Log message #4151200

# At Username Text
# Jun 13th 2018, 19:02 nakodatechnosoft now how can i config it download pdf file without showing PDF in url
# Jun 13th 2018, 19:01 nakodatechnosoft hello finally i am able to download cakepdf 3.2.1
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:51 itmpls nevermind, that's not it
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:49 itmpls i'm guessing that might be relative to the same connection which causes the issue..
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:49 itmpls let me flip flop and see
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:49 itmpls @lorenzo there is a ->save() call right above this call for another model
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:41 spencdev Because if the value is an array, it doesn't even register it
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:40 spencdev So in `friendsofcake/search` if you want to search by date, you have to convert the date to a string?
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:13 lorenzo Could be another behavior retaining false in a callback
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:13 lorenzo Check the docs and see if it changed, but that actually sounds like either you started the transaction somewhere else or that an association failed saving or something like that
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:07 itmpls nope doesn't fire
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:04 itmpls ok lemme see
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:04 lorenzo Add an afterSaveCommit function in your table and see if it gets triggers there
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:04 itmpls i don't have anything special on my end from what I know
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:04 itmpls maybe it changed in 3.6. hmm
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:03 lorenzo Or maybe afterSaveCommit changed in 3.6?
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:03 lorenzo Maybe. You have a callback stopping the events in after save?
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:03 lorenzo Transactions are used by cake automatically
# Jun 13th 2018, 18:00 itmpls the documentation makes it seem like transactions are optional but it seems like you have to use transactions to get the auditQueue to process?
# Jun 13th 2018, 17:46 itmpls @lorenzo - for audit stash, dd('afterSave') at the bottom of afterSave is triggered, but dd('afterCommit') at the start of afterCommit is never reached - though I'm not dealing with a transaction..
# Jun 13th 2018, 16:00 saeideng bye
# Jun 13th 2018, 16:00 lorenzo bye@
# Jun 13th 2018, 15:58 josbeir i'll think of a solution on my commute home, ttl ! ;)
# Jun 13th 2018, 15:57 josbeir yeah, just need a plice to do it outside of the "application layer"
# Jun 13th 2018, 15:57 lorenzo casting the simple types may be just enough
# Jun 13th 2018, 15:57 lorenzo I think a type architecture like that for the ORM is too much
# Jun 13th 2018, 15:57 josbeir ES doesn't assume stuff and takes various kind of date formats
# Jun 13th 2018, 15:56 josbeir yeah, dates are a bit lame too
# Jun 13th 2018, 15:56 lorenzo I guess ints is the only annoying one haha
# Jun 13th 2018, 15:56 lorenzo like ints
# Jun 13th 2018, 15:56 lorenzo I would start simple, and make the marshaller type cast the obvious stuff
# Jun 13th 2018, 15:55 josbeir yeah for instance
# Jun 13th 2018, 15:55 lorenzo in the marshaller you mean?
# Jun 13th 2018, 15:55 lorenzo where’s that?
# Jun 13th 2018, 15:55 josbeir yeah there's that but what if we had a way to configure those types explicitly ?
# Jun 13th 2018, 15:55 lorenzo as in, I guess you would expect the thing to convert very deeply nested properties to the right type, no?
# Jun 13th 2018, 15:54 lorenzo would you expect those types to understand your nested schema?
# Jun 13th 2018, 15:53 josbeir i'm finding myself doing too much basic stuff using entities/beforemarshal
# Jun 13th 2018, 15:53 josbeir @lorenzo here i am again, toughts on implementing something like Types for the ES plugin with a few standard types (like Date) ?
# Jun 13th 2018, 15:51 lorenzo the key is to check if afterSaveCommit is doing the work
# Jun 13th 2018, 15:51 lorenzo alright