Log message #4263774

# At Username Text
# May 21st 2021, 09:40 ndm I don't think so, IIRC that's only required on application level.
# May 21st 2021, 09:38 paolo.bragagni no 'authorization' path somewhere in my plugin template?
# May 21st 2021, 09:38 thomas465 sorry, fails with ` Syntax error or access violation: 1234 Incorrect usage/placement of ‘SQL_NO_CACHE’`
# May 21st 2021, 09:38 slackebot (SELECT sql_no_cache `Products`.`id` AS `Produ```
# May 21st 2021, 09:38 thomas465 Regarding pagination, i have a rather large query that i need paginated, the problem is that the count method in the Paginator uses the complete query, including translation tables. It always fails when giving the query a modifier like ```$query = $query->where(['Products.is_active' => true])->select([ 'id', 'name', 'children_count'], false)->modifier('sql_no_cache');``` fails with ```SELECT (COUNT(*)) AS `count` FROM
# May 21st 2021, 09:34 ndm See also https://book.cakephp.org/bake/2/en/development.html#creating-a-bake-theme
# May 21st 2021, 09:33 ndm Given the paths in the authorization plugin, the path inside your theme plugin should be `templates/bake/policy.twig` and `templates/bake/element/entity_methods.twig`.
# May 21st 2021, 09:31 paolo.bragagni (and I'd like to insert the modified twig policy template in a plugin)
# May 21st 2021, 09:30 paolo.bragagni I'd like to insert something in before method and add all my standard actions
# May 21st 2021, 09:29 paolo.bragagni I have to modify the template
# May 21st 2021, 09:21 ndm @paolo.bragagni Do you plan to modify the templates? If not, then you don't need to touch them.
# May 21st 2021, 08:43 paolo.bragagni and I'd like to put the policy.twig and entity_methods.twig inside a plugin
# May 21st 2021, 08:43 paolo.bragagni found this https://github.com/cakephp/authorization/issues/138 but doesnt work in cakephp 4
# May 21st 2021, 07:14 paolo.bragagni Hi there is a way to bake a authorization policy taking the template from a plugin?
# May 20th 2021, 23:56 khalil And I can't find one that works with 4.2
# May 20th 2021, 23:55 khalil There are a couple that work with 3.x
# May 20th 2021, 23:55 khalil Guys is there any datatables plugin that works with cake 4.2 ?
# May 20th 2021, 23:10 ndm no problem
# May 20th 2021, 23:02 khalil Sorry for wasting your time!
# May 20th 2021, 23:02 khalil Naming convention of has and belongs to many always confuses me with which should plural and which not
# May 20th 2021, 23:01 khalil And I was working on the wrong file
# May 20th 2021, 23:01 khalil I guess one was auto generated
# May 20th 2021, 23:01 khalil for some reason, I have ProductSize and ProductsSize Entities
# May 20th 2021, 23:01 khalil '_joinData' => object(App\Model\Entity\ProductsSize)
# May 20th 2021, 23:00 khalil Here's what was wrong
# May 20th 2021, 23:00 khalil Ok it worked now
# May 20th 2021, 22:59 khalil Let me try this
# May 20th 2021, 22:59 khalil One sec guys, I noticed something
# May 20th 2021, 22:59 khalil No I'm saying that because `protected _virtual => [ ]`
# May 20th 2021, 22:58 greg138 Because there's a *lot* of those, and not all should be empty...
# May 20th 2021, 22:58 greg138 Is it really an empty array, or just saying that because it says `'[virtual]' => [ ]`?
# May 20th 2021, 22:56 khalil protected _virtual is an empty array
# May 20th 2021, 22:55 slackebot ]` `protected _registryAlias => 'ProductsSizes'` `}`
# May 20th 2021, 22:55 slackebot => [ ]` `'[hasErrors]' => *false*` `'[errors]' => [ ]` `'[invalid]' => [ ]` `'[repository]' => 'ProductsSizes'` `protected _accessible => [ ]` `protected _fields => [ ]` `protected _original => [ ]` `protected _hidden => [ ]` `protected _virtual => [ ]` `protected _dirty => [ ]` `protected _accessors => [ ]` `protected _new => *false*` `protected _errors => [ ]` `protected _invalid => [
# May 20th 2021, 22:55 khalil `'_joinData' => object(App\Model\Entity\ProductsSize) id:*1* {'id' => (int) *23*` `'size_id' => '10'` `'product_id' => (int) *53*` `'width' => '10.000'` `'height' => '20.000'` `'length' => '30.000'` `'weight' => '40.000'` `'price' => '50.00'` `'stock' => (int) *12*` `'is_default' => *false*` `'[new]' => *false*` `'[accessible]' => [ ]` `'[dirty]' => [ ]` `'[original]' => [ ]` `'[virtual]'
# May 20th 2021, 22:53 khalil Wait i'll show you the results of that
# May 20th 2021, 22:53 ndm I mean inside of the `_getLocalPrice` method
# May 20th 2021, 22:52 khalil The price in the db does contain the value, and I can access it in the template
# May 20th 2021, 22:51 ndm Have you debugged it? Like, whether the method is being invoked, and whether the price contains the correct value?
# May 20th 2021, 22:50 khalil I have no idea, It returns null
# May 20th 2021, 22:50 ndm And how did that fail?