Log message #4032407

# At Username Text
# May 25th 2017, 19:52 jeremyharris e.g., change the example to the /full/path/to/bin/cake and remove the bit you added about trying the full path
# May 25th 2017, 19:51 jeremyharris @chris-andre probably should be discussed on GH; my point was I don’t think we should even concern ourselves with the bit about CDing into the dir and running the shell like that, and use fully qualified paths instead (even in the existing example)
# May 25th 2017, 19:51 jeremyharris gist your code and I’ll explain
# May 25th 2017, 19:50 jeremyharris the first argument is usually an empty or existing entity you find with get/first
# May 25th 2017, 19:50 jeremyharris meder_ patchEntity returns an entity, which is what you in turn pass to save(). what’s the debug output of that entity
# May 25th 2017, 19:50 meder_ the item i passed, the first argument, no it doesnt have it
# May 25th 2017, 19:49 chris-andre @jeremyharris I saw your comment on my PR. What do you mean by recommending `cd andand bin/cake`? Were you thinking about the paragraph I added? (tell me if you want to keep the conversation on github)
# May 25th 2017, 19:49 meder_ the debug of ->patchEntity?
# May 25th 2017, 19:49 jeremyharris the item you passed to save
# May 25th 2017, 19:49 jeremyharris but what about the result?
# May 25th 2017, 19:49 meder_ but at some point this apparently worked
# May 25th 2017, 19:48 meder_ not the first
# May 25th 2017, 19:48 meder_ the second parameter, request data does
# May 25th 2017, 19:47 jeremyharris does the patched entity contain the hasMany entities within it?
# May 25th 2017, 19:47 meder_ how can I debug a patchEntity call where the associated data isn't being inserted into a hasMany table, even though 'associated' specifies that?
# May 25th 2017, 19:04 steinkel @igreat just in case you are still playing around, here is a full example extending the controller and creating a custom register action > https://ide.c9.io/steinkel/users-34-extended-controller
# May 25th 2017, 18:45 atomCode yep, thanks!
# May 25th 2017, 18:45 jeremyharris yeah, that’s what saveMany does anyway. wrap it in a transaction and you should be good
# May 25th 2017, 18:44 atomCode I guess the only way is to iterate through each record and do a saveAssociated
# May 25th 2017, 18:39 jeremyharris hm maybe not sorry. been a long time
# May 25th 2017, 18:37 jeremyharris I think comment would go under the Article key?
# May 25th 2017, 18:36 atomCode I've looked a the docs and that data structure doesn't seem to be supported with a saveMany nor a saveAll call
# May 25th 2017, 18:35 atomCode Is it not possible to saveMany data of a model along with many associated Model data on Cake 2.x like this https://gist.github.com/atomCode/f7d0163aaf8b439d7413244f5ed6caf5#file-gistfile1-txt ?
# May 25th 2017, 18:26 temp1029 :-)
# May 25th 2017, 18:26 jeremyharris :+1:
# May 25th 2017, 18:26 temp1029 Sorry, jarard*
# May 25th 2017, 18:26 jarard got it thanks
# May 25th 2017, 18:26 jarard opps yes of course
# May 25th 2017, 18:25 jarard jeremyharris, sorry I meant digits and letters
# May 25th 2017, 18:25 jeremyharris jarard see: https://regex101.com/r/GJqbbK/1/
# May 25th 2017, 18:25 temp1029 Jarad, you need to use ^ at the beginning of your regex and $ at the end, to indicate you want an exact match for the entire string
# May 25th 2017, 18:25 jeremyharris jarard looks to me that you’re allowing A-Z a-z as well
# May 25th 2017, 18:24 jarard anyone able to tell me why this regex is matching when I am only allows digits and numbers: http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/code/2b73ea3ee91cc47a8cbb851abafeade53e87cea6
# May 25th 2017, 18:23 spriz could i be the only one wishing to use bootstrap alerts with crud-view? :P :P
# May 25th 2017, 18:23 spriz doing what is suggested here seems to be the culprit: http://crud.readthedocs.io/en/latest/actions/add.html#crud-setflash :thinking_face:
# May 25th 2017, 18:21 spriz and that makes notice: array to string conversion here: https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/crud-view/blob/master/src/Template/Element/action-button.ctp#L12 :thinking_face:
# May 25th 2017, 18:20 chris-andre I have solved an issue I had on production server; when updating a record I got 403 Forbidden. By adding `'type' => 'post'` in `$this->Form->create($entity, ['type' => 'post'])` that was solved, but does someone have an explanation why it is like that?
# May 25th 2017, 18:20 spriz at this point there's the action's config in the $config variable: https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/crud-view/blob/master/src/Template/Element/actions.ctp#L59 :thinking_face:
# May 25th 2017, 18:20 spriz anyone know why my Crud action config goes all the way to crud-view views? :thinking_face:
# May 25th 2017, 18:10 jeremyharris make sure to install debug kit, makes finding these errors easier :slightly_smiling_face: you can inspect all vars passed to the template, for example
# May 25th 2017, 18:09 cake-novice $this->set(compact('forms')) its there