Log message #4228290

# At Username Text
# Feb 23rd 2020, 04:55 admad @matthttam setup association between your users model and profiles model. Then create a custom finder in users which contains the profile and use `finder` config of `OrmResolver` of the auth plugin to use that finder
# Feb 23rd 2020, 03:45 matthttam Maybe I should be storing this value in the session data on some kind of afterLogon hook....
# Feb 23rd 2020, 03:42 slackebot `         `$user = $Users->get($current_user_id, [`             `'contain' => ['Profiles']`         `]);`         `$api_key = $user->profile->freshservice_api_key;`         `$this->set(compact('api_key'));`
# Feb 23rd 2020, 03:42 slackebot configure that the Users table should always use a different class and entityclass? `// Query Users Table`         `$Users = (new TableLocator())->get('Users', [`             `'className' => 'App\Model\Table\MyUsersTable',`             `'entityClass' => 'App\Model\Entity\MyUser',`         `]);`         `$current_user_id = $this->getRequest()->getAttribute('identity')['id'];` `       
# Feb 23rd 2020, 03:42 matthttam So I'm using CakeDC/Users plugin and I've extended the table and entity by creating MyUsersTable and MyUser. This is to create a Profiles table that link and store additional values; I didn't want to modify the users table directly honestly. So if I wanted to query the Users table and pull an API key stored in their profile this is the best I could come up with. Is there a cleaner way to do this or that about right? Like is there a way to
# Feb 22nd 2020, 22:06 cnizzardini Also does anyone know where I tell cake what the token it should be using is for Authentication.Token
# Feb 22nd 2020, 21:33 cnizzardini Has anyone implemented the cakedc/users plugin as an api service? or does it strictly require html views etc..
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:18 matthttam And I just found the log/error.log file. :) I am so slow sometimes.
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:11 matthttam So my app is throwing an error and I want to export a stacktrace. Debug kit shows a Missing Datasource Configuration exception. How do I make a stacktrace file? I don't know where to put a debugger command so that it generates an actual stacktrace.
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:09 matthttam :+1:@davinci No problem. Good luck
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:08 davinci ok, thanks much. I'm headed in the right direction now
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:08 matthttam You either need to figure out the environment variable that changes where it is looking for php. or make a link there so it'll work. I'm not sure how or which is best honestly.
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:06 davinci ah - that's no good
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:06 matthttam it is looking in /usr/bin/php for your php install.
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:06 davinci `/c/wamp64/bin/php/php7.4.0/php`
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:06 matthttam can you do a _which php_
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:05 davinci @matthttam now it says `bash: bin/cake.php: /usr/bin/php: bad interpreter: No such file or directory`
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:05 matthttam :,)Good cause I was very confused lol
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:05 davinci oh, sec - moved up into bin.
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:05 davinci I'm in the main directory of my app
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:04 matthttam uhh... do a pwd for me... are you in the right directory?
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:04 davinci @matthttam when I try `bin/cake.php` it just says: `bash: bin/cake.php: No such file or directory`
# Feb 22nd 2020, 18:00 matthttam @davinci When you run cake.php do you have to do _php bin/cake.php_ or are you able to just do _bin/cake.php_?
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:55 davinci but trying to figure out why I wouldn't then also be able to run just `bin/cake`
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:55 davinci I CAN run `php bin/cake.php`
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:54 davinci I think it's called mintty
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:54 davinci MINGW64
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:54 davinci I'm running it in windows10, in the git cli app
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:53 chris301 basically, in a test scenario i don’t care about the aftersave data funcitonality for a test, and don’t want to have to mock all of the other things required in there
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:53 chris301 so, quick question - is there still a way of disabling aftersaves from being triggered?
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:52 slackebot <matthttam>
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:52 matthttam Mine are slightly different but it shouldn't matter... and you are running this from within Windows 10 ubuntu?
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:51 slackebot <davinci>
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:51 matthttam "ls -ls"
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:50 slackebot <davinci>
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:50 matthttam Can you do an ls -ls on bin/ and ensure that the permissions on cake are correct?
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:49 davinci Trying to install CakePHP 4, and all seems well. I have the welcome app page up and running. But I can't use `bin/cake` . It just throws: `Could not open input file: /C/Users/Documents/mysite/bin/cake.php`
# Feb 22nd 2020, 17:28 matthttam @admad Sure. Uhh. the debug_kit page shows a stack trace... not sure how to export that in a meaningful way.
# Feb 22nd 2020, 16:19 admad @matthttam sorry but the info you have provided in the issue is not enough for me to be able to provide any useful response. Maybe if you provide an actual stack trace it might be helpful
# Feb 22nd 2020, 16:12 ndm Looks like + is special: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/decodeURIComponent#Decoding_query_parameters_from_a_URL
# Feb 22nd 2020, 16:10 wizardfix That doesn't work for spaces though: `$this->response = $this->response->withCookie(new Cookie('email', 'words with spaces'));` results in ```document.cookie "email=words+with+spaces" decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); "email=words+with+spaces"```