Log message #4116467

# At Username Text
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:35 loginews I found it
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:35 john https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30876688/cakephp-3-change-order-in-datewidget#30877084
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:18 loginews I feel like I will have to write the docs myself!
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:16 loginews what should I type?
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:16 loginews so instead of typing $this->Form->input('thisdate',['type'=>'date','dateFormat'=>'DMY'])
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:15 john ``` * To control the order of inputs, and any elements/content between the inputs you * can override the `dateWidget` template. By default the `dateWidget` template is: * `{{month}}{{day}}{{year}}{{hour}}{{minute}}{{second}}{{meridian}}` ```
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:15 loginews thanks
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:13 john Oh, nevermind, Timeformat isn't what you're looking for.
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:12 john or format?
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:12 john Looking at the source ( https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/src/View/Helper/FormHelper.php ), have you tried using timeFormat instead of dateFormat?
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:09 john Admittedly, I've used primary CakePHP 2.x
# Feb 12th 2018, 02:03 loginews @john Have you used date input in cakephp3
# Feb 12th 2018, 01:31 loginews thanks. Still searching for the replacement syntax.
# Feb 12th 2018, 01:06 dereuromark loginews: https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/appendices/3-0-migration-guide.html#formhelper
# Feb 12th 2018, 01:05 loginews $this->Form->input('thisdate',['type'=>'date','dateFormat'=>'DMY']) The above input still displays the field in YMD format. What did I miss ?
# Feb 11th 2018, 21:58 K4T :P
# Feb 11th 2018, 21:58 K4T https://cakebuild.net/
# Feb 11th 2018, 20:57 dereuromark the variable is never declared, it misses the crucial part of reading from db
# Feb 11th 2018, 20:57 dereuromark its pretty obvious from your code (and the message) tba
# Feb 11th 2018, 20:49 rafael.junqueira.sant I read the code over and over again and didn't understand what I am doing wrong.
# Feb 11th 2018, 20:44 rafael.junqueira.sant Hello, I have the following error: https://pastebin.com/iUAWeFDv What am I doing wrong?
# Feb 11th 2018, 19:37 dereuromark Ah, looking into the code one need file key here it seems
# Feb 11th 2018, 19:25 dereuromark Did anyone achieve logging to a custom bounce.log etc? I couldnt with latest master.. always went straight to debug.log ( https://github.com/dereuromark/CakePHP-DatabaseLog/blob/master/docs/README.md#setting-up-a-custom-type ), but that shouldnt happen with 'scopes' => false config. Confusing.
# Feb 11th 2018, 19:12 kitcat711 anyone? hw can i avoid the foreach please?
# Feb 11th 2018, 18:52 maymeow how can i create controller withou database table???
# Feb 11th 2018, 18:50 kitcat711 howw can I avoid the foreach just after my query by integrating it?
# Feb 11th 2018, 18:49 kitcat711 Optimisation : https://gist.github.com/anonymous/bdb0daeb357ee1048dba3b1557708708
# Feb 11th 2018, 18:07 amit I am using mark story asset compress plugin, while doing build I am getting java error
# Feb 11th 2018, 18:06 amit Hi All anyone around
# Feb 11th 2018, 16:36 maymeow and user resource looks like this: ``` class UserResource extends Resource { public function toArray() { return [ 'id' => $this->entity->id, 'email' => $this->entity->email, 'profile' => function ($q) { return (new ProfileResource($q->profile))->get(); }, 'created_at' => $this->entity->created ]; } } ```
# Feb 11th 2018, 16:32 maymeow @admad ill look at this
# Feb 11th 2018, 16:32 slackebot1 "image": "img\/profile.png", "bio": null, "facebook": null, "twitter": null, "user_id": 1 }, "created_at": "2018-02-11T16:27:12+00:00" }, "created_at": "2018-02-11T16:27:59+00:00" } ] } ```
# Feb 11th 2018, 16:32 slackebot1 => $this->entity->created, ]; } } ``` return this ``` { "posts": [ { "id": 1, "title": "Another issue", "body": "test", "markdown": "\u003Cp\u003Etest\u003C\/p\u003E", "user": { "id": 1, "email": "may@example.com", "profile": { "id": 1, "name": "may@example.com",
# Feb 11th 2018, 16:32 maymeow another example ``` class PostResource extends Resource { public function toArray() { return [ 'id' => $this->entity->id, 'title' => $this->entity->title, 'body' => $this->entity->body, 'markdown' => (new Parsedown)->text($this->entity->body), 'user' => function ($q) { return (new UserResource($q->user))->get(); }, 'created_at'
# Feb 11th 2018, 16:21 admad @maymeow https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/crud-json-api
# Feb 11th 2018, 15:55 maymeow so i can manage api in one file ... and whatever i use resource i still have same model
# Feb 11th 2018, 15:54 dereuromark @maymeow most apis use "contain" key to include relations
# Feb 11th 2018, 15:54 maymeow tnis is first version...
# Feb 11th 2018, 15:54 slackebot1 !tell K4T about awesome
# Feb 11th 2018, 15:54 slackebot1 Command sent from Slack by dereuromark:
# Feb 11th 2018, 15:54 slackebot1 => ['projects'] ]); } ```