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May 19th 2021, 10:17 |
me1367 |
r.i.p |
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May 19th 2021, 10:17 |
neon1024 |
Good point, my `auth` finder does use some of these |
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May 19th 2021, 10:17 |
ndm |
@me1367 JSON functions can be generated like any other methods via the functions builder... aside from that, there's no specific JSON support. |
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May 19th 2021, 10:13 |
ndm |
@neon1024 Maybe whatever models are involved, are being constructed earlier, maybe in your policies, and/or for resolving identities... Put a debug or a breakpoint in their `initialize()` method to figure whether initialization happens before the listener is registered. |
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May 19th 2021, 10:11 |
me1367 |
Quick question... Does CakePHP's ORM have support for this feature in MariaDB? https://mariadb.com/database-topics/semi-structured-data/ |
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May 19th 2021, 10:11 |
neon1024 |
As we deployed the 4.0.10 upgrade to prod already and it’s fine |
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May 19th 2021, 10:10 |
neon1024 |
It worked fine until I added the Authorization plugin |
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May 19th 2021, 10:10 |
neon1024 |
It’s the first thing in the method |
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May 19th 2021, 10:10 |
neon1024 |
I am using `\App\Controller\Admin\AppController::initialize` |
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May 19th 2021, 10:10 |
ndm |
Might depend on when you register that listener, the event will only be triggered once for each table alias when its constructed, so if you register it too late, it won't be invoked. |
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May 19th 2021, 10:07 |
neon1024 |
I added a `pr()` to the `setCurrentOrganisation` method to see how often it was called. Unless Crud doesn’t instantiate the table classes any more :thinking_face: |
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May 19th 2021, 10:06 |
neon1024 |
The next thing.. always another.. is that `EventManager::instance()->on('Model.initialize', [$this, 'setCurrentOrganisation']);` doesn’t seem to be called for any Table classes any more except `Requests` and `Panels` from DebugKit. |
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May 19th 2021, 10:05 |
neon1024 |
Yes, super, thanks very much @kevin.pfeifer |
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May 19th 2021, 09:40 |
kevin.pfeifer |
it should then redirect without the need to extend the middleware and use your own try catch block |
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May 19th 2021, 09:30 |
neon1024 |
:thumbsup: |
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May 19th 2021, 09:22 |
kevin.pfeifer |
as stated in https://book.cakephp.org/authorization/2/en/middleware.html#handling-unauthorized-requests |
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May 19th 2021, 09:22 |
slackebot |
],``` |
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May 19th 2021, 09:22 |
kevin.pfeifer |
I just checked your screenshot again and it seems you misplaced the `exceptions` array. It should be inside the `unatuhorizedHandler` array like that ``` 'unauthorizedHandler' => [ 'className' => 'Authorization.Redirect', 'url' => '/users/login', 'queryParam' => 'redirectUrl', 'exceptions' => [ MissingIdentityException::class, OtherException::class, ], |
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May 19th 2021, 09:13 |
neon1024 |
Dirty, but it works |
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May 19th 2021, 08:59 |
neon1024 |
Well I have a meeting. Thanks for the help though, really appreciated it. This is the start of Day 2 trying to get this Authorization plugin working ,:) |
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May 19th 2021, 08:58 |
neon1024 |
I tried catching the instantiation of the service also, but as it’s middleware, you can’t |
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May 19th 2021, 08:57 |
neon1024 |
Otherwise I guess we can’t use the Authorization plugin as it basically doesn’t work |
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May 19th 2021, 08:57 |
neon1024 |
That’s why I thought I’d just extend the class and I can catch that exception myself |
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May 19th 2021, 08:56 |
neon1024 |
Ah a short class name is no help `use Authorization\Exception\ForbiddenException;` |
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May 19th 2021, 08:56 |
neon1024 |
Looks the same |
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May 19th 2021, 08:56 |
slackebot |
<neon1024> |
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May 19th 2021, 08:55 |
kevin.pfeifer |
is it probably a different exception then the one i wrote above? |
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May 19th 2021, 08:53 |
neon1024 |
Well, I’ll see once my Docker containers are done crashing. That `docker.hyperkit` ruins my Macbook |
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May 19th 2021, 08:52 |
neon1024 |
Odd, I am still just getting an exception |
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May 19th 2021, 08:50 |
neon1024 |
I guess this is the hook https://github.com/cakephp/authorization/blob/2.1.0/src/Middleware/AuthorizationMiddleware.php#L134-L140 |
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May 19th 2021, 08:50 |
neon1024 |
Making work for conference speakers :P |
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May 19th 2021, 08:49 |
kevin.pfeifer |
yea, we definitely need to adjust the doc |
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May 19th 2021, 08:49 |
neon1024 |
Magic methods and now secret configuration! |
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May 19th 2021, 08:49 |
neon1024 |
Bit annoying that it’s not in the docblock :( |
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May 19th 2021, 08:49 |
kevin.pfeifer |
which for authorization is `\Authorization\Exception\ForbiddenException` |
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May 19th 2021, 08:48 |
kevin.pfeifer |
yea and in there you can extend the exceptions array which should be caught and then redirected |
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May 19th 2021, 08:48 |
slackebot |
<neon1024> |
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May 19th 2021, 08:48 |
neon1024 |
Yes, same! |
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May 19th 2021, 08:47 |
kevin.pfeifer |
we had a similar issue on monday :) |
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May 19th 2021, 08:47 |
slackebot |
<kevin.pfeifer> |
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May 19th 2021, 08:47 |
neon1024 |
Ahok, fair enough, Easily done! |