Log message #4047130

# At Username Text
# Jul 3rd 2017, 02:29 thomasnucleus The link it generated "/img/pic.png"
# Jul 3rd 2017, 02:28 thomasnucleus Used the helper, pdf generated but image still doesn't load, just shows a very small box
# Jul 3rd 2017, 02:26 savant use the HtmlHelper instead of a regular html image tag
# Jul 3rd 2017, 02:26 thomasnucleus In the img> tags I've tried "<http://localhost:8765/img/pic.png" (pdf won't even work) "img/risk-marker.png" (pdf works but image doesn't load, just a small box)
# Jul 3rd 2017, 02:18 savant how are you linking to the images?
# Jul 3rd 2017, 02:17 thomasnucleus Using cakepdf wkhtmltopdf, wondering why locally hosted images aren't working in the pdf output? They appear fine on the webpage but no where to be seen in the pdf
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:11 nicolas.r I will be more attentive on the documentation
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:11 nicolas.r Thanks anyway admad
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:11 nicolas.r I really don't know, first line : class AuthComponent(ComponentCollection $collection, array $config = []) so... Yes I will not forget that
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:10 admad just in case you missed my previous comment, NEVER modify any code under /vendor
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:10 saeideng :upside_down_face:
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:10 admad can't imagine where from where you got that idea
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:10 nicolas.r I revert :P
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:10 nicolas.r :P
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:09 admad @saeideng he was modifying AuthComponent::initialize()
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:09 nicolas.r It was like that, i change nothing on
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:09 saeideng you no need to this
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:09 nicolas.r @admad indeed :)
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:08 saeideng what is this? ` $controller = $this->_registry->getController();`
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:08 admad "You can configure authentication handlers in your controller’s beforeFilter() or initialize() methods" it clearly states "your controller's"
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:07 nicolas.r In the doc it's not clear, where we found the rifht function to modify sorry ^^
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:06 nicolas.r I found, changing beforeFilter in UsersController
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:06 admad NEVER modify any code under /vendor
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:06 admad oh dear god.. you are not supposed to modify the core authcomponent. That example code shown in manual goes in your AppController
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:48 nicolas.r @admad thx I will take a look at
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:48 admad @nicolas.r read this section and you'll have your answer https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/controllers/components/authentication.html#configuring-authentication-handlers
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:44 slackebot example email, where I change that? I looked in the fonction identify from AuthCompoenent, but found nothing. Some answer?
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:44 nicolas.r Hi guys, I followed the How to: blog, and I would like to change a thing about the connection: I quote : "The login() action calls the $this->Auth->identify() function in the AuthComponent, and it works without any further config because we are following conventions as mentioned earlier. That is, having a Users table with a username and a password column, and use a form posted to a controller with the user data." So if we don't want usern
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:37 saeideng both `['prefix' => 'Admin']` and `['prefix' => 'admin']` works
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:36 saeideng works like charm
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:36 saeideng `Router::scope('/admin123',['prefix' => 'admin'], function ($routes) {`
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:28 saeideng thanks
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:27 admad @saeideng ``` Router::scope( '/admin124', ['prefix' => 'Admin'], function ($routes) { ... } ); ```
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:23 saeideng is there a way to change admin prefix name without changing classes/foldders/files name? i using ``` Router::prefix('admin', function ($routes) { ... ``` but i need access to admin area by other url like site.com/admin123
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:22 saeideng is there a way to change admin prefix name without changing classes/foldders/files name? 12:16 i using 12:16 Router::prefix('admin', function ($routes) { ... 12:17 but i need access to admin area by other url like site.com/admin123
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:21 saeideng https://cakesf.slack.com/archives/C053DPNGT/p1498938279806396
# Jul 2nd 2017, 17:57 casmo setting the 'secure' => false on the input() did the trick
# Jul 2nd 2017, 17:38 casmo Having $this->Form->input('images[].filename'); works fine for my hasMany('Images') but not with the security componentn
# Jul 2nd 2017, 17:38 casmo Anyone used the Security Component with a hasMany form with multiple files (images)?
# Jul 2nd 2017, 14:28 sirisaku007 how to logging on view cakephp2
# Jul 2nd 2017, 14:28 sirisaku007 I have a some problem with debug on view