Log message #4268292

# At Username Text
# Jul 24th 2021, 23:01 jojomartius which means ErrorHandlerMiddleware is not looking in the right config
# Jul 24th 2021, 23:01 kevin.pfeifer or do you have ```Configure::consume( 'Error' )``` somewhere?
# Jul 24th 2021, 23:00 jojomartius contains everthing
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:59 kevin.pfeifer maybe try outputting ``` Configure::read( 'Error' )``` in your Application.php in the middleware function and see if everything is still there
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:58 jojomartius mh no if i remove it from my bootstrap, its till rendering the expcetions - but its not takeing "skipLogs" into account ,:)
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:56 kevin.pfeifer in my bootstrap.php
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:56 kevin.pfeifer well I commented out ```( new ErrorHandler( Configure::read( 'Error' ) ) )->register();``` and it still worked
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:55 jojomartius but somehow it feels bad to remove the errorhandlermiddleware
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:55 jojomartius yes, indeed thats changing the behavior completly. removing ->add(ErrorHandlerMiddleware::class) helpts that the app.php is controlling the logging behavior
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:54 kevin.pfeifer not the thing in the bootstrap.php
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:54 kevin.pfeifer ok, its definitely the ErrorHandlerMiddleware in the Application.php which causes my logic
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:53 jojomartius i removed the error handler from application.php and the nit works
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:53 jojomartius but regarding https://github.com/cakephp/app/issues/842
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:53 jojomartius true taht
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:52 kevin.pfeifer well thats a bit too harsh in my opinion ^^ If your not in sync with the app template then I would just go file by file and check what differs
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:50 jojomartius but i guess the best way is just dropping the application into a seperate folder, starting with a new cakephp/app and migrating stuff over
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:50 kevin.pfeifer let me check something
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:50 jojomartius yes, you'r right. but i guess it came with 4.0 or something. too long ago
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:48 jojomartius but the bad part is... also if i clear the skip log thing
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:48 kevin.pfeifer well the Application.php is pretty important since it is used in literally the first php file loaded :) (webroot/index.php)
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:48 jojomartius hehe ya now its not writing it into the logfile :)
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:47 jojomartius i do remember that i somehow missed the point when the "Application.php" was introduced and i had some trouble to get it working, so maybe i did something stupid back in this days
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:46 jojomartius well.. guess that could be the problem
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:46 jojomartius but theres a lot of interesting stuff inside the "new" app
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:45 kevin.pfeifer which is not the problem here because I got that too
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:44 kevin.pfeifer I also just noticed, that there is an issue open for duplicate errorHandler instances created in the template https://github.com/cakephp/app/issues/842
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:43 kevin.pfeifer yea, keeping the project up2date with the cakephp/app template can be a bit challenging sometimes :)
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:43 jojomartius i think thats a good point to start debugging :)
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:43 jojomartius guess this comes from updating and upgrading from older cake versions over and over again ;)
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:42 jojomartius yes, just compared config/boostrap.php with https://github.com/cakephp/app/blob/master/config/bootstrap.php, looks pretty different. but also replacing it with the standard one doesnt help
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:37 kevin.pfeifer well then either look for `Configure::write` or check your `config/bootstrap.php` if some other config files are loaded which could overwrite your main config
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:35 jojomartius you'r right. well i havn't foudn whats overwriting the config but when i dump getconfig in `vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Error/ErrorLogger.php` line 77, it says its an empty array
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:32 jojomartius mh... yes there must be something overwriting my config... usually computers don't lie ;-)
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:31 kevin.pfeifer you sure no other config overwrites your config set in app.php?
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:30 kevin.pfeifer basically the decision/logic for that is present in `vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Error/ErrorLogger.php` line 77 If you got xdebug maybe step into there
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:28 jojomartius `021-07-25 00:28:03 Error: [Cake\Http\Exception\MissingControllerException] Controller class Asdf could not be found. in /app/app/acb/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Controller/ControllerFactory.php on line 226` Exception Attributes: array ( 'class' => 'Asdf', 'plugin' => NULL, 'prefix' => NULL, '_ext' => NULL, ) Request URL: /asdf Client IP:
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:28 jojomartius ``` 'Error' => [ 'errorLevel' => E_ALL and ~E_USER_DEPRECATED and ~E_USER_NOTICE, 'exceptionRenderer' => 'Cake\Error\ExceptionRenderer', 'skipLog' => ['Cake\Http\Exception\MissingControllerException'], 'log' => true, 'trace' => true, ],```
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:28 jojomartius intresting
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:27 kevin.pfeifer no error when adding ```'skipLog' => ['Cake\Http\Exception\MissingControllerException'],``` and calling an unkown URL
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:27 kevin.pfeifer mhmm, it works for me :thinking_face:
# Jul 24th 2021, 22:17 jojomartius Hey, i'm using Cakephp 4.2 and want to skip some error's from being logged (to much in production). I added in app.php Error.skipLog => ['Cake\Http\Exception\MissingControllerException'] but i still get messages when i try to visit random urls like /lkajsdf2 in logs/error.log. Did i get it wrong?