Log message #4189692

# At Username Text
# Jun 16th 2019, 15:39 slackebot1 directory (`../../vendor/bin/phpunit`).
# Jun 16th 2019, 15:39 ndm @rogerpro If you plan to make a standalone plugin, then you need to clear the auto-generated `tests/bootstrap.php` file and use it to set up an application environment that pulls in the core's bootstrap. If you're making a plugin that's part of your app, then you need to use the phpunit installation of the app, and run it either from the app's root and pass the plugin path (`vendor/bin/phpunit plugins/ContactManager`), or run it from your plugin
# Jun 16th 2019, 15:09 rogerpro So everyone using running tests from a standalone plugin that has a bootstrap file should face the issue, I guess.
# Jun 16th 2019, 15:08 rogerpro Got it, it’s here but not loaded. Hope this is not happening only to me :)
# Jun 16th 2019, 15:07 rogerpro ``` total@aadd2f92f77f:~/mnt/my_app_name/plugins/ContactManager$ cat vendor/cakephp/cakephp/tests/phpunit_aliases.php <?php if (class_exists('PHPUnit_Runner_Version')) { if (version_compare(\PHPUnit_Runner_Version::id(), '5.7', '<')) { trigger_error(sprintf('Your PHPUnit Version must be at least 5.7.0 to use CakePHP Testsuite, found %s', \PHPUnit_Runner_Version::id()), E_USER_ERROR); ```
# Jun 16th 2019, 15:07 rogerpro It is actually here:
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:58 admad I don't remember from where/how it's supposed to be auto loaded
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:58 admad For some reason this file isn't being loaded for you https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/tests/phpunit_aliases.php
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:47 rogerpro 7.2.17-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:46 rogerpro I got the same error
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:46 admad What's your PHP version?
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:46 admad Try `composer update --with-dependencies`
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:45 rogerpro Sure
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:45 rogerpro Actually, I also ran `rm -rf vendor/ composer.lock andand composer clearcache andand composer install andand vendor/bin/phpunit`
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:45 admad Ah right, I misread, it would install latest 3.7 even with `^3.5`
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:44 rogerpro Of course
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:43 admad Did you run composer update after changing it?
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:41 rogerpro Nope. It actually installs 3.7.8. And updating it to `"^3.7"` keeps the PHPunit error.
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:38 admad Well you know what to do with that :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:36 rogerpro “^3.5”
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:33 admad @rogerpro what's the cakephp version specific in composer.json?
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:30 rogerpro Got same error
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:29 rogerpro Did not worked for me, @admad . I did `rm -rf vendor/ composer.lock andand composer clearcache andand composer install andand vendor/bin/phpunit` in the plugin’s directory.
# Jun 16th 2019, 14:20 admad @rogerpro delete the vendor directory and composer.lock file, clear composer cache, then run composer install again
# Jun 16th 2019, 13:55 rogerpro I just reported a bug: https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/issues/13353 — no idea why this is happening
# Jun 16th 2019, 08:39 graziel https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/tests/TestCase/ORM/TableTest.php
# Jun 16th 2019, 08:38 maymeow complete tests examples
# Jun 16th 2019, 08:37 graziel still not sure what you need, mock table? test finders?
# Jun 16th 2019, 08:32 maymeow for models im using tests li this https://gist.github.com/MayMeow/a163111262275ec1ff70e25dd29b08ab (dont remember where i found it)
# Jun 16th 2019, 08:29 maymeow For example how to test models Tables
# Jun 16th 2019, 08:07 graziel and also in book https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/development/testing.html
# Jun 16th 2019, 08:06 graziel but what do you need exactly? theres a bunch of tests in cake already https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/tree/master/tests
# Jun 16th 2019, 07:58 maymeow is there any good examples of CakePHP 3.x tests?
# Jun 16th 2019, 07:57 maymeow Hi
# Jun 16th 2019, 04:20 subhanahmed Hi All, I just updated an old app to cakephp 3.7. I’m getting the following error: `Property _transportConfig does not exist ` in `ROOT/vendor/cakephp/debug_kit/src/Panel/MailPanel.php, line 43 ` Any solutions? Thanks.
# Jun 15th 2019, 23:29 joey.mukherjee @khalid These are my two ajax calls. I feel like they are pretty basic... I see the _Token in my page source. It is just after the form end.
# Jun 15th 2019, 23:27 slackebot1 $('#gvmain_content').html (data); }, error: function (data) { alert ('Something went wrong!'); console.log (data); $('#gvmain_content').html (data); } }); });
# Jun 15th 2019, 23:27 slackebot1 $this->Url->build ('/plots/change_version', true); ?>", type: 'GET', beforeSend: function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader ('X-CSRF-Token', $('[name="_csrfToken"]').val ()); }, data: {version: version}, dataType: 'html', success: function (data) {
# Jun 15th 2019, 23:27 slackebot1 complete: function () { // alert ('Complete on submission!'); } }); e.preventDefault (); }); $('body').on ('change', "#gv_version", function () { var version = $('#gv_version').val (); var ajaxData = $('#gvInputForm').serializeArray (); $.ajax ({ url:"<?php echo
# Jun 15th 2019, 23:27 slackebot1 ('X-CSRF-Token', $('[name="_csrfToken"]').val ()); }, data: data, success: function (data, text, xhr) { $('#output_div').html (data); }, error: function () { alert ('Error on submission!'); $('#output_div').html (data); },
# Jun 15th 2019, 23:27 joey.mukherjee $('body').on ('submit', "#gvInputForm", function (e) { data = $('#gvInputForm').serializeArray (), formURL = $('#gvInputForm').attr ('action'); // + '.json'; $.ajax ({ url: formURL, dataType: 'html', type: 'POST', beforeSend: function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader