Log message #4228298

# At Username Text
# Feb 23rd 2020, 16:34 hollistergraham123 Is there a way to change the output of associations. Like rather then being like post->categories being an array of categories we’d do post->categories then an array of categories and _ids with categories being an array of the categories objects and _ids being an array of their primary key
# Feb 23rd 2020, 15:25 matthttam @admad It is using the new auth plugin.
# Feb 23rd 2020, 14:48 noel Hi all. I'm about to try out the ORM's transactions: https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/orm/database-basics.html#using-transactions. I'm using `friendsofcake/CRUD`. Can I implement a transaction within the `beforeSave()`event listener? I'm concerned that it might somehow interfere with the actual save?
# Feb 23rd 2020, 06:52 challgren authentication/authorization now @admad
# Feb 23rd 2020, 06:35 admad I have never used the cakedc/users plugin so don't know if the cake 4 compatible version uses the new auth plugin or still the core AuthComponent hence can't tell how to configure it to use the custom finder
# Feb 23rd 2020, 05:29 slackebot that I can add a new finder name?...Or is there a place in the config to set this value? What am I passing to it exactly? Should userModel be changed to MyUsers? I'm assuming 'finder' would be set to whatever custom function I used in the previous paragraph; 'FindMyUsers' for example. Thanks again for the help though. I'm learning quickly but still feel very slow right now.
# Feb 23rd 2020, 05:29 slackebot that. I found the Custom Finder Methods from the documentation. So maybe a function like FindMyUsers? I'm not sure what to name it. I'm assuming it can use the code above to get the appropriate data though. _and use `finder` config of `OrmResolver` of the auth plugin to use that finder_ I'm looking at the source of authentication/src/Identifier/Resolver/OrmResolver now. I sort of get it but don't understand. Where would I need to call OrmResolver so
# Feb 23rd 2020, 05:29 matthttam @admad Thanks for the response :) I hope you like questions because I understood some of what you said but man I am confused. _setup association between your users model and profiles model._ The Model/Table/MyUsersTable which extends the CakeDC\Users\Model\Table\UsersTable has an association which is allowing the above code to work. So I think that is done. _Then create a custom finder in users which contains the profile_ Thank you for
# Feb 23rd 2020, 04:55 admad @matthttam setup association between your users model and profiles model. Then create a custom finder in users which contains the profile and use `finder` config of `OrmResolver` of the auth plugin to use that finder
# Feb 23rd 2020, 03:45 matthttam Maybe I should be storing this value in the session data on some kind of afterLogon hook....
# Feb 23rd 2020, 03:42 slackebot `         `$user = $Users->get($current_user_id, [`             `'contain' => ['Profiles']`         `]);`         `$api_key = $user->profile->freshservice_api_key;`         `$this->set(compact('api_key'));`
# Feb 23rd 2020, 03:42 slackebot configure that the Users table should always use a different class and entityclass? `// Query Users Table`         `$Users = (new TableLocator())->get('Users', [`             `'className' => 'App\Model\Table\MyUsersTable',`             `'entityClass' => 'App\Model\Entity\MyUser',`         `]);`         `$current_user_id = $this->getRequest()->getAttribute('identity')['id'];` `       
# Feb 23rd 2020, 03:42 matthttam So I'm using CakeDC/Users plugin and I've extended the table and entity by creating MyUsersTable and MyUser. This is to create a Profiles table that link and store additional values; I didn't want to modify the users table directly honestly. So if I wanted to query the Users table and pull an API key stored in their profile this is the best I could come up with. Is there a cleaner way to do this or that about right? Like is there a way to
# Feb 22nd 2020, 22:06 cnizzardini Also does anyone know where I tell cake what the token it should be using is for Authentication.Token
# Feb 22nd 2020, 21:33 cnizzardini Has anyone implemented the cakedc/users plugin as an api service? or does it strictly require html views etc..
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:18 matthttam And I just found the log/error.log file. :) I am so slow sometimes.
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:11 matthttam So my app is throwing an error and I want to export a stacktrace. Debug kit shows a Missing Datasource Configuration exception. How do I make a stacktrace file? I don't know where to put a debugger command so that it generates an actual stacktrace.
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:09 matthttam :+1:@davinci No problem. Good luck
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:08 davinci ok, thanks much. I'm headed in the right direction now
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:08 matthttam You either need to figure out the environment variable that changes where it is looking for php. or make a link there so it'll work. I'm not sure how or which is best honestly.
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:06 davinci ah - that's no good
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:06 matthttam it is looking in /usr/bin/php for your php install.
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:06 davinci `/c/wamp64/bin/php/php7.4.0/php`
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:06 matthttam can you do a _which php_
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:05 davinci @matthttam now it says `bash: bin/cake.php: /usr/bin/php: bad interpreter: No such file or directory`
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:05 matthttam :,)Good cause I was very confused lol
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:05 davinci oh, sec - moved up into bin.
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:05 davinci I'm in the main directory of my app
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:04 matthttam uhh... do a pwd for me... are you in the right directory?
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:04 davinci @matthttam when I try `bin/cake.php` it just says: `bash: bin/cake.php: No such file or directory`
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:00 matthttam @davinci When you run cake.php do you have to do _php bin/cake.php_ or are you able to just do _bin/cake.php_?
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:55 davinci but trying to figure out why I wouldn't then also be able to run just `bin/cake`
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:55 davinci I CAN run `php bin/cake.php`
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:54 davinci I think it's called mintty
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:54 davinci MINGW64
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:54 davinci I'm running it in windows10, in the git cli app
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:53 chris301 basically, in a test scenario i don’t care about the aftersave data funcitonality for a test, and don’t want to have to mock all of the other things required in there
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:53 chris301 so, quick question - is there still a way of disabling aftersaves from being triggered?
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:52 slackebot <matthttam>
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:52 matthttam Mine are slightly different but it shouldn't matter... and you are running this from within Windows 10 ubuntu?
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:51 slackebot <davinci>