Logs for #cakephp

Page 49 of 36,922, showing 100 records out of 3,692,143 total, starting on record 4,801, ending on 4,900

# At Username Text
# May 20th 2021, 23:02 khalil Naming convention of has and belongs to many always confuses me with which should plural and which not
# May 20th 2021, 23:01 khalil And I was working on the wrong file
# May 20th 2021, 23:01 khalil I guess one was auto generated
# May 20th 2021, 23:01 khalil for some reason, I have ProductSize and ProductsSize Entities
# May 20th 2021, 23:01 khalil '_joinData' => object(App\Model\Entity\ProductsSize)
# May 20th 2021, 23:00 khalil Here's what was wrong
# May 20th 2021, 23:00 khalil Ok it worked now
# May 20th 2021, 22:59 khalil Let me try this
# May 20th 2021, 22:59 khalil One sec guys, I noticed something
# May 20th 2021, 22:59 khalil No I'm saying that because `protected _virtual => [ ]`
# May 20th 2021, 22:58 greg138 Because there's a *lot* of those, and not all should be empty...
# May 20th 2021, 22:58 greg138 Is it really an empty array, or just saying that because it says `'[virtual]' => [ ]`?
# May 20th 2021, 22:56 khalil protected _virtual is an empty array
# May 20th 2021, 22:55 khalil `'_joinData' => object(App\Model\Entity\ProductsSize) id:*1* {'id' => (int) *23*` `'size_id' => '10'` `'product_id' => (int) *53*` `'width' => '10.000'` `'height' => '20.000'` `'length' => '30.000'` `'weight' => '40.000'` `'price' => '50.00'` `'stock' => (int) *12*` `'is_default' => *false*` `'[new]' => *false*` `'[accessible]' => [ ]` `'[dirty]' => [ ]` `'[original]' => [ ]` `'[virtual]'
# May 20th 2021, 22:55 slackebot => [ ]` `'[hasErrors]' => *false*` `'[errors]' => [ ]` `'[invalid]' => [ ]` `'[repository]' => 'ProductsSizes'` `protected _accessible => [ ]` `protected _fields => [ ]` `protected _original => [ ]` `protected _hidden => [ ]` `protected _virtual => [ ]` `protected _dirty => [ ]` `protected _accessors => [ ]` `protected _new => *false*` `protected _errors => [ ]` `protected _invalid => [
# May 20th 2021, 22:55 slackebot ]` `protected _registryAlias => 'ProductsSizes'` `}`
# May 20th 2021, 22:53 khalil Wait i'll show you the results of that
# May 20th 2021, 22:53 ndm I mean inside of the `_getLocalPrice` method
# May 20th 2021, 22:52 khalil The price in the db does contain the value, and I can access it in the template
# May 20th 2021, 22:51 ndm Have you debugged it? Like, whether the method is being invoked, and whether the price contains the correct value?
# May 20th 2021, 22:50 khalil I have no idea, It returns null
# May 20th 2021, 22:50 ndm And how did that fail?
# May 20th 2021, 22:48 khalil ```protected $_virtual = ['local_price']; protected function _getLocalPrice() { return $this->_util->convertFromUSD($this->price); }```
# May 20th 2021, 22:47 ndm How exactly did you try to add the field to your join table entity results?
# May 20th 2021, 22:36 khalil Hello guys! A question that I can't seem to find answer for in the documentation I have a Products model that's linked to Sizes through ProductSizes, ProductSizes contains an additional field which is "price" I'm doing conversion on this price, so I'm creating a virtual field in the Product entity which is "local_price", but this needs to be accessed from ProductSizes, and it's not working no matter what I try, I tried to add
# May 20th 2021, 22:36 slackebot the virtual field on ProductSizes and it also didn't work. Any idea how to achieve this in a HABTMT relation?
# May 20th 2021, 14:38 kushan Thanks @ndm
# May 20th 2021, 14:35 ndm yes
# May 20th 2021, 14:34 kushan I'm using CakePHP v4.x and Authentication 2.x plugin
# May 20th 2021, 14:33 kushan Hi, may I know to use JWT authenticator in my app, do I need to add firebase/php-jwt into my composer.json?
