Log message #4268190

# At Username Text
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:37 paolo.bragagni wait
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:37 paolo.bragagni I'm stupid
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:37 paolo.bragagni :S
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:37 paolo.bragagni *Handler `Regtosc` does not exist.*
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:32 paolo.bragagni thank you Kevin. trying to reproduce
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:32 kevin.pfeifer you can check out https://github.com/LordSimal/authorization/blob/master/docs/en/middleware.rst#how-to-create-a-custom-unauthorizedhandler till we wait till my PR is being reviewed
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:31 kevin.pfeifer well since you will be implementing a custom handler you can do that logic in there too
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:11 paolo.bragagni also redirection to previuos page needs an handler?
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:10 paolo.bragagni hhihi thanks (I think that its a common request, so probably should be included someway in default code)
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:08 kevin.pfeifer I am just in the process of updating the doc since its a bit more “advanced” I would say
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:06 paolo.bragagni first of all I dont know how to create my own handler
# Jul 23rd 2021, 12:05 paolo.bragagni not so easy
# Jul 23rd 2021, 11:46 paolo.bragagni :)
# Jul 23rd 2021, 11:46 paolo.bragagni arghhhh
# Jul 23rd 2021, 10:54 kevin.pfeifer so basically the example uses the RedirectHandler (`Authorization.Redirect` in your array above) which is this class in the plugin https://github.com/cakephp/authorization/blob/master/src/Middleware/UnauthorizedHandler/RedirectHandler.php
# Jul 23rd 2021, 10:53 kevin.pfeifer what you do in that handle() function is basically up to you
# Jul 23rd 2021, 10:52 kevin.pfeifer and with that you can also (as the doc describes) create your own Handler https://github.com/cakephp/authorization/blob/15aa0e01746c797ed3ce5ce745a7a3f08ccc0c6e/docs/en/middleware.rst#handling-unauthorized-requests
# Jul 23rd 2021, 10:51 kevin.pfeifer
# Jul 23rd 2021, 10:50 kevin.pfeifer The Flash message topic is pretty re-occuring. let me search the slack for how to do that
# Jul 23rd 2021, 10:37 paolo.bragagni and what about flash message that shows user that it hasnt the authorization?
# Jul 23rd 2021, 10:37 paolo.bragagni something like 'url' => $this->referer()
# Jul 23rd 2021, 10:36 paolo.bragagni 'unauthorizedHandler' => [ 'className' => 'Authorization.Redirect', 'url' => '/users/login', 'queryParam' => 'redirectUrl', 'exceptions' => [ MissingIdentityException::class, OtherException::class, ],
# Jul 23rd 2021, 10:36 paolo.bragagni Hi in unauthorizedHandler how to redirect to last page?
# Jul 23rd 2021, 00:14 web-54 hello
# Jul 22nd 2021, 17:47 zxcvxcvzxcv =#
# Jul 22nd 2021, 15:00 tyler.adam.lazenby hahaha
# Jul 22nd 2021, 15:00 tyler.adam.lazenby Thanks @dereuromark I will have to go back the white board and figure out my logic. again
# Jul 22nd 2021, 13:23 paolo.bragagni I know I know but I need it. I'll do my own thanks.
# Jul 22nd 2021, 13:02 ndm That aside, that plugin is so basic, just do your own.
# Jul 22nd 2021, 13:00 ndm Using embedded SQL queries sounds like a terrible idea, IMHO that's a job for stored procedures and/or views.
# Jul 22nd 2021, 12:53 paolo.bragagni something similar to this https://github.com/morrislaptop/reports for cake4?
# Jul 22nd 2021, 12:17 paolo.bragagni ok thank you
# Jul 22nd 2021, 12:10 kevin.pfeifer there are many ways how you can interact with migrations
# Jul 22nd 2021, 12:10 dereuromark if you used change(), just use "migrations rollback", done
# Jul 22nd 2021, 12:10 kevin.pfeifer or use rollback https://book.cakephp.org/migrations/2/en/index.html
# Jul 22nd 2021, 12:08 kevin.pfeifer manually delete the table with SQL CLI, PHPMyAdmin or whatever DB management tool you desire
# Jul 22nd 2021, 12:07 paolo.bragagni with someting changed?
# Jul 22nd 2021, 12:04 paolo.bragagni (if I want to rerun ?)
# Jul 22nd 2021, 12:04 paolo.bragagni yes you are great
# Jul 22nd 2021, 12:01 paolo.bragagni ops not save
# Jul 22nd 2021, 12:00 paolo.bragagni something wrong in my config