Log message #4032398

# At Username Text
# May 25th 2017, 19:49 jeremyharris but what about the result?
# May 25th 2017, 19:49 meder_ but at some point this apparently worked
# May 25th 2017, 19:48 meder_ not the first
# May 25th 2017, 19:48 meder_ the second parameter, request data does
# May 25th 2017, 19:47 jeremyharris does the patched entity contain the hasMany entities within it?
# May 25th 2017, 19:47 meder_ how can I debug a patchEntity call where the associated data isn't being inserted into a hasMany table, even though 'associated' specifies that?
# May 25th 2017, 19:04 steinkel @igreat just in case you are still playing around, here is a full example extending the controller and creating a custom register action > https://ide.c9.io/steinkel/users-34-extended-controller
# May 25th 2017, 18:45 atomCode yep, thanks!
# May 25th 2017, 18:45 jeremyharris yeah, that’s what saveMany does anyway. wrap it in a transaction and you should be good
# May 25th 2017, 18:44 atomCode I guess the only way is to iterate through each record and do a saveAssociated
# May 25th 2017, 18:39 jeremyharris hm maybe not sorry. been a long time
# May 25th 2017, 18:37 jeremyharris I think comment would go under the Article key?
# May 25th 2017, 18:36 atomCode I've looked a the docs and that data structure doesn't seem to be supported with a saveMany nor a saveAll call
# May 25th 2017, 18:35 atomCode Is it not possible to saveMany data of a model along with many associated Model data on Cake 2.x like this https://gist.github.com/atomCode/f7d0163aaf8b439d7413244f5ed6caf5#file-gistfile1-txt ?
# May 25th 2017, 18:26 temp1029 :-)
# May 25th 2017, 18:26 jeremyharris :+1:
# May 25th 2017, 18:26 temp1029 Sorry, jarard*
# May 25th 2017, 18:26 jarard got it thanks
# May 25th 2017, 18:26 jarard opps yes of course
# May 25th 2017, 18:25 jarard jeremyharris, sorry I meant digits and letters
# May 25th 2017, 18:25 jeremyharris jarard see: https://regex101.com/r/GJqbbK/1/
# May 25th 2017, 18:25 temp1029 Jarad, you need to use ^ at the beginning of your regex and $ at the end, to indicate you want an exact match for the entire string
# May 25th 2017, 18:25 jeremyharris jarard looks to me that you’re allowing A-Z a-z as well
# May 25th 2017, 18:24 jarard anyone able to tell me why this regex is matching when I am only allows digits and numbers: http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/code/2b73ea3ee91cc47a8cbb851abafeade53e87cea6
# May 25th 2017, 18:23 spriz could i be the only one wishing to use bootstrap alerts with crud-view? :P :P
# May 25th 2017, 18:23 spriz doing what is suggested here seems to be the culprit: http://crud.readthedocs.io/en/latest/actions/add.html#crud-setflash :thinking_face:
# May 25th 2017, 18:21 spriz and that makes notice: array to string conversion here: https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/crud-view/blob/master/src/Template/Element/action-button.ctp#L12 :thinking_face:
# May 25th 2017, 18:20 chris-andre I have solved an issue I had on production server; when updating a record I got 403 Forbidden. By adding `'type' => 'post'` in `$this->Form->create($entity, ['type' => 'post'])` that was solved, but does someone have an explanation why it is like that?
# May 25th 2017, 18:20 spriz at this point there's the action's config in the $config variable: https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/crud-view/blob/master/src/Template/Element/actions.ctp#L59 :thinking_face:
# May 25th 2017, 18:20 spriz anyone know why my Crud action config goes all the way to crud-view views? :thinking_face:
# May 25th 2017, 18:10 jeremyharris make sure to install debug kit, makes finding these errors easier :slightly_smiling_face: you can inspect all vars passed to the template, for example
# May 25th 2017, 18:09 cake-novice $this->set(compact('forms')) its there
# May 25th 2017, 18:08 jeremyharris based on your OP
# May 25th 2017, 18:08 jeremyharris ok, perhaps because you set ‘form’ not ‘forms’?
# May 25th 2017, 18:07 cake-novice if (isset($forms) andand !empty($forms)) is my check and i want to show different view if result is empty
# May 25th 2017, 18:07 cake-novice yes i did and also checked...
# May 25th 2017, 18:06 jeremyharris depends on what your definition of empty is in this case
# May 25th 2017, 18:06 jeremyharris now, that’s different from “empty”
# May 25th 2017, 18:05 jeremyharris cake-novice use `isset()` to see if the variable was set on the view
# May 25th 2017, 18:04 cake-novice Hi, after this in controller $this->set(compact('form')); how we can check in view template that $forms is empty or not?
# May 25th 2017, 17:43 deco jeremyharris, thanks.