Log message #4049295

# At Username Text
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:42 eBugg even if it's a grammatical error in Spanish
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:42 jdominguezpaz And this is a recurrent problem in my projects and I think enough is enough. Stop with naming "Frecuenciasemanal" as one word
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:42 eBugg i'm coding in Spanish too and I usually only inflects the noun in my table names. ->FrecuenciaSemanal (table: frecuencia_semanales)
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:42 neon1024 Write your own inflector?
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:40 jdominguezpaz Yes, if I stick to english the problem would be gone but then i can't bake anything. I can't change database tables names :(
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:38 hmic my advice still would be: go with english in your codebase!
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:38 hmic and you need both wayes i think, singular to plural and plural to singular
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:38 hmic you need to match the case in the irregular settings of course
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:37 jdominguezpaz yeah... I have 'frecuenciasemanal'=>'frecuenciassemanales' in irregular but i Get FrecuenciaSemanal->Frecuenciassemanales without the second word capitalized when pluralize
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:36 hmic you should likely use english names inside your app source anyways!
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:36 hmic the inflector is only good at english at all
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:36 jdominguezpaz (of course i'm spanis so... my apologies for any kick to the english language in my writing) :)
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:36 hmic it's irregular in this case :p
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:35 slackebot FrecuenciasSemanales) we need to inflect both words almost always. Is there a way to get this?
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:35 jdominguezpaz Hello, I'm struggling trying to get inflector inflects in spanish. :slightly_smiling_face: It's no problem to me to declare all "irregular" spanish nouns in bootstrap.php in a one by one basis (there are not too many) but I have problems inflecting two words and I think is because plural adjectives. For example: Normal pluralize (BigApple => BigApples) only inflects the noun which is the second word. In Spanish (FrecuenciaSemanal =>
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:30 inoas it should be @ hmic
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:30 hmic mic_, yeah, just extend the htmlhelper in your app to add the type
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:30 mic_ hmic: I have just found out, that Form finds out of course types and so on - but no locale formatting applied.
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:29 hmic nice inoas! should be the default on debug=true
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:29 mic_ hmic: I am trying to figure out a way to do it, because that would be it - extend and override a bit in the standard.
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:27 hmic not that hard actually
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:27 hmic so you would need to add the input type to the formhelper and have it locale format your numbers
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:26 mic_ hmic: well, but that's not something I would like to have everywhere. just in Form.
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:26 hmic you could implement them of course and make the database types use them, sure
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:25 hmic in php numbers (int and float) are no objects
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:25 inoas you could extend that to Cake\ORM\Entity
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:25 mic_ hmic: but so far no solution similar to Date/FrozenDate with their ::setToStringFormat()
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:24 mic_ hmic: Type::build('decimal')->useLocaleParser() fixes "input formatting"
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:24 inoas this is what I do @ devito https://gist.github.com/inoas/60c9c7372d5fb7ce6f70b5691796ceba
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:24 hmic answer: it's not. so no way to format "automagically"... you could, however, make the database type "decimal" locale aware (probably want float/double) too!
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:23 mic_ hmic: I added explicitly 'type' => 'decimal' to Form->input(), but no change in formatting
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:22 inoas auto-entities are imho "okay" but can also be a problem
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:22 inoas devito auto models are IMHO an evil thing
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:21 mic_ hmic: 2 sec
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:21 mic_ aha
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:20 hmic a formhelper input type, widget too
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:19 mic_ hmic: you mean "type", as in the Form template/HTML input - or type as Database?
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:18 hmic mic_, is there a field type that formhelper knows about, that holds decimal data?
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:17 mic_ should resort to Javascript to make the final formatting, or is there an option that would automatically tell the FormHelper to fix my decimals with proper, locale aware formatting?
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:16 mic_ I am trying to find a solution to localized decimals + form helper. The built-in piping allows to use locale parser for decimals in a given locale, but FormHelper always throws in the value "as in the DB".
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:15 devito yesterday my name spacing got me all messed up. I baked a model and forgot to prefix it with the plugin name. then when i tried to create and save, the modified and created dates weren't updating. Took me a while to realize my models were in the wrong place