Log message #4192771

# At Username Text
# Jul 11th 2019, 00:07 dereuromark see https://github.com/dereuromark/cakephp-sandbox/tree/master/config and the bootstrap loading them.
# Jul 11th 2019, 00:06 dereuromark I personally name them differently to clarify this
# Jul 11th 2019, 00:06 dereuromark it is the app local file
# Jul 11th 2019, 00:03 noel why is `config/app.php` included in `.gitignore`?
# Jul 10th 2019, 23:26 challgren and vendor/bin/*
# Jul 10th 2019, 23:26 cleptric *I also use this guide all the time :)
# Jul 10th 2019, 23:26 challgren you’d have to edit the shebang in ./bin/cake
# Jul 10th 2019, 23:26 cleptric I gave up on MAMP a while ago. It has way to many problems. As brew became more and more stable recently, I second @challgren guide and recommend you give it a try :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 10th 2019, 23:19 cleptric There is no need for a cake plugin. Our implementation required one custom authenticator (AuthComponent) only. Well, an access token gives you access to a specific scope and doesn't contain any information to properly authenticate a user. But it really depends what you are going to use OAuth for. Some grant types can be used for authentication as well
# Jul 10th 2019, 23:15 noel Is there not perhaps a way to force bake to use a particular version of PHP?
# Jul 10th 2019, 23:14 noel Thanks but I'm sold on MAMP.
# Jul 10th 2019, 22:37 challgren @noel https://getgrav.org/blog/macos-mojave-apache-multiple-php-versions this is a great resource for Mac users
# Jul 10th 2019, 22:33 noel It seems that `bin/cake bake` is using the default version of PHP that ships with mojave (which is 7.1.23 without `intl`). So it's not using the version of php I've specified in my `~/.profile`.
# Jul 10th 2019, 22:14 noel Also I've had to change macs and I've run into the whole `intl` problem again. Can't run cake bake because `intl` extension is not enabled. However if I do `php -m` at the shell I can see `intl` in that list. How do I solve this?
# Jul 10th 2019, 22:06 noel Hi guys. Any chance of an updated Sublime Text package for CakePHP?
# Jul 10th 2019, 17:26 dereuromark I opened some docs issues on the missing data. If only I had a bit more time then I would do it myself.
# Jul 10th 2019, 17:16 dereuromark bibel23
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:28 neon1024 So this matches an expiry or null
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:27 neon1024 So I used `notMatching()` and then looked for the condition
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:27 neon1024 I ended up with this
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:27 slackebot <neon1024>
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:26 neon1024 It’s like saying I want this Article, but I want none or many associations, and using matching removes the parent record, right?
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:26 neon1024 I didn’t, but I have it in a project
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:25 neon1024 Let me check
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:25 neon1024 I think I blogged it
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:25 neon1024 I had to use an inverse not matching
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:25 neon1024 Oh so you want to optionally get associations?
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:24 waspinator right but I'm filtering articles based on associations, not just excluding associated data. I think I need to look at `leftJoinWith`
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:24 neon1024 That’s the approach I use anyway. If I’ve understood your use-case correctly that is 8)
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:23 slackebot <neon1024>
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:22 neon1024 Or better yet, use a custom finder on the table
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:22 neon1024 If you wanted to stipulate ‘new’ you’d use a callback in the contain to add a where condition
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:22 neon1024 Using contain will get you all associations
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:21 neon1024 It’s my understanding that that’s literally it’s job
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:21 neon1024 Yeah, you’re using inner join
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:20 waspinator when I have both the `innerJoinWith` the article has to have a new `comment` AND a new `tag` to be included in the results
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:19 waspinator well if an article only has a new comment I still want it
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:19 neon1024 $this->Articles->find()->contain([‘Comments’, ‘Tags’])`
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:19 neon1024 Like, logically they’d be equal right?
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:19 neon1024 Wouldn’t that be an and?
# Jul 10th 2019, 15:09 waspinator can you have two `->innerJoinWith`s do an `or` instead of an `and`? for example find all `articles` with new `comments` or new `tags`