Log message #4045981

# At Username Text
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:20 rchavik you'd need to that type of code in controllers, normally views are for presentation only
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:19 rchavik aproddelune i don't think you can redirect in views
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:18 tariquesani Just finished adding some hopefully helpful comments on most of the open bugs in Phinx. Now looking at all the PRs
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:14 savant gist.github.com
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:14 savant can you gist all the code?
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:14 aproapedelune but it doesn t... I mean after I add the username and pass it doesn t redirect me anywhere
# Jun 29th 2017, 05:13 aproapedelune i have this code in login and it s supposed to sent me in admin.ctp : $this->Auth->setUser($user); return $this->redirect($this->Auth->redirectUrl());
# Jun 29th 2017, 04:22 aproapedelune thank you
# Jun 29th 2017, 04:22 aproapedelune I m trying to make the authorization part, following the "Simple Authentication and Authorization Application" tutorial
# Jun 29th 2017, 04:22 savant well, we are here to help, so ask questions when you have them
# Jun 29th 2017, 04:20 aproapedelune bad :(
# Jun 29th 2017, 04:08 savant @aproapedelune how is it going?
# Jun 29th 2017, 01:58 savant yes
# Jun 29th 2017, 01:24 aproapedelune in the Template directory, in each page from template\pages ?
# Jun 29th 2017, 01:22 savant you can ignore the View folder for now
# Jun 29th 2017, 01:22 savant html goes in the Template directory
# Jun 29th 2017, 01:19 aproapedelune another awkward question :slightly_smiling_face: . I have in each page the html. Should it be in View? I know it s annoying, I don t even really understand the MVC. I mean, ok, the model and the controller parts are easy to understand. But what am I supposed to do with my View folder?
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:44 savant no problem
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:41 aproapedelune yay! ty! and sorry for asking dumb and basic things
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:41 savant sure
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:41 aproapedelune uhmmm.. in purchases table i could have the fk to the users and analize and in test_results- purchases_id as fk
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:38 savant you should somehow tie it back to a purchase
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:38 savant sure
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:36 aproapedelune and in test_results i have user_id and analize_id as fk, plus another column for the result? and add the result for each test in a separate row?
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:34 else-where also check https://github.com/CakeDC/users
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:33 savant so that an employee can fill in the test results for a user and a user can see them
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:33 savant and then you can add a test_results table
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:32 savant so when a user purchases a test, it gets added to their list of purchases
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:32 savant you can add a purchases table
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:32 savant with two roles, employee and regular users
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:32 savant okay so I would add a users table to enable login/logout
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:29 savant yeah thats fine just having a hard time imagining what you have already
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:29 aproapedelune i have to create more tables
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:28 savant feel free to send me screenshots of the app
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:28 savant i dont see how that stores test results
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:28 savant thats the only table currently?
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:28 aproapedelune just name, category and price
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:28 aproapedelune an user table? so that the employees would be able to create accounts for users and add the test results and the users could see their results after logging in?
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:27 savant what are the fields for the medical tests table?
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:26 aproapedelune could you give me an ideea? what can i quickly add so it would be more interesting, but still pretty simple, as I have to finish it in max 12 hours.
# Jun 29th 2017, 00:25 aproapedelune I need some ideas. My old project was a basic medical lab app : it has only 1 table with the list of medical tests available, searchbar, admin page - with a simple login/logout function (I had only 1 admin who is able to add/edit/delete in the database).