Log message #4268225

# At Username Text
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:24 kevin.pfeifer if you copied the whole RedirectHandler then you will have to add at least ```use Authorization\Middleware\UnauthorizedHandler\HandlerInterface;``` at the top since the interface can’t be autoloaded
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:22 paolo.bragagni steps ahead
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:20 kevin.pfeifer ok and ```use Authorization\Exception\ForbiddenException; ``` at the top
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:20 paolo.bragagni $middlewareQueue->add(new AuthorizationMiddleware($this, [ 'requireAuthorizationCheck' => false, 'unauthorizedHandler' => [ 'className' => 'Regtosc', 'url' => '/users/login', 'queryParam' => 'redirectUrl', 'exceptions' => [ ForbiddenException::class, MissingIdentityException::class, OtherException::class, ], ], ]));
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:19 kevin.pfeifer do you have the `ForbiddenException::class` in your exceptions array
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:18 kevin.pfeifer check your middleware
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:18 paolo.bragagni *Identity is not authorized to perform `add` on `App\Model\Entity\Libro`.*
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:18 paolo.bragagni but it doesnt redirect
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:17 kevin.pfeifer ok sure
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:17 paolo.bragagni no. now I've copied all redirect handler to my handler
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:17 kevin.pfeifer ``` // Add authorization **after** authentication ->add(new AuthorizationMiddleware($this, [ 'unauthorizedHandler' => [ 'className' => 'CustomRedirect', 'url' => '/users/login', 'queryParam' => 'redirectUrl', 'exceptions' => [ MissingIdentityException::class, ForbiddenException::class ], ], ]))```
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:15 kevin.pfeifer so its not working for you?
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:14 kevin.pfeifer basically what is done here https://github.com/cakephp/authorization/blob/master/src/Middleware/UnauthorizedHandler/RedirectHandler.php#L61
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:14 paolo.bragagni a little bit too much for me :S
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:13 kevin.pfeifer and you have to tell the handler which exceptions it should “listen” to
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:13 kevin.pfeifer the handler only redirects certain exceptions
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:10 kevin.pfeifer and `use Authorization\Exception\ForbiddenException;` at the top
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:10 kevin.pfeifer you need to add `ForbiddenException::class` to the `exception` array
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:09 kevin.pfeifer as said, thats a different exception
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:08 paolo.bragagni *Identity is not authorized to perform `add` on `App\Model\Entity\Libro`*
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:05 kevin.pfeifer depending on the thrown execption could be that you need to adjust the expections array in the config
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:05 kevin.pfeifer works for me now :thinking_face:
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:04 paolo.bragagni mmm
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:04 kevin.pfeifer try to just return false to test it
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:04 kevin.pfeifer thats a problem inside your policy
# Jul 23rd 2021, 13:00 paolo.bragagni *Pre-authorization check must return `Authorization\Policy\ResultInterface`, `bool` or `null`.*
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:56 kevin.pfeifer well i basically copied my values from the use statement but i forgot that you need to add the \ if youre not using the class via the use
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:54 paolo.bragagni before Authorization
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:52 kevin.pfeifer could be that i forgot the \ at the front of App ,:)
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:51 paolo.bragagni *Interface 'App\Middleware\UnauthorizedHandler\Authorization\Middleware\UnauthorizedHandler\HandlerInterface' not found*
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:49 kevin.pfeifer basically i forgot the extend of the already present RedirectHandler
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:49 kevin.pfeifer check again, should be more clear now
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:44 paolo.bragagni fighting with namespaces
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:39 kevin.pfeifer i mixed 2 things together, let me fix that
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:39 kevin.pfeifer ah sorry, i forgot something
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:37 paolo.bragagni wait
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:37 paolo.bragagni I'm stupid
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:37 paolo.bragagni :S
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:37 paolo.bragagni *Handler `Regtosc` does not exist.*
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:32 paolo.bragagni thank you Kevin. trying to reproduce
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:32 kevin.pfeifer you can check out https://github.com/LordSimal/authorization/blob/master/docs/en/middleware.rst#how-to-create-a-custom-unauthorizedhandler till we wait till my PR is being reviewed