Log message #4263781

# At Username Text
# May 21st 2021, 10:42 paolo.bragagni I'fd like to use m plugin as 'base' for authentication and authorization to keep the APP as clean as possible
# May 21st 2021, 09:59 ndm The former would also avoid problems with your modifier, as only the ORM query builder will nest complex count queries.
# May 21st 2021, 09:58 ndm If you don't need to use any ORM features for your count query, then your best bet might be to use the lower level database query builder instead of the ORM one. Another workaround could be to dynamically load the table with a different alias, and unload the behavior on that alias.
# May 21st 2021, 09:47 ndm There probably is no overly straightforward way, as it applies for all queries of table, and joins and formatters for translations are being added in the `Model.beforeFind` event.
# May 21st 2021, 09:44 thomas465 oh, neat, what about a clean way of disabling translations where they are not needed ?
# May 21st 2021, 09:43 ndm @thomas465 You can use the query builder's `counter()` method to define a custom count query. https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/orm/query-builder.html#returning-the-total-count-of-records
# May 21st 2021, 09:40 paolo.bragagni it works!! great!
# May 21st 2021, 09:40 ndm I don't think so, IIRC that's only required on application level.
# May 21st 2021, 09:38 paolo.bragagni no 'authorization' path somewhere in my plugin template?
# May 21st 2021, 09:38 thomas465 sorry, fails with ` Syntax error or access violation: 1234 Incorrect usage/placement of ‘SQL_NO_CACHE’`
# May 21st 2021, 09:38 slackebot (SELECT sql_no_cache `Products`.`id` AS `Produ```
# May 21st 2021, 09:38 thomas465 Regarding pagination, i have a rather large query that i need paginated, the problem is that the count method in the Paginator uses the complete query, including translation tables. It always fails when giving the query a modifier like ```$query = $query->where(['Products.is_active' => true])->select([ 'id', 'name', 'children_count'], false)->modifier('sql_no_cache');``` fails with ```SELECT (COUNT(*)) AS `count` FROM
# May 21st 2021, 09:34 ndm See also https://book.cakephp.org/bake/2/en/development.html#creating-a-bake-theme
# May 21st 2021, 09:33 ndm Given the paths in the authorization plugin, the path inside your theme plugin should be `templates/bake/policy.twig` and `templates/bake/element/entity_methods.twig`.
# May 21st 2021, 09:31 paolo.bragagni (and I'd like to insert the modified twig policy template in a plugin)
# May 21st 2021, 09:30 paolo.bragagni I'd like to insert something in before method and add all my standard actions
# May 21st 2021, 09:29 paolo.bragagni I have to modify the template
# May 21st 2021, 09:21 ndm @paolo.bragagni Do you plan to modify the templates? If not, then you don't need to touch them.
# May 21st 2021, 08:43 paolo.bragagni and I'd like to put the policy.twig and entity_methods.twig inside a plugin
# May 21st 2021, 08:43 paolo.bragagni found this https://github.com/cakephp/authorization/issues/138 but doesnt work in cakephp 4
# May 21st 2021, 07:14 paolo.bragagni Hi there is a way to bake a authorization policy taking the template from a plugin?
# May 20th 2021, 23:56 khalil And I can't find one that works with 4.2
# May 20th 2021, 23:55 khalil There are a couple that work with 3.x
# May 20th 2021, 23:55 khalil Guys is there any datatables plugin that works with cake 4.2 ?
# May 20th 2021, 23:10 ndm no problem
# May 20th 2021, 23:02 khalil Sorry for wasting your time!
# May 20th 2021, 23:02 khalil Naming convention of has and belongs to many always confuses me with which should plural and which not
# May 20th 2021, 23:01 khalil And I was working on the wrong file
# May 20th 2021, 23:01 khalil I guess one was auto generated
# May 20th 2021, 23:01 khalil for some reason, I have ProductSize and ProductsSize Entities
# May 20th 2021, 23:01 khalil '_joinData' => object(App\Model\Entity\ProductsSize)
# May 20th 2021, 23:00 khalil Here's what was wrong
# May 20th 2021, 23:00 khalil Ok it worked now
# May 20th 2021, 22:59 khalil Let me try this
# May 20th 2021, 22:59 khalil One sec guys, I noticed something
# May 20th 2021, 22:59 khalil No I'm saying that because `protected _virtual => [ ]`
# May 20th 2021, 22:58 greg138 Because there's a *lot* of those, and not all should be empty...
# May 20th 2021, 22:58 greg138 Is it really an empty array, or just saying that because it says `'[virtual]' => [ ]`?
# May 20th 2021, 22:56 khalil protected _virtual is an empty array
# May 20th 2021, 22:55 slackebot ]` `protected _registryAlias => 'ProductsSizes'` `}`
# May 20th 2021, 22:55 slackebot => [ ]` `'[hasErrors]' => *false*` `'[errors]' => [ ]` `'[invalid]' => [ ]` `'[repository]' => 'ProductsSizes'` `protected _accessible => [ ]` `protected _fields => [ ]` `protected _original => [ ]` `protected _hidden => [ ]` `protected _virtual => [ ]` `protected _dirty => [ ]` `protected _accessors => [ ]` `protected _new => *false*` `protected _errors => [ ]` `protected _invalid => [