Log message #3944241

# At Username Text
# Oct 10th 2016, 00:12 crazycoder hwo can i speed up the insert ?
# Oct 10th 2016, 00:12 crazycoder i am adding fake records on my table to test my queries
# Oct 10th 2016, 00:11 crazycoder hello
# Oct 9th 2016, 23:47 dereuromark extrablind: Let me know how it goes. Good night.
# Oct 9th 2016, 23:34 extrablind dereumark : I have readed the awesome list and i found cakesc/users which seems to be more achieved : I thought "who can the more can the less". But it may have some incompatilities or errors in the documentation, Ive got no more time to figure out. Well I looked at your plugin and it seems to be pretty handy and quick. I'll give it a try tomorrow. By the way thanks !
# Oct 9th 2016, 23:19 dereuromark @extrablind: The awesome list should always be your first link when looking into cake plugin functionality
# Oct 9th 2016, 23:18 extrablind dereuromark did not kknow about this plugin, will have a look
# Oct 9th 2016, 23:17 dereuromark extrablind: ever looked into tinyauth als drop in solution here?
# Oct 9th 2016, 20:46 extrablind permission file seems to be unreaded
# Oct 9th 2016, 20:46 extrablind I can't get the plugin cakedc/users working with cakephp 3.3. I just re-read the doc 5 times and can't get SimpleRbac to work.
# Oct 9th 2016, 20:43 extrablind Hi
# Oct 9th 2016, 20:40 ksandeep_ like in forget password i required a unique string that can be generated from controller after form submission and before save only
# Oct 9th 2016, 20:38 ksandeep_ Hi, How i can add/modified data submitted by a from inside controller method (Cake 3.X)
# Oct 9th 2016, 20:37 ra7bi I want this route to prefix Registration/Participants/terms
# Oct 9th 2016, 20:34 ra7bi how i can add prefix to this route ``` $routes->connect('/', ['controller' =>'Participants', 'action' => 'terms']); ```
# Oct 9th 2016, 20:30 thinkingmedia @ndm thank you my friend! That's awesome work.
# Oct 9th 2016, 19:43 lorenzo you can use beforeSave() for that samyak
# Oct 9th 2016, 19:19 samyak I am trying to add 'datetime' and 'status' of "subscribers" before they are saved in database, as these fields will not be entered by the user
# Oct 9th 2016, 19:16 samyak all I am doing is adding this function public function save( $entity, $options) { die($data); return false; } on SubscribersTable.php
# Oct 9th 2016, 19:14 shealyw2 gist us the code samyak
# Oct 9th 2016, 19:11 samyak and how to fix this, please
# Oct 9th 2016, 19:09 samyak can you guys let me know what this means, please? Fatal error: Declaration of App\Model\Table\SubscribersTable::save() must be compatible with Cake\Datasource\RepositoryInterface::save(Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity, $options = Array) in D:\xampp\htdocs\trupainters\src\Model\Table\SubscribersTable.php
# Oct 9th 2016, 18:45 ndm Can be used like `->where(new MatchAgainstExpression(['title, 'body'], 'foobar'))` `->where(new MatchAgainstExpression(['title, 'body'], $date, 'datetime'))` `->where(new MatchAgainstExpression(['title', 'body'], '+foo -bar', null, MatchAgainstExpression::MODIFIER_BOOLEAN));` ...
# Oct 9th 2016, 18:43 ndm There it is https://gist.github.com/ndm2/87568a2ea0bd20ad8637b42ae1ac7add ... it lacks docs, tests, and boolean mode operator aware type casting
# Oct 9th 2016, 18:34 ndm @thinkingmedia I don't think any of the built in expressions is really suited for this, you're most probably better off creating a custom expression... I have an unfinished one laying around somewhere, I'll see if I can find it.
# Oct 9th 2016, 17:49 thinkingmedia How do you pass a custom query to find that would be `MATCH(title,body) AGAINST (:value)`? Should I use the `FunctionExpression` class?
# Oct 9th 2016, 16:10 majidsportback Ok I will try. Thanks and sorry for my english
# Oct 9th 2016, 16:09 majidsportback I've added Router :: parseExtensions ( 'json'); my file router.php
# Oct 9th 2016, 16:09 waspinator http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/views/json-and-xml-views.html>. try using $this-set('_serialize', array('dataJSON'));
# Oct 9th 2016, 16:07 majidsportback oops, small details. With current 2 x cakePHP
# Oct 9th 2016, 16:07 waspinator oh, you have the template in a `json` folder, nevermind
# Oct 9th 2016, 16:05 waspinator it should just work without the .json extension though
# Oct 9th 2016, 16:04 waspinator @majidsportback http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/development/routing.html#routing-file-extensions
# Oct 9th 2016, 15:54 majidsportback Hello, I generated a viewJSON, but I do not know the file .json address. I tried drapes stores/event.json, but it does not. https://codeshare.io/aYYz2 Thanks for your help
# Oct 9th 2016, 15:48 ndm `localhost` is the default on the shell, so if you're working with `localhost` then there's indeed no need to change `fullBaseUrl`
# Oct 9th 2016, 15:47 ndm no problem
# Oct 9th 2016, 15:43 waspinator thanks for taking the time to troubleshoot my issue @ndm
# Oct 9th 2016, 15:43 waspinator ah, it seems to be working after adding `Configure::write('App.base', '/');` it now outputs links to `http://localhost/` without adding the file path. I didn't have to use the `fullBaseUrl`. modifying it didn't seem to change anything.
# Oct 9th 2016, 15:34 ndm @waspinator And `App.fullBaseUrl`
# Oct 9th 2016, 15:24 ndm Try setting `App.base` manually
# Oct 9th 2016, 15:24 ndm @waspinator On the shell, the "wrong" base is being generated, "wrong" as in incompatible for your needs... I'm not sure whether it is actually expected that CakePHP generates an actually web-ish webroot on the shell.