Log message #4049285

# At Username Text
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:36 hmic the inflector is only good at english at all
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:36 jdominguezpaz (of course i'm spanis so... my apologies for any kick to the english language in my writing) :)
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:36 hmic it's irregular in this case :p
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:35 slackebot FrecuenciasSemanales) we need to inflect both words almost always. Is there a way to get this?
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:35 jdominguezpaz Hello, I'm struggling trying to get inflector inflects in spanish. :slightly_smiling_face: It's no problem to me to declare all "irregular" spanish nouns in bootstrap.php in a one by one basis (there are not too many) but I have problems inflecting two words and I think is because plural adjectives. For example: Normal pluralize (BigApple => BigApples) only inflects the noun which is the second word. In Spanish (FrecuenciaSemanal =>
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:30 inoas it should be @ hmic
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:30 hmic mic_, yeah, just extend the htmlhelper in your app to add the type
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:30 mic_ hmic: I have just found out, that Form finds out of course types and so on - but no locale formatting applied.
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:29 hmic nice inoas! should be the default on debug=true
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:29 mic_ hmic: I am trying to figure out a way to do it, because that would be it - extend and override a bit in the standard.
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:27 hmic not that hard actually
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:27 hmic so you would need to add the input type to the formhelper and have it locale format your numbers
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:26 mic_ hmic: well, but that's not something I would like to have everywhere. just in Form.
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:26 hmic you could implement them of course and make the database types use them, sure
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:25 hmic in php numbers (int and float) are no objects
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:25 inoas you could extend that to Cake\ORM\Entity
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:25 mic_ hmic: but so far no solution similar to Date/FrozenDate with their ::setToStringFormat()
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:24 mic_ hmic: Type::build('decimal')->useLocaleParser() fixes "input formatting"
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:24 inoas this is what I do @ devito https://gist.github.com/inoas/60c9c7372d5fb7ce6f70b5691796ceba
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:24 hmic answer: it's not. so no way to format "automagically"... you could, however, make the database type "decimal" locale aware (probably want float/double) too!
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:23 mic_ hmic: I added explicitly 'type' => 'decimal' to Form->input(), but no change in formatting
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:22 inoas auto-entities are imho "okay" but can also be a problem
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:22 inoas devito auto models are IMHO an evil thing
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:21 mic_ hmic: 2 sec
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:21 mic_ aha
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:20 hmic a formhelper input type, widget too
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:19 mic_ hmic: you mean "type", as in the Form template/HTML input - or type as Database?
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:18 hmic mic_, is there a field type that formhelper knows about, that holds decimal data?
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:17 mic_ should resort to Javascript to make the final formatting, or is there an option that would automatically tell the FormHelper to fix my decimals with proper, locale aware formatting?
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:16 mic_ I am trying to find a solution to localized decimals + form helper. The built-in piping allows to use locale parser for decimals in a given locale, but FormHelper always throws in the value "as in the DB".
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:15 devito yesterday my name spacing got me all messed up. I baked a model and forgot to prefix it with the plugin name. then when i tried to create and save, the modified and created dates weren't updating. Took me a while to realize my models were in the wrong place
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:13 devito me 2
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:12 admad @devito I think you need a break :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:06 devito thanks
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:06 devito @neon1024 yea i read to fast. didnt see the options were bulleted under each relationship type.
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:05 inoas but there is also CRUD + Crud View which might help you for semi-automated apps
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:04 inoas and then loop and use FormHelper::inputs()
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:04 inoas akkaweb that sounds not so wise... however what you can look at is $_hidden ... in a similar way you could design visibility maps for entities
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:04 neon1024 https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/associations.html this page you mean?
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:04 devito anyone know where i can find a list of all available assoiation options? foreignKey,join type etc? Im looking in the cookbook but might be in the wrong spot. Im on associations but only see the basic association options
# Jul 7th 2017, 13:50 devito forgot about that hehe