Log message #4045999

# At Username Text
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:50 aproapedelune login.ctp?
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:49 savant can you gist your template?
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:48 aproapedelune it looks like it s loading but then the page remains the same
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:47 savant What happens when you submit your login form?
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:47 savant ignore that first question
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:47 aproapedelune where should i call submit?
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:45 savant err when you submit the login form?
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:44 savant what happens when you call submit?
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:44 aproapedelune public function beforeFilter(Event $event){ $this->Auth->allow(); }
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:44 aproapedelune yes
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:30 savant Does your AppController have a beforeFilter() method?
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:30 savant anyhow
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:30 savant https://gist.github.com/anonymous/ca57e8b0bf72cb3da487df0d7da0fc88
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:30 savant just the browser url is fine, doesnt need to be the embed
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:30 aproapedelune script src="https://gist.github.com/anonymous/ca57e8b0bf72cb3da487df0d7da0fc88.js"></script I didn t know to create the authorized login, so I m trying to make the lame app I made last year to work again, because I wanted to have at least something that works.. I m in a huge rush
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:26 rchavik ah, sorry i misread
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:24 savant can you gist your controller?
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:24 aproapedelune the code is in the controller
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:20 rchavik you'd need to that type of code in controllers, normally views are for presentation only
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:19 rchavik aproddelune i don't think you can redirect in views
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:18 tariquesani Just finished adding some hopefully helpful comments on most of the open bugs in Phinx. Now looking at all the PRs
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:14 savant gist.github.com
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:14 savant can you gist all the code?
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:14 aproapedelune but it doesn t... I mean after I add the username and pass it doesn t redirect me anywhere
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:13 aproapedelune i have this code in login and it s supposed to sent me in admin.ctp : $this->Auth->setUser($user); return $this->redirect($this->Auth->redirectUrl());
# Jun 29th 2017, 04:22 aproapedelune thank you
# Jun 29th 2017, 04:22 aproapedelune I m trying to make the authorization part, following the "Simple Authentication and Authorization Application" tutorial
# Jun 29th 2017, 04:22 savant well, we are here to help, so ask questions when you have them
# Jun 29th 2017, 04:20 aproapedelune bad :(
# Jun 29th 2017, 04:08 savant @aproapedelune how is it going?
# Jun 29th 2017, 01:58 savant yes
# Jun 29th 2017, 01:24 aproapedelune in the Template directory, in each page from template\pages ?
# Jun 29th 2017, 01:22 savant you can ignore the View folder for now
# Jun 29th 2017, 01:22 savant html goes in the Template directory
# Jun 29th 2017, 01:19 aproapedelune another awkward question :slightly_smiling_face: . I have in each page the html. Should it be in View? I know it s annoying, I don t even really understand the MVC. I mean, ok, the model and the controller parts are easy to understand. But what am I supposed to do with my View folder?
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:44 savant no problem
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:41 aproapedelune yay! ty! and sorry for asking dumb and basic things
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:41 savant sure
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:41 aproapedelune uhmmm.. in purchases table i could have the fk to the users and analize and in test_results- purchases_id as fk
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:38 savant you should somehow tie it back to a purchase
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:38 savant sure