Log message #4047126

# At Username Text
# Jul 3rd 2017, 02:18 savant how are you linking to the images?
# Jul 3rd 2017, 02:17 thomasnucleus Using cakepdf wkhtmltopdf, wondering why locally hosted images aren't working in the pdf output? They appear fine on the webpage but no where to be seen in the pdf
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:11 nicolas.r I will be more attentive on the documentation
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:11 nicolas.r Thanks anyway admad
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:11 nicolas.r I really don't know, first line : class AuthComponent(ComponentCollection $collection, array $config = []) so... Yes I will not forget that
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:10 admad just in case you missed my previous comment, NEVER modify any code under /vendor
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:10 saeideng :upside_down_face:
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:10 admad can't imagine where from where you got that idea
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:10 nicolas.r I revert :P
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:10 nicolas.r :P
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:09 admad @saeideng he was modifying AuthComponent::initialize()
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:09 nicolas.r It was like that, i change nothing on
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:09 saeideng you no need to this
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:09 nicolas.r @admad indeed :)
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:08 saeideng what is this? ` $controller = $this->_registry->getController();`
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:08 admad "You can configure authentication handlers in your controller’s beforeFilter() or initialize() methods" it clearly states "your controller's"
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:07 nicolas.r In the doc it's not clear, where we found the rifht function to modify sorry ^^
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:06 nicolas.r I found, changing beforeFilter in UsersController
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:06 admad NEVER modify any code under /vendor
# Jul 2nd 2017, 20:06 admad oh dear god.. you are not supposed to modify the core authcomponent. That example code shown in manual goes in your AppController
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:48 nicolas.r @admad thx I will take a look at
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:48 admad @nicolas.r read this section and you'll have your answer https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/controllers/components/authentication.html#configuring-authentication-handlers
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:44 slackebot example email, where I change that? I looked in the fonction identify from AuthCompoenent, but found nothing. Some answer?
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:44 nicolas.r Hi guys, I followed the How to: blog, and I would like to change a thing about the connection: I quote : "The login() action calls the $this->Auth->identify() function in the AuthComponent, and it works without any further config because we are following conventions as mentioned earlier. That is, having a Users table with a username and a password column, and use a form posted to a controller with the user data." So if we don't want usern
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:37 saeideng both `['prefix' => 'Admin']` and `['prefix' => 'admin']` works
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:36 saeideng works like charm
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:36 saeideng `Router::scope('/admin123',['prefix' => 'admin'], function ($routes) {`
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:28 saeideng thanks
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:27 admad @saeideng ``` Router::scope( '/admin124', ['prefix' => 'Admin'], function ($routes) { ... } ); ```
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:23 saeideng is there a way to change admin prefix name without changing classes/foldders/files name? i using ``` Router::prefix('admin', function ($routes) { ... ``` but i need access to admin area by other url like site.com/admin123
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:22 saeideng is there a way to change admin prefix name without changing classes/foldders/files name? 12:16 i using 12:16 Router::prefix('admin', function ($routes) { ... 12:17 but i need access to admin area by other url like site.com/admin123
# Jul 2nd 2017, 19:21 saeideng https://cakesf.slack.com/archives/C053DPNGT/p1498938279806396
# Jul 2nd 2017, 17:57 casmo setting the 'secure' => false on the input() did the trick
# Jul 2nd 2017, 17:38 casmo Having $this->Form->input('images[].filename'); works fine for my hasMany('Images') but not with the security componentn
# Jul 2nd 2017, 17:38 casmo Anyone used the Security Component with a hasMany form with multiple files (images)?
# Jul 2nd 2017, 14:28 sirisaku007 how to logging on view cakephp2
# Jul 2nd 2017, 14:28 sirisaku007 I have a some problem with debug on view
# Jul 2nd 2017, 14:27 sirisaku007 Hi
# Jul 2nd 2017, 11:36 wouter0100 ng like Schema in the JsonApi plugin). Is there any other best-practice in Cake or someting like that?
# Jul 2nd 2017, 11:36 wouter0100 Hmm, I'm developing a REST API in Cake (with stateless auth) but, what's the best way to implement authorization to cartian attributes from models? For example, I want to show more data to the authenitcated user's own objects, then others. Currently using JsonView, but I'm thinking of implementing my own view for each object to filter data (somethi
# Jul 2nd 2017, 09:46 casmo It is as long as I remember it. Using the bake migration CreateTable field:text