Log message #4171096

# At Username Text
# Dec 27th 2018, 09:23 yamcomnet trying to fix deprecations: Plugin::load() is deprecated. Use Application::addPlugin()
# Dec 27th 2018, 09:23 chan hi everyone, i want to get last id of table mysql with cakephp 2 coding. i try the following coding, but didn't work. ``` $this->ModelName->id; $record_id=$this->ModelName->getLastInsertID(); ``` so, can you help me to get the last id for table. thanks.
# Dec 27th 2018, 09:15 challgren test received
# Dec 27th 2018, 09:13 savant test
# Dec 27th 2018, 09:13 savant test
# Oct 10th 2018, 01:57 blancessanchez30 how to do beforefilter before ajax call in cakephp 3
# Oct 10th 2018, 01:57 blancessanchez30 good morning
# Oct 9th 2018, 22:17 sdevore I use ‘hidden’ ;)
# Oct 9th 2018, 22:13 rightscoreanalysis great thanks, I think it works now
# Oct 9th 2018, 22:11 bmudda @rightscoreanalysis Yes according to the docs, that's correct.
# Oct 9th 2018, 22:00 rightscoreanalysis in order to update
# Oct 9th 2018, 22:00 rightscoreanalysis @bmudda so if Tags is my hasMany data do I need: echo $this->Form->control('tags.0.id');
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:58 bmudda https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/views/helpers/form.html#creating-inputs-for-associated-data
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:58 rightscoreanalysis is Foo hasMany Bar, do I need to set Bar.id in the request data to update it?
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:54 rightscoreanalysis is anyone here?
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:51 rightscoreanalysis which is this happening? This is an update to an existing record
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:50 rightscoreanalysis if I debug the patch entity i see: '[new]' => true,
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:40 rightscoreanalysis no matter what it always tries to save new records which is wrong
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:40 rightscoreanalysis https://gist.github.com/spacebiscuit/59a4ebbade0ea1e96f8b0a5faaf61735
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:40 rightscoreanalysis this is totally screwed up and I don't see anything wrong with this request data
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:32 rightscoreanalysis https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/saving-data.html#saving-hasmany-associations
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:32 rightscoreanalysis the book's example is not in this format....
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:31 rightscoreanalysis I thought that hasMany data should be model.0.field
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:22 rightscoreanalysis Is that enough?
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:21 rightscoreanalysis $this->Form->input('id', ['type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $periodId]);
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:21 rightscoreanalysis I am setting the id of the PropertyPeriod
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:20 rightscoreanalysis in my case I am saving to PropertyPeriod whuch hasMany PropertyPrices
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:19 bmudda @rightscoreanalysis ^
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:18 bmudda you wouldn’t have to worry about fk in that case
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:18 bmudda if you’re always passing all the records (associated data) during update, you can use the `replace` strategy
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:18 bmudda yes, if you don’t pass the fk, then it will insert it as a new record
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:17 rightscoreanalysis @bmudda I think the issue might be that I am not passing the fk
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:14 bmudda https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/saving-data.html#saving-hasmany-associations
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:14 bmudda @rightscoreanalysis The default save strategy for hasMany is `append`. So unless you provide the foreign key as part of the record (for the associated data), it will insert it as a new record.
# Oct 9th 2018, 21:06 rightscoreanalysis When saving hasMany relations how can I ensure that I update existing records, in my case my save its creating duplicate records
# Oct 9th 2018, 20:54 rightscoreanalysis i figure dit!
# Oct 9th 2018, 20:49 rightscoreanalysis I have a hasMany relation, when I save the parent the hasMany data is not saving
# Oct 9th 2018, 19:47 rightscoreanalysis that works but I should be able to achieve the same goal without the foreach
# Oct 9th 2018, 19:47 rightscoreanalysis foreach($x as and$y) { $y = Hash::combine($y, '{n}.room_id', '{n}'); }
# Oct 9th 2018, 19:47 rightscoreanalysis can anyone help me refine something
# Oct 9th 2018, 19:35 zomb thanks@steini