 khalid if yes then you have to remove it.. because you can use it either routes based of on overall application, before you do it please check your Application.php it should have something like this $csrf = new CsrfProtectionMiddleware();
# Jun 15th 2019, 22:48 khalid @joey.mukherjee do you have csrf in your routes.php?
# Jun 15th 2019, 21:51 scriptstupid disregard! Got it working. (className wasn't set to Smtp)
# Jun 15th 2019, 21:43 kiwi_10 Hello. I've configured my default EmailTransport with the SSL info for my domain (port 465, etc.). I can see the correct templated email in the mail tab of DebugKit. Nonetheless, I get a SocketException with error "Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25"
# Jun 15th 2019, 20:28 waspinator can you have virtual fields for _joinData?