Log message #4263561

# At Username Text
# May 19th 2021, 10:07 neon1024 I added a `pr()` to the `setCurrentOrganisation` method to see how often it was called. Unless Crud doesn’t instantiate the table classes any more :thinking_face:
# May 19th 2021, 10:06 neon1024 The next thing.. always another.. is that `EventManager::instance()->on('Model.initialize', [$this, 'setCurrentOrganisation']);` doesn’t seem to be called for any Table classes any more except `Requests` and `Panels` from DebugKit.
# May 19th 2021, 10:05 neon1024 Yes, super, thanks very much @kevin.pfeifer
# May 19th 2021, 09:40 kevin.pfeifer it should then redirect without the need to extend the middleware and use your own try catch block
# May 19th 2021, 09:30 neon1024 :thumbsup:
# May 19th 2021, 09:22 kevin.pfeifer as stated in https://book.cakephp.org/authorization/2/en/middleware.html#handling-unauthorized-requests
# May 19th 2021, 09:22 slackebot ],```
# May 19th 2021, 09:22 kevin.pfeifer I just checked your screenshot again and it seems you misplaced the `exceptions` array. It should be inside the `unatuhorizedHandler` array like that ``` 'unauthorizedHandler' => [ 'className' => 'Authorization.Redirect', 'url' => '/users/login', 'queryParam' => 'redirectUrl', 'exceptions' => [ MissingIdentityException::class, OtherException::class, ],
# May 19th 2021, 09:13 neon1024 Dirty, but it works
# May 19th 2021, 08:59 neon1024 Well I have a meeting. Thanks for the help though, really appreciated it. This is the start of Day 2 trying to get this Authorization plugin working ,:)
# May 19th 2021, 08:58 neon1024 I tried catching the instantiation of the service also, but as it’s middleware, you can’t
# May 19th 2021, 08:57 neon1024 Otherwise I guess we can’t use the Authorization plugin as it basically doesn’t work
# May 19th 2021, 08:57 neon1024 That’s why I thought I’d just extend the class and I can catch that exception myself
# May 19th 2021, 08:56 neon1024 Ah a short class name is no help `use Authorization\Exception\ForbiddenException;`
# May 19th 2021, 08:56 neon1024 Looks the same
# May 19th 2021, 08:56 slackebot <neon1024>
# May 19th 2021, 08:55 kevin.pfeifer is it probably a different exception then the one i wrote above?
# May 19th 2021, 08:53 neon1024 Well, I’ll see once my Docker containers are done crashing. That `docker.hyperkit` ruins my Macbook
# May 19th 2021, 08:52 neon1024 Odd, I am still just getting an exception
# May 19th 2021, 08:50 neon1024 I guess this is the hook https://github.com/cakephp/authorization/blob/2.1.0/src/Middleware/AuthorizationMiddleware.php#L134-L140
# May 19th 2021, 08:50 neon1024 Making work for conference speakers :P
# May 19th 2021, 08:49 kevin.pfeifer yea, we definitely need to adjust the doc
# May 19th 2021, 08:49 neon1024 Magic methods and now secret configuration!
# May 19th 2021, 08:49 neon1024 Bit annoying that it’s not in the docblock :(
# May 19th 2021, 08:49 kevin.pfeifer which for authorization is `\Authorization\Exception\ForbiddenException`
# May 19th 2021, 08:48 kevin.pfeifer yea and in there you can extend the exceptions array which should be caught and then redirected
# May 19th 2021, 08:48 slackebot <neon1024>
# May 19th 2021, 08:48 neon1024 Yes, same!
# May 19th 2021, 08:47 kevin.pfeifer we had a similar issue on monday :)
# May 19th 2021, 08:47 slackebot <kevin.pfeifer>
# May 19th 2021, 08:47 neon1024 Ahok, fair enough, Easily done!
# May 19th 2021, 08:47 kevin.pfeifer its an options available on the authorization middleware
# May 19th 2021, 08:46 kevin.pfeifer ah sorry, i mixed up authentication and authorization again
# May 19th 2021, 08:45 neon1024 https://github.com/cakephp/authentication/blob/2.6.1/src/Middleware/AuthenticationMiddleware.php#L49-L50
# May 19th 2021, 08:45 neon1024 I only see a redirect which I have included
# May 19th 2021, 08:44 neon1024 I don’t see that option, let me double check
# May 19th 2021, 08:43 kevin.pfeifer you need to add the `\Authorization\Exception\ForbiddenException` to the `unauthorizedHandler` option set in the authenticationmiddleware
# May 19th 2021, 08:43 neon1024 Feels like a dead-end
# May 19th 2021, 08:43 neon1024 Even then, I’m unsure how you’d redirect a user from a middleware
# May 19th 2021, 08:41 neon1024 All I can think is to extend the class and catch the exception myself in the custom class
# May 19th 2021, 08:40 neon1024 Unless I’m mistaken there seems to be a bug in the Authorization plugin’s RequestAuthorizationMiddleware. If you load it, and hit a url without an indentity, you get an Exception. However, it’s not possible to catch that exception and redirect the user to create an indentity (login)