# May 20th 2021, 14:28 eax Excellent, thanks so much @ndm :$
# May 20th 2021, 14:28 ndm Yes, you can use the `skipLog` option in the `Error` config to define a list of exceptions that should not be logged. https://github.com/cakephp/app/blob/3.9.1/config/app.php#L174
# May 20th 2021, 14:25 eax Hey folks! In Cake3, is it possible to not have 404 errors go in to the log? :$
# May 20th 2021, 12:38 rightscoreanalysis yeah I knwo I am fighting an uphill battle, actually I think the reason the save failed was due to some nasty beforeSave function messing with data
# May 20th 2021, 12:32 ndm @rightscoreanalysis You might get better help if you supply an example that reproduces the problem. Chances that someone remembers some possible CakePHP 2 validation quirk are quite low.
# May 20th 2021, 11:13 rightscoreanalysis What's up with Cake2 validation, I am trying to see deep associated and it fails, when I debug ($this->invalidFields() I get: ```array( 'Stock' => array( 'business_id' => array(), 'multi_store_id' => array(), 'store_id' => array(), 'brand_id' => array(), 'sku' => array(), 'price' => array(), 'ecommerce_id' => array(), 'vatrate_id' => array(), 'active' => array(), 'open_department' => array(),
# May 20th 2021, 11:13 slackebot 'create_method' => array() ) )``` Stock is my related model - but this doesn't tell me anything, how can I find why the save fails?
# May 20th 2021, 11:01 neon1024 Ah, I just needed to load the Session one :)
# May 20th 2021, 10:59 neon1024 I much prefer unit tests though over integration tests, as the code under test is much smaller
# May 20th 2021, 10:58 neon1024 I am now mocking the service methods to return the right data and manually writing to the session, whereas I could attach the Session Auth to the Service, etc
# May 20th 2021, 10:57 neon1024 Yeah, it seems that trying to mock the service leads down a rather large rabbit hole
# May 20th 2021, 09:33 steinkel I usually go for integration tests, injecting the desired user in session
# May 20th 2021, 09:08 neon1024 I have created private methods to mock the services and append them to my requests
# May 20th 2021, 08:59 neon1024 Anyone know if there is a section like this for the Authentication / Authorization plugins? https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/development/testing.html#testing-actions-that-require-authentication
# May 19th 2021, 23:03 ndm https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/controllers/middleware.html#body-parser-middleware
# May 19th 2021, 23:03 ndm I'll shoot in the dark... good luck to all the hedgehogs out there.
# May 19th 2021, 23:00 slackebot <tyler.adam.lazenby>
# May 19th 2021, 23:00 tyler.adam.lazenby I know it is sending it
# May 19th 2021, 22:59 slackebot <tyler.adam.lazenby>
# May 19th 2021, 22:58 tyler.adam.lazenby Why isn't cakephp grabbing my posted data when I use fetch in JS
# May 19th 2021, 20:05 etibor but first it wouldb be good if i can make a simple query
# May 19th 2021, 20:04 etibor that will be my next step
# May 19th 2021, 19:49 slackebot $appWhitelist = $this->paginate( $query ); $this->set( compact( 'appWhitelist' ) );```
# May 19th 2021, 19:48 kevin.pfeifer and i use it like that in all my controllers which have a search form ``` $query = $this->AppWhitelist->find()->contain( [ 'StaffMembers' ] ); $query = $this->Search->filter( $query, [ 'OR' => [ 'AppWhitelist.device_ident LIKE' => '%$search%', 'StaffMembers.firstname LIKE' => '%$search%', 'StaffMembers.lastname LIKE' => '%$search%', ] ] );
# May 19th 2021, 19:47 slackebot <kevin.pfeifer>
# May 19th 2021, 19:47 kevin.pfeifer i personally have just 1 Search Component which looks like that
# May 19th 2021, 19:46 kevin.pfeifer because you can pre-define queries in "Custom Finder Methods" so you don't need to built the whole query over and over again https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/orm/retrieving-data-and-resultsets.html#custom-finder-methods
# May 19th 2021, 19:45 kevin.pfeifer or what is the exact thing you want to re-use in multiple controllers
# May 19th 2021, 19:45 kevin.pfeifer since you seem to want to do something with a model in your component: Do you want to not duplicate queries in mutilple controllers? aka. ->where()->orderby() etc.
