Log message #4116484

# At Username Text
# Feb 12th 2018, 04:28 chris802 Could someone give me any tips on connecting to an Amazon RDS MySQL database in CakePHP 3? I've added all of my Amazon credentials and nothing happens, it just times out when I reload the page. Any help / tips would be appreciated!
# Feb 12th 2018, 03:11 ricksaccous @yogimishra96 yeah you would have to deal with a third party library
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:48 john From a quick search, Mongo doesn't appear to be officially supported. There's an library at https://github.com/tiaguinho/mongodb-cakephp3 that looks to be actively maintained.
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:40 yogimishra96 The official or standard way to integrate the mongo with cakephp
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:40 yogimishra96 How to use mongo php library in cakephp 3.
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:38 loginews File uploaded https://cakesf.slack.com/files/U435V89H8/F97B5SECT/-.txt / https://slack-files.com/T053DPNCM-F97B5SECT-5f71d5507f - It seems to work
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:35 loginews thanks
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:35 loginews I found it
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:35 john https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30876688/cakephp-3-change-order-in-datewidget#30877084
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:18 loginews I feel like I will have to write the docs myself!
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:16 loginews what should I type?
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:16 loginews so instead of typing $this->Form->input('thisdate',['type'=>'date','dateFormat'=>'DMY'])
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:15 john ``` * To control the order of inputs, and any elements/content between the inputs you * can override the `dateWidget` template. By default the `dateWidget` template is: * `{{month}}{{day}}{{year}}{{hour}}{{minute}}{{second}}{{meridian}}` ```
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:15 loginews thanks
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:13 john Oh, nevermind, Timeformat isn't what you're looking for.
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:12 john or format?
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:12 john Looking at the source ( https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/src/View/Helper/FormHelper.php ), have you tried using timeFormat instead of dateFormat?
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:09 john Admittedly, I've used primary CakePHP 2.x
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:03 loginews @john Have you used date input in cakephp3
# Feb 12th 2018, 01:31 loginews thanks. Still searching for the replacement syntax.
# Feb 12th 2018, 01:06 dereuromark loginews: https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/appendices/3-0-migration-guide.html#formhelper
# Feb 12th 2018, 01:05 loginews $this->Form->input('thisdate',['type'=>'date','dateFormat'=>'DMY']) The above input still displays the field in YMD format. What did I miss ?
# Feb 11th 2018, 21:58 K4T :P
# Feb 11th 2018, 21:58 K4T https://cakebuild.net/
# Feb 11th 2018, 20:57 dereuromark the variable is never declared, it misses the crucial part of reading from db
# Feb 11th 2018, 20:57 dereuromark its pretty obvious from your code (and the message) tba
# Feb 11th 2018, 20:49 rafael.junqueira.sant I read the code over and over again and didn't understand what I am doing wrong.
# Feb 11th 2018, 20:44 rafael.junqueira.sant Hello, I have the following error: https://pastebin.com/iUAWeFDv What am I doing wrong?
# Feb 11th 2018, 19:37 dereuromark Ah, looking into the code one need file key here it seems
# Feb 11th 2018, 19:25 dereuromark Did anyone achieve logging to a custom bounce.log etc? I couldnt with latest master.. always went straight to debug.log ( https://github.com/dereuromark/CakePHP-DatabaseLog/blob/master/docs/README.md#setting-up-a-custom-type ), but that shouldnt happen with 'scopes' => false config. Confusing.
# Feb 11th 2018, 19:12 kitcat711 anyone? hw can i avoid the foreach please?
# Feb 11th 2018, 18:52 maymeow how can i create controller withou database table???
# Feb 11th 2018, 18:50 kitcat711 howw can I avoid the foreach just after my query by integrating it?
# Feb 11th 2018, 18:49 kitcat711 Optimisation : https://gist.github.com/anonymous/bdb0daeb357ee1048dba3b1557708708
# Feb 11th 2018, 18:07 amit I am using mark story asset compress plugin, while doing build I am getting java error
# Feb 11th 2018, 18:06 amit Hi All anyone around
# Feb 11th 2018, 16:36 maymeow and user resource looks like this: ``` class UserResource extends Resource { public function toArray() { return [ 'id' => $this->entity->id, 'email' => $this->entity->email, 'profile' => function ($q) { return (new ProfileResource($q->profile))->get(); }, 'created_at' => $this->entity->created ]; } } ```
# Feb 11th 2018, 16:32 maymeow @admad ill look at this
# Feb 11th 2018, 16:32 slackebot1 "image": "img\/profile.png", "bio": null, "facebook": null, "twitter": null, "user_id": 1 }, "created_at": "2018-02-11T16:27:12+00:00" }, "created_at": "2018-02-11T16:27:59+00:00" } ] } ```
# Feb 11th 2018, 16:32 slackebot1 => $this->entity->created, ]; } } ``` return this ``` { "posts": [ { "id": 1, "title": "Another issue", "body": "test", "markdown": "\u003Cp\u003Etest\u003C\/p\u003E", "user": { "id": 1, "email": "may@example.com", "profile": { "id": 1, "name": "may@example.com",
# Feb 11th 2018, 16:32 maymeow another example ``` class PostResource extends Resource { public function toArray() { return [ 'id' => $this->entity->id, 'title' => $this->entity->title, 'body' => $this->entity->body, 'markdown' => (new Parsedown)->text($this->entity->body), 'user' => function ($q) { return (new UserResource($q->user))->get(); }, 'created_at'