Log message #4141482

# At Username Text
# May 16th 2018, 16:14 Diego_ its not defined in the entity but debug shows * => true
# May 16th 2018, 16:08 Diego_ '[accessible]' => [ '*' => true], ?
# May 16th 2018, 16:07 sdevore Is it possible that you didn’t add the associations to the `$_accessible` property is the entity?
# May 16th 2018, 15:54 Diego_ how can i debug a associated entity on save()?
# May 16th 2018, 15:38 saeideng >saeideng: i will give it a try nice
# May 16th 2018, 15:38 flavius yeah, click that 302 request then go to the sessions panel
# May 16th 2018, 15:37 pmoraes File uploaded https://cakesf.slack.com/files/U6X99ATG8/FARQFCL6A/captura_de_tela_2018-05-16_a__s_12.36.58.png / https://slack-files.com/T053DPNCM-FARQFCL6A-d44afb98c2
# May 16th 2018, 15:37 alexdd55 saeideng: i will give it a try
# May 16th 2018, 15:34 pmoraes lol
# May 16th 2018, 15:33 pmoraes no.. I'm using the bake workflow. Pretty simple. add or edit method save then redirect to index page. if the persist fail. render works otherwise no
# May 16th 2018, 15:31 flavius @pmoraes i tested just now and it works in 3.6.2
# May 16th 2018, 15:30 saeideng @pmoraes I tested just now and it works in 3.6.1
# May 16th 2018, 15:30 flavius or maybe you have `<?= $this->Flash->render(); ?>` multiple times and you forgot :slightly_smiling_face:
# May 16th 2018, 15:29 flavius if you see it in session you have a problem with displaying it, if you don't see it in there you have a problem with how you set it
# May 16th 2018, 15:28 flavius the header should be purple to indicate your not on current request
# May 16th 2018, 15:27 flavius File uploaded https://cakesf.slack.com/files/U75U0UMR9/FAQ6VLM1N/image.png / https://slack-files.com/T053DPNCM-FAQ6VLM1N-959b8720fa
# May 16th 2018, 15:27 flavius File uploaded https://cakesf.slack.com/files/U75U0UMR9/FAQTBQUKU/image.png / https://slack-files.com/T053DPNCM-FAQTBQUKU-4182a6c0b0
# May 16th 2018, 15:26 flavius debug kit history, look for the 302 request (thats the redirect), it should contain the flash in session :P
# May 16th 2018, 15:26 saeideng @alexdd55 `this->Url->image('/images/1.jpg')` works as well
# May 16th 2018, 15:25 neon1024 @alexdd55 Oh right, we use Imgix so we have a whole url saved in the datastore already for that :)
# May 16th 2018, 15:25 saeideng redirect to page 1 and then page 2
# May 16th 2018, 15:24 saeideng I guess you have 2 redirect page
# May 16th 2018, 15:24 alexdd55 @neon1024 i need that url for my json response
# May 16th 2018, 15:24 saeideng or see in debug_kit history
# May 16th 2018, 15:24 saeideng and see pages request
# May 16th 2018, 15:23 saeideng mark the `Persist Logs `
# May 16th 2018, 15:23 saeideng if yes
# May 16th 2018, 15:22 saeideng do you use firefox?
# May 16th 2018, 15:22 pmoraes no
# May 16th 2018, 15:21 saeideng do you have modified response in controller ?
# May 16th 2018, 15:20 flavius the flash message is saved in session, if you redirect it will be displayed after redirection, the render for the flash element should also be in layout by default above the content render, inspect your session with debug_kit after redirect and see if the message is there in SESSION panel
# May 16th 2018, 15:20 pmoraes in cakephp 3.4 its working in the same format.
# May 16th 2018, 15:19 pmoraes I dont think so
# May 16th 2018, 15:18 saeideng because you rendered message before target page
# May 16th 2018, 15:18 pmoraes render flash is in the layout page
# May 16th 2018, 15:18 pmoraes yes
# May 16th 2018, 15:18 bernat does that other page render the flash element?
# May 16th 2018, 15:17 pmoraes its not showing in the other page
# May 16th 2018, 15:17 pmoraes $this->redirect();
# May 16th 2018, 15:17 pmoraes then
# May 16th 2018, 15:17 pmoraes so now if I use $this->Flash->success(__('any message'));