Log message #3944244

# At Username Text
# Oct 10th 2016, 00:12 crazycoder any workaround ?
# Oct 10th 2016, 00:12 crazycoder but it takes a lot of time!
# Oct 10th 2016, 00:12 crazycoder at the moment i do ->save() inside a loop
# Oct 10th 2016, 00:12 crazycoder hwo can i speed up the insert ?
# Oct 10th 2016, 00:12 crazycoder i am adding fake records on my table to test my queries
# Oct 10th 2016, 00:11 crazycoder hello
# Oct 9th 2016, 23:47 dereuromark extrablind: Let me know how it goes. Good night.
# Oct 9th 2016, 23:34 extrablind dereumark : I have readed the awesome list and i found cakesc/users which seems to be more achieved : I thought "who can the more can the less". But it may have some incompatilities or errors in the documentation, Ive got no more time to figure out. Well I looked at your plugin and it seems to be pretty handy and quick. I'll give it a try tomorrow. By the way thanks !
# Oct 9th 2016, 23:19 dereuromark @extrablind: The awesome list should always be your first link when looking into cake plugin functionality
# Oct 9th 2016, 23:18 extrablind dereuromark did not kknow about this plugin, will have a look
# Oct 9th 2016, 23:17 dereuromark extrablind: ever looked into tinyauth als drop in solution here?
# Oct 9th 2016, 20:46 extrablind permission file seems to be unreaded
# Oct 9th 2016, 20:46 extrablind I can't get the plugin cakedc/users working with cakephp 3.3. I just re-read the doc 5 times and can't get SimpleRbac to work.
# Oct 9th 2016, 20:43 extrablind Hi
# Oct 9th 2016, 20:40 ksandeep_ like in forget password i required a unique string that can be generated from controller after form submission and before save only
# Oct 9th 2016, 20:38 ksandeep_ Hi, How i can add/modified data submitted by a from inside controller method (Cake 3.X)
# Oct 9th 2016, 20:37 ra7bi I want this route to prefix Registration/Participants/terms
# Oct 9th 2016, 20:34 ra7bi how i can add prefix to this route ``` $routes->connect('/', ['controller' =>'Participants', 'action' => 'terms']); ```
# Oct 9th 2016, 20:30 thinkingmedia @ndm thank you my friend! That's awesome work.
# Oct 9th 2016, 19:43 lorenzo you can use beforeSave() for that samyak
# Oct 9th 2016, 19:19 samyak I am trying to add 'datetime' and 'status' of "subscribers" before they are saved in database, as these fields will not be entered by the user
# Oct 9th 2016, 19:16 samyak all I am doing is adding this function public function save( $entity, $options) { die($data); return false; } on SubscribersTable.php
# Oct 9th 2016, 19:14 shealyw2 gist us the code samyak
# Oct 9th 2016, 19:11 samyak and how to fix this, please
# Oct 9th 2016, 19:09 samyak can you guys let me know what this means, please? Fatal error: Declaration of App\Model\Table\SubscribersTable::save() must be compatible with Cake\Datasource\RepositoryInterface::save(Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity, $options = Array) in D:\xampp\htdocs\trupainters\src\Model\Table\SubscribersTable.php
# Oct 9th 2016, 18:45 ndm Can be used like `->where(new MatchAgainstExpression(['title, 'body'], 'foobar'))` `->where(new MatchAgainstExpression(['title, 'body'], $date, 'datetime'))` `->where(new MatchAgainstExpression(['title', 'body'], '+foo -bar', null, MatchAgainstExpression::MODIFIER_BOOLEAN));` ...
# Oct 9th 2016, 18:43 ndm There it is https://gist.github.com/ndm2/87568a2ea0bd20ad8637b42ae1ac7add ... it lacks docs, tests, and boolean mode operator aware type casting
# Oct 9th 2016, 18:34 ndm @thinkingmedia I don't think any of the built in expressions is really suited for this, you're most probably better off creating a custom expression... I have an unfinished one laying around somewhere, I'll see if I can find it.
# Oct 9th 2016, 17:49 thinkingmedia How do you pass a custom query to find that would be `MATCH(title,body) AGAINST (:value)`? Should I use the `FunctionExpression` class?
# Oct 9th 2016, 16:10 majidsportback Ok I will try. Thanks and sorry for my english
# Oct 9th 2016, 16:09 majidsportback I've added Router :: parseExtensions ( 'json'); my file router.php
# Oct 9th 2016, 16:09 waspinator http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/views/json-and-xml-views.html>. try using $this-set('_serialize', array('dataJSON'));
# Oct 9th 2016, 16:07 majidsportback oops, small details. With current 2 x cakePHP
# Oct 9th 2016, 16:07 waspinator oh, you have the template in a `json` folder, nevermind
# Oct 9th 2016, 16:05 waspinator it should just work without the .json extension though
# Oct 9th 2016, 16:04 waspinator @majidsportback http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/development/routing.html#routing-file-extensions
# Oct 9th 2016, 15:54 majidsportback Hello, I generated a viewJSON, but I do not know the file .json address. I tried drapes stores/event.json, but it does not. https://codeshare.io/aYYz2 Thanks for your help
# Oct 9th 2016, 15:48 ndm `localhost` is the default on the shell, so if you're working with `localhost` then there's indeed no need to change `fullBaseUrl`
# Oct 9th 2016, 15:47 ndm no problem
# Oct 9th 2016, 15:43 waspinator thanks for taking the time to troubleshoot my issue @ndm
# Oct 9th 2016, 15:43 waspinator ah, it seems to be working after adding `Configure::write('App.base', '/');` it now outputs links to `http://localhost/` without adding the file path. I didn't have to use the `fullBaseUrl`. modifying it didn't seem to change anything.