Logs for #cakephp-bakery

Page 7 of 134, showing 100 records out of 13,394 total, starting on record 601, ending on 700

# At Username Text
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:42 AD7six jperras: to be able to remove without deleting a rating.
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:43 AD7six maybe not needed, it the bakery got spammed it'd be handy to not delete the info you can use to investigate with
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:43 alkemann we may decide against using revision, but we agreed that it was better to create a drafted behavior, than use revision for something it was not intended
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:43 jperras AD7six: I don't think we will have much use for deleting ratings
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:44 alkemann AD7six: how does the book do drafts (ie keep old version online)
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:44 AD7six the book revision logic is user submits a pending revision (draft), admin marks it as current or rejected.
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:44 AD7six the act of making as current marks the 'current' revision as previous
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:44 AD7six so there's only ever 1
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:45 AD7six are we missing any tables though, I would expectc for fields to me missed atm.
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:46 AD7six what about featured - is that not going to be used anymore?
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:48 AD7six alkemann: hence I ask about the two behaviors because the book's logic covers both.
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:48 alkemann hasnt been a topic yet. but jperras pointed out that it has been very little used. maybe we can just give hottest stuff more realestate now that jperras is making the system better :)
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:49 alkemann AD7six: because you are basically "hacking" a revision behavior to fulfill another function. and the publishing of a version gets in the way of having actual revisions
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:49 AD7six naturally, I disagree
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:49 AD7six what's the difference between a draft and a revision
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:49 AD7six a draft is a revision
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:50 gwoo AD7six: no
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:50 AD7six is featured superceeded by the vote up/down logic?
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:50 gwoo it does not become a revision until its out of draft status
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:50 alkemann AD7six: yes. maybe the name is wrong. we are not making drafts. author is publishing it, but we are moderating that publishing
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:50 AD7six gwoo: I don't understand what you mean
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:51 gwoo if we are to have true drafts
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:51 gwoo otherwise its just on hold for moderation
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:51 gwoo and that would be a revision
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:51 AD7six gwoo: when you say revision - are you attaching additioanl meaning such as "revisions are visible to others"?
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:51 gwoo yes
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:51 AD7six I'm only talking about the data in the db
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:52 AD7six articles have a status flag for draft, pending, published, rejected
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:52 gwoo so pages
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:52 alkemann AD7six: 3 sets of data. revision table holds previews versions of the article. live table holds current live version, draft table holds users latest edit that has not yet been made live (and will become a revision when a new editition is pushed live)
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:53 AD7six alkemann: I don't follow why that necessitates 3 tables
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:53 alkemann AD7six: u could off course have it all in one table. that would just create a big one..
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:54 alkemann this way you only access the other versions when you need to
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:54 AD7six I thought the bakery logic (for edits, because that's the only time revisions are important) was user edits (submits a draft ?) moderator approves, previous version either marked as previous or deleted
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:55 AD7six but in many regards it doesn't matter how it's implemented so long as the effect is the same
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:55 AD7six anything else wrong/missing?
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:55 alkemann any changes a user does to an article page is saved in the draft table. when a moderator accept. the draft version is moved to live and the live to revision
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:56 AD7six alkemann: shadow tables are usfule with massive amounts of data - I don't see the bakery fitting that need. but since you're likely to be implementing that, I can guess what's going to happen.
# Feb 19th 2009, 13:58 alkemann seeing as i already wrote both behaviors and think this is the way to go, i dont plan on implementing it another way no. but im not adamant about it. if a consensus to do it some other way can be reached
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:03 AD7six I'm not going to demand that people giving their time for free do things my way or not at all for a number of reasons :)
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:03 AD7six gwoo: being one of them :D
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:09 gwoo ACTION thinks we can find some consenses
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:13 AD7six one thing I'd like to ask about before I go today is how url navigation should work - I think it would be v beneficial to move from slug lookups to the same as the book (id lookups, using the slug as seo fodder)
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:15 alkemann i agree
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:16 alkemann making friendly urls should only go so far
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:16 gwoo id/slug
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:16 gwoo wfm
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:17 AD7six excellenty
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:17 markstory id/slug only works if you have numeric keys though.
