Log message #536842

# At Username Text
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:55 AD7six acl isn't hard to use though, it's actually very easy
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:54 AD7six ADmad: or maybe role would be the same class as app_profile - where you'd also store "email me replies to my comments" and other settings like that.
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:54 alkemann jperras: sounds like you are very pro the ACL, so i dont know what to say other that this will be much more effective and easier to work with /shurg
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:53 AD7six ADmad: a role table in the bakery db. user_id, role (group, whatever it should be called) to be used as the lynchpin for acl or the group-finding-model otherwise
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:52 alkemann gwoo wants this app to built as a standalone and not especially made for cakephp.org though
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:52 jperras here's what I don't get alkemann: you and ADmad have spec'ed out a permissions system which is nearly identical to ACL in 'controller' authentication mode using a static config.ini file (instead of db), and you want the bakery to roll their own perms. system instead.
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:52 AD7six so user | app data needs to be seperated, and the user-group link would be on the app data side of the divide
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:52 ADmad AD7six: yes this was jotted up b4 we had that directive... what changes/alternative do you suggest
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:51 alkemann yes, i agree that this feature would be good.
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:51 AD7six whoo'ps.
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:51 AD7six and any other apps built going forwards
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:51 AD7six and any other apps that are built going forwards
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:50 AD7six the same user table is used in the book - the book's permissions are seperate and different
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:50 AD7six alkemann: you weren't here when I came in: something that I consider important is that the user data should be seperate from the apps data and logic
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:50 jperras AD7six: if Group hasMany User, where else would it be?
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:49 alkemann yes. important part of the solution
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:49 AD7six for one the group_id field is in the users table
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:49 AD7six oo don't like that so much ;)
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:48 jperras bottom of the wiki page, AD7six
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:48 alkemann http://thechaw.com/bakery/wiki/spec/users/Group_permissions
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:48 AD7six I see a description of permissions
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:47 AD7six I don't see where it says how you're going to store and query permissions?
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:47 alkemann the one*
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:47 alkemann AD7six: the we have specced already
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:46 AD7six alkemann: what solution would you suggest
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:46 jperras which the acl behavior supports (ini configuration instead of db config)
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:46 jperras with a static config file
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:46 jperras you're basically implementing a flat tree acl in that description
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:45 alkemann we dont need it.
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:45 jperras I don't see a reason to not use acl here
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:44 alkemann "point to a random"
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:44 alkemann as far as i am concerned, if you can find a reason to not use acl, take it. and the since we dont need to be able to point to give a random user a random right to a random asset, acl is overkill
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:44 jperras of course not. but it's already written, heavily tested, and included in the cake core
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:43 alkemann so acl is the only valid implementation of permissions?
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:43 jperras well, if it sounds like a duck, quacks like a duck, why not use a duck?
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:42 alkemann yes. permission implementations are bound to share descriptions :p
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:41 jperras control user permissions based on their group, and the controller action that they are attempting to use
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:41 jperras alkemann: that first paragraph sounds exactly like what acl does
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:40 alkemann jperras: http://thechaw.com/bakery/wiki/spec/users/Group_permissions
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:39 alkemann we arent useing acl though
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:36 jperras so if we're going all AI, great