Log message #4264308

# At Username Text
# May 29th 2021, 21:32 etibor how can i deal in DocumentsTable.php with the StorageModel ? I have never worked with this like before
# May 29th 2021, 21:31 etibor the scenerio is like : Documents have an storage_id, score field(store an int) the maximal and minimal value is stored in the storage Model so Document's score depend on Storage minimal and maximal field
# May 29th 2021, 21:29 kevin.pfeifer an example would be easier i would guess so i don’t describe the “wrong” thing
# May 29th 2021, 21:29 etibor i havent found any description regarding to this
# May 29th 2021, 21:29 etibor how can i implement application validation rule(RulesCheckers) i need to validate one Model depends on ther Model's field value
# May 29th 2021, 21:28 etibor Kevin just one last questrion for today
# May 29th 2021, 21:27 kevin.pfeifer and see which errors/warnings etc. popup and fix them as they come
# May 29th 2021, 21:27 kevin.pfeifer but basically I would just upgrade via composer, set your ```'Error' => [ 'errorLevel' => E_ALL, ]``` in your app.php
# May 29th 2021, 21:26 kevin.pfeifer here is a list of all “deprecated” classes etc. https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/appendices/4-0-migration-guide.html
# May 29th 2021, 21:26 kevin.pfeifer if you are used to cake3 then cake4 is not different at all
# May 29th 2021, 21:25 etibor i hope i will manage not so hard the change
# May 29th 2021, 21:25 etibor well for myself it was a disaster when i used to the 2 and i have to change, but thank you for calming me
# May 29th 2021, 21:24 kevin.pfeifer and as stated - an upgrade from cake3 to cake4 is definetly not as hard as cake2 to cake3
# May 29th 2021, 21:24 kevin.pfeifer but keeping your software up2date is pretty normal I would say ^^
# May 29th 2021, 21:24 kevin.pfeifer i would guess there will be more “public warnings” when the time comes near
# May 29th 2021, 21:23 etibor thank you for warning me for this "dead" line
# May 29th 2021, 21:21 kevin.pfeifer which means now you have 1.5 years
# May 29th 2021, 21:21 etibor ooo
# May 29th 2021, 21:21 kevin.pfeifer so till the end of 2022
# May 29th 2021, 21:21 kevin.pfeifer well 3 years counting from 16 Dec 2019
# May 29th 2021, 21:20 kevin.pfeifer but could be that the core team has decided on some other roadmpa
# May 29th 2021, 21:20 etibor so its means having 3 years for prepare for upgrading
# May 29th 2021, 21:20 kevin.pfeifer so you get 3 years of security fixes for 3.x
# May 29th 2021, 21:19 kevin.pfeifer https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/releases/tag/4.0.0
# May 29th 2021, 21:19 kevin.pfeifer 4.0.0 release on 16 Dec 2019
# May 29th 2021, 21:18 slackebot is released. Our hope is that these time frames give you and your teams ample time to plan and execute an upgrade.
# May 29th 2021, 21:18 kevin.pfeifer Our current plans would make the 3.x to 4.0 upgrade relatively easy. Because of this we don’t currently see many reasons to continue doing 3.x feature releases. This would make 3.6 the last 3.x with the possibility of 3.7 happening. If there is enough community interest in it. Furthermore, we plan on doing supporting 3.x with: • Bug fixes for _18 months_ after 4.0.0. • Security fixes for _36 months_ after 4.0.0
# May 29th 2021, 21:18 kevin.pfeifer https://bakery.cakephp.org/2017/06/23/upcoming-cakephp-roadmap.html
# May 29th 2021, 21:18 kevin.pfeifer well if we look in here
# May 29th 2021, 21:18 etibor sounds not good
# May 29th 2021, 21:17 kevin.pfeifer the fact that cakephp2 just now is going EOL
# May 29th 2021, 21:17 kevin.pfeifer well
# May 29th 2021, 21:16 etibor do you think cake3 will be supported its longer?
# May 29th 2021, 21:08 etibor okey you right no offtopic
# May 29th 2021, 21:07 etibor so i trust i will be able to use cake3 for a while
# May 29th 2021, 21:07 kevin.pfeifer lets continue in a thread or in a DM to not distrub all others here in the support channel, ok^^
# May 29th 2021, 21:07 etibor and i remember that i gave up my first app without finishing, and began everything from scratch
# May 29th 2021, 21:06 etibor i began my first app in cake2 the time when it was the master version
# May 29th 2021, 21:05 etibor just one thing i worry a lot, its the upgrading to 4, my application becames huge, i am afraid it will not possible to convert simle way
# May 29th 2021, 21:05 kevin.pfeifer working solutions (even badly designed/implemented) are better than no solutions :) but if you already know that there is a “better way” then you can at least take the time later on to improve and refactor your app
# May 29th 2021, 21:04 etibor sometimes my solution are not the most smooth and elegant but keep working to learn