Log message #4266526

# At Username Text
# Jun 25th 2021, 13:45 kevin.pfeifer sorry, I can't tell you more here because I never upgraded a cake2 app to 3 ,:) You will have to wait till someone else can maybe help you
# Jun 25th 2021, 13:43 staccato123 I was expecting some problems with the upgrade system, I wasn't expecting it to just not run at all
# Jun 25th 2021, 13:43 staccato123 It isn't huge, but more the point I'm using it as practice for another, much more involved one later
# Jun 25th 2021, 13:41 kevin.pfeifer or if your app isn't that large I would personally just redo everything in cake 4 :)
# Jun 25th 2021, 13:41 staccato123 Exception: Class 'App\Console\Command\AppShell' not found in [/path/to/application/src/Shell/CategoryShell.php, line 4]
# Jun 25th 2021, 13:41 staccato123 I have done that once, but granted I've started again since then. I will again.
# Jun 25th 2021, 13:39 kevin.pfeifer I would also recommend to check your now "transformed" new app with the default cakephp 3 app template https://github.com/cakephp/app/tree/3.x And see where there are differences
# Jun 25th 2021, 13:37 kevin.pfeifer well in cake3 there is no `src/Shell/AppShell.php`, only a https://github.com/cakephp/app/blob/3.x/src/Shell/ConsoleShell.php which doesn't do anything special Do you have custom logic in there? otherwhise i would delete it
# Jun 25th 2021, 13:33 staccato123 https://pastebin.com/AfXSz1fX on the built-in server; similar problem on Apache
# Jun 25th 2021, 13:28 kevin.pfeifer what is the latest error you are now stuck on?
# Jun 25th 2021, 13:25 staccato123 so presumably it it some error introduced in the transformed code
# Jun 25th 2021, 13:25 staccato123 I tried copying my new src dir over a bare install and got the same error
# Jun 25th 2021, 13:25 staccato123 I've done a bare install of cakephp3, and that works, and has both the vendor/autoupload.php file and the zendframework-bridge in, but the latter might not be being called?
# Jun 25th 2021, 13:24 staccato123 which I think is a development of the default one
# Jun 25th 2021, 13:23 staccato123 using dereuromark's upgrade tool
# Jun 25th 2021, 13:23 staccato123 yes
# Jun 25th 2021, 13:20 kevin.pfeifer ah you are going from 2 to 3
# Jun 25th 2021, 13:19 kevin.pfeifer @staccato123 are you trying to upgrade a cakephp app via the rector tool?
# Jun 25th 2021, 13:18 staccato123 I can't see how it could ever work. Including a file that's already been required is always going to cause problems
# Jun 25th 2021, 11:23 Muhammad i am using croogo themes  ,   in the end want to map one theme from the themes plugin to one domain and other theme to another domain while keeping single instance of the croogo.
# Jun 25th 2021, 11:22 Muhammad i am using croogo4
# Jun 25th 2021, 11:21 Muhammad can i map multiple domains on single croogo instance cakephp
# Jun 25th 2021, 11:21 Muhammad hi everyone
# Jun 25th 2021, 10:37 staccato123 should have thought of that
# Jun 25th 2021, 10:37 staccato123 sorry
# Jun 25th 2021, 10:35 staccato123 Ah, it's the /path/to/application/app/vendor/laminas/laminas-zendframework-bridge/src/Autoloader.php file, it calls the vendor/autoload.php again for some reason
# Jun 25th 2021, 10:35 staccato123 )
# Jun 25th 2021, 10:35 staccato123 [function] => require
# Jun 25th 2021, 10:34 staccato123 )
# Jun 25th 2021, 10:34 staccato123 [0] => /path/to/application/app/vendor/autoload.php
# Jun 25th 2021, 10:34 staccato123 (
# Jun 25th 2021, 10:34 staccato123 [args] => Array
# Jun 25th 2021, 10:34 erwane (pastebin please)
# Jun 25th 2021, 10:34 staccato123 [line] => 5
# Jun 25th 2021, 10:34 staccato123 [file] => /path/to/application/app/bin/cake.php
# Jun 25th 2021, 10:34 staccato123 (
# Jun 25th 2021, 10:34 staccato123 [6] => Array
# Jun 25th 2021, 10:34 staccato123 )
# Jun 25th 2021, 10:34 staccato123 )
# Jun 25th 2021, 10:34 staccato123 (
# Jun 25th 2021, 10:34 staccato123 [args] => Array