# May 19th 2021, 19:42 kevin.pfeifer when calling a /documents url?
# May 19th 2021, 19:42 etibor but shows Notice: Notice (1024): Undefined property:
# May 19th 2021, 19:42 etibor i tried what you are saying: $documents = $this->getController()->Documents;
# May 19th 2021, 19:38 etibor i am trying to move my controller's function into the component to reuse it different controllers
# May 19th 2021, 19:37 etibor thank you @khalil
# May 19th 2021, 18:50 khalil Like @kevin.pfeifer said, I think if you tell us what you're trying to achieve with this component, there might be better / easier ways to achieve this
# May 19th 2021, 18:48 kevin.pfeifer well thats what i want to warn you too: depending on which controller uses your component it could be, that sometimes `$this->getController()->Documents` works and sometimes it doesnt
# May 19th 2021, 18:47 khalil If you want to access whatever controller the component is loaded in you can do this: `$controller = $this->getController();`
# May 19th 2021, 18:47 etibor okey thank you for everyone i am going to try this
# May 19th 2021, 18:46 khalil No, it's `$documents = $this->getController()->Documents`
# May 19th 2021, 18:46 kevin.pfeifer first of all - what do you want to achieve with that component
# May 19th 2021, 18:46 etibor this also does not work: $this->Documents = ClassRegistry::init('Documents');
# May 19th 2021, 18:45 khalil in a component you need to use `$this->getController()->Documents` like @greg138 mentioned
# May 19th 2021, 18:45 kevin.pfeifer components are meant to contain functions which are re-used in multiple controllers
# May 19th 2021, 18:44 etibor yes i am try to understand the component concept
# May 19th 2021, 18:41 khalil You're using it in a component?
# May 19th 2021, 18:41 etibor i did the loadModel as normally in other Controller, but that not helped
# May 19th 2021, 18:35 greg138 Are you still in your component? If so, again, it would be `$this->getController()->Documents`
# May 19th 2021, 18:35 khalil @etibor you're using that in a controller it seems, you can load the model by doing this: `$this->loadModel("Documents");`
# May 19th 2021, 18:34 steinkel `$this->loadModel('Documents');`
# May 19th 2021, 18:30 etibor i see that the normal Model form like : $this->Documents can not be used insted i have to have like this: $documents_table = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Documents'); Is there an easier form? Now i have to rewrite all of my queries
# May 19th 2021, 18:23 etibor thank you @kevin.pfeifer you are awesome
# May 19th 2021, 18:16 kevin.pfeifer you are inside a component, not a controller
# May 19th 2021, 18:16 kevin.pfeifer use `$this->getController()->viewBuilder();`
# May 19th 2021, 18:13 etibor is anyone tell my why i can not acces viebuilder in my component: Call to undefined method App\Controller\Component\CommonFunctionsComponent::viewBuilder() i have the line : use Cake\View; So i dont have any idea
# May 19th 2021, 17:30 etibor thank you thats the best part of open source, working together and improve togather
# May 19th 2021, 17:26 kevin.pfeifer thats what the support channel is for ;)
# May 19th 2021, 17:20 etibor thank you all of your help, i may step one step forward in cake
# May 19th 2021, 17:15 greg138 PEBKAC. :)
# May 19th 2021, 17:15 etibor sorry, i was wrong, edit_document.ctp was actually empty so clearly shows empty the $this->element('edit_document');
# May 19th 2021, 17:14 khalil To test that just add a simple `<h1>Hello World</h1>` in your edit_document element
# May 19th 2021, 17:13 greg138 Is there any chance that `edit_document` is just not generating any output?
# May 19th 2021, 17:11 etibor thank you @kevin.pfeifer i tried like this: in controller: $this->viewBuilder()->setTemplate('edit_default'); in edit_default.ctp : echo $this->element('edit_document'); in Element : i have the edit_document.ctp but i got the layout and a blank page However its seems its looks for the edit_document.ctp(when renamed shows error)
# May 19th 2021, 17:07 kevin.pfeifer if you have "logic" which is decided in the controller but you need the outcome from that logic inside the template then just set some variables like ```$use_element1 = true; $use_element2 = false; $list_of_entities = $this->MyModel->find(); $this->set(compact('use_element1', 'use_element2', 'list_of_entities'));``` and you can access these variables in your template like ```pr($use_element1); pr($use_element2);``` etc.
# May 19th 2021, 17:05 greg138 If you have the entirety of what a template should show in an element (which needs to be an element because it's re-used in various places), then your template can just be one line, calling the element.
# May 19th 2021, 17:02 kevin.pfeifer elements are meant to be (re-)used inside (multiple) template files They don't have anything to do with controller logic
# May 19th 2021, 17:02 khalil @etibor that's not how elements are meant to be used
# May 19th 2021, 17:00 etibor it the first time that i tried to use an element Can i tell cake in controller to use an element insted of the template ?
# May 19th 2021, 16:57 etibor hello all
# May 19th 2021, 16:54 me1367 :P
# May 19th 2021, 16:54 khalil Life was much simpler back then hahahaha