Log message #527578

# At Username Text
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:18 alkemann -!+"
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:18 alkemann with rating u can compare two articles that dont cover the same topic. up/down you compare all articles on how is most popular. we can do that with "views!
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:17 alkemann i like the public rating of 1-5. articles being editable, you can try to improve it and ppl can rate again. up or down i more a popularity contest than a rating
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:16 jperras the two are independent
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:16 alkemann yes
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:16 gwoo alkemann: then we need the up/down for the "authorities"
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:16 jperras alkemann: of course not. but a site having a +1, -1 voting system does not make it digg
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:16 alkemann comedy!
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:16 jperras alkemann: yeah, I just needed a segueway to hijack the discussion ;-)
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:15 alkemann bakery is not digg
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:15 jperras gwoo: there's always the binomial scheme of "vote up" and "vote down", e.g. +1 and -1
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:15 alkemann here im not talking about the 1-5, but this behind the scenes publish or not system
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:15 alkemann if you need x amount of points before the article goes public, we could give different power of voting to different user types and for amount of accepted articles
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:15 gwoo what else do you suggest?
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:14 jperras i.e. rating of 1 to 5 stars
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:14 jperras while we're on the topic of article ranking, I was wondering whether or not we are going to keep the same ranking scheme as the previous bakery
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:14 gwoo we can promote people based on how many articles they have written
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:13 gwoo alkemann: i kinda like that
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:13 alkemann and speaking about my coworker Ronny and bakery. he wrote up the article on the Dummy plugin and it is now pending moderation
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:12 alkemann as i said, i'll have him do a write up off it, but i like the general concept at least
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:11 alkemann it will give those accepted authors (who we will accept for quality) a say, spread the power, added level of QA and ease the workload of single moderators
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:09 alkemann great
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:09 jperras alkemann: thanks a ton. this'll help a lot with wireframes
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:09 jperras alkemann: just saw the list of use cases
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:08 alkemann my soon to be partner (in crime, not marriage), had an idea i asked him to write up for the bakery specc. i just got the gist of it, but i think it was something like : when a new article is posted by regular users, everyone above that level can read and rate them. instead of being published by single moderator, they get published after x amount of yes votes or by the rating system. or some such
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:08 gwoo alkemann: yeah its either teknoid, or mariano_iglesias
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:05 alkemann u told me to keep a look out.. i dont know if it's teknoid, but i think some of the latest stuff on bakery is a bit sub par
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:02 alkemann who's gonna read it but us though :p
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:02 alkemann haha
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:02 gwoo oops this channel is logged now
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:02 gwoo except when he was getting blowjobs in the oval office
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:01 gwoo Clinton made people happy
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:01 alkemann and Clinton.. i guess i cant type
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:01 alkemann s/then/them
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:00 gwoo so the 2nd Monday of every February is presidents day
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:00 alkemann if they devide the day between then, i assume Cliton has the "happy hour" ?
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:00 gwoo and Washington is the 15
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:00 gwoo Lincoln's bday is on the 7th
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:00 gwoo really it is to honor Washington and Lincoln
# Feb 16th 2009, 11:00 gwoo yup
# Feb 16th 2009, 10:59 alkemann all of them? heh