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:18 AD7six id or a numeric sequence then.
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:18 alkemann dont see a problem using autoincrement for article id
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:20 jperras as long as we're not mixing uuid and auto increments, I'm happy with that
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:34 alkemann jperras: given how we will implement permissions and that things are either public or not, i dont see any problem with "guessable" urls. ie we can just use AI for all ids
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:34 jperras it's not about being able to guess
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:35 jperras it's about mixing char(36) with int in cake's acl system
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:36 jperras so if we're going all AI, great
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:39 alkemann we arent useing acl though
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:40 alkemann jperras: http://thechaw.com/bakery/wiki/spec/users/Group_permissions
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:41 jperras alkemann: that first paragraph sounds exactly like what acl does
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:41 jperras control user permissions based on their group, and the controller action that they are attempting to use
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:42 alkemann yes. permission implementations are bound to share descriptions :p
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:43 jperras well, if it sounds like a duck, quacks like a duck, why not use a duck?
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:43 alkemann so acl is the only valid implementation of permissions?
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:44 jperras of course not. but it's already written, heavily tested, and included in the cake core
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:44 alkemann as far as i am concerned, if you can find a reason to not use acl, take it. and the since we dont need to be able to point to give a random user a random right to a random asset, acl is overkill
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:44 alkemann "point to a random"
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:45 jperras I don't see a reason to not use acl here
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:45 alkemann we dont need it.
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:46 jperras you're basically implementing a flat tree acl in that description
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:46 jperras with a static config file
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:46 jperras which the acl behavior supports (ini configuration instead of db config)
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:46 AD7six alkemann: what solution would you suggest
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:47 alkemann AD7six: the we have specced already
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:47 alkemann the one*
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:47 AD7six I don't see where it says how you're going to store and query permissions?
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:48 AD7six I see a description of permissions
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:48 alkemann http://thechaw.com/bakery/wiki/spec/users/Group_permissions
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:48 jperras bottom of the wiki page, AD7six
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:49 AD7six oo don't like that so much ;)
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:49 AD7six for one the group_id field is in the users table
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:49 alkemann yes. important part of the solution
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:50 jperras AD7six: if Group hasMany User, where else would it be?
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:50 AD7six alkemann: you weren't here when I came in: something that I consider important is that the user data should be seperate from the apps data and logic
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:50 AD7six the same user table is used in the book - the book's permissions are seperate and different
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:51 AD7six and any other apps that are built going forwards
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:51 AD7six and any other apps built going forwards
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:51 AD7six whoo'ps.
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:51 alkemann yes, i agree that this feature would be good.
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:52 ADmad AD7six: yes this was jotted up b4 we had that directive... what changes/alternative do you suggest
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:52 AD7six so user | app data needs to be seperated, and the user-group link would be on the app data side of the divide
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:52 jperras here's what I don't get alkemann: you and ADmad have spec'ed out a permissions system which is nearly identical to ACL in 'controller' authentication mode using a static config.ini file (instead of db), and you want the bakery to roll their own perms. system instead.
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:52 alkemann gwoo wants this app to built as a standalone and not especially made for cakephp.org though
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:53 AD7six ADmad: a role table in the bakery db. user_id, role (group, whatever it should be called) to be used as the lynchpin for acl or the group-finding-model otherwise
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:54 alkemann jperras: sounds like you are very pro the ACL, so i dont know what to say other that this will be much more effective and easier to work with /shurg
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:54 AD7six ADmad: or maybe role would be the same class as app_profile - where you'd also store "email me replies to my comments" and other settings like that.
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:55 AD7six acl isn't hard to use though, it's actually very easy
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:55 alkemann a user_profile that is bound to bakery sounds like an ok solution
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:55 jperras I'm not pro acl at all. Often times I think it's the wrong tool for the job, and will not hesitate to say so
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:55 alkemann this is way 45% of support questions are about acl? :p
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:56 jperras those are usually questions because people are using acl for things it was never designed for