Log message #4267694

# At Username Text
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:40 paolo.bragagni never touched vendor
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:40 paolo.bragagni uuuu no no!!!
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:39 kevin.pfeifer well have you re-installed your composer modules? ```rm -rf vendor composer install --prefer-dist```
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:38 paolo.bragagni where I could check?
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:37 paolo.bragagni hahaha
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:37 kevin.pfeifer well what did you change when it didn't work anymore ^^
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:37 kevin.pfeifer ok that should work out of the box
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:36 paolo.bragagni cakephp.local
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:36 kevin.pfeifer in your config
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:36 kevin.pfeifer so e.g. if you are on project.test.cc you need to add `'DebugKit.safeTld' => ['dev', 'local', 'cc']`
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:35 paolo.bragagni at the 'beginning' of my endless projet it worked
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:35 kevin.pfeifer you need to set `'DebugKit.safeTld' => ['dev', 'local', 'myTLD']`
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:35 kevin.pfeifer i guess you are on some Top level domain which is not .dev or .local
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:34 paolo.bragagni probably Ive remove from template?
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:34 paolo.bragagni in template ?
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:34 paolo.bragagni debug is set to true
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:33 paolo.bragagni plugin DebugKit is there
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:33 paolo.bragagni yes
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:31 kevin.pfeifer you mean debug mode in cakephp with the debug toolbar at the bottom?
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:29 paolo.bragagni I've change something in the past and is not there no more
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:29 paolo.bragagni how to enable debug?
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:28 martin Yes I like that use () is possible, I know that it was a nightmare in the past to global variables so you can use it everywhere :)
# Jul 16th 2021, 09:28 paolo.bragagni another stupid question
# Jul 16th 2021, 08:34 paolo.bragagni :) thanks
# Jul 16th 2021, 08:33 paolo.bragagni it was enough to know that
# Jul 16th 2021, 08:33 paolo.bragagni wow
# Jul 16th 2021, 08:32 joelmontefer13 $query = $this->Categorie                     ->find('search', ['search' => $this->request->getQueryParams()])                     ->notMatching($return['returnmodel'], function ($q) use ($return) {                     return $q->where([$return['returnmodel'] . '.id' => $return['returncontrollerid']]);                     });
# Jul 16th 2021, 08:31 paolo.bragagni Imean, I'd like to pass a parameter inside the function
# Jul 16th 2021, 08:29 paolo.bragagni $query = $this->Categorie ->find('search', ['search' => $this->request->getQueryParams()]) ->notMatching($return['returnmodel'], function ($q) { return $q->where([$return['returnmodel'] . '.id' => $return['returncontrollerid']]); });
# Jul 16th 2021, 08:29 paolo.bragagni how to do this?
# Jul 16th 2021, 08:29 paolo.bragagni morning
# Jul 15th 2021, 22:45 jh ```$articles->Comments->getTable()```
# Jul 15th 2021, 22:44 jh https://api.cakephp.org/4.2/class-Cake.ORM.Table.html#getTable()
# Jul 15th 2021, 22:42 jh https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/orm/table-objects.html
# Jul 15th 2021, 22:42 jh https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/orm/table-objects.html
# Jul 15th 2021, 22:42 jh or ->getTable()
# Jul 15th 2021, 22:41 jh `$posts->comments->getTableName()` or simiar
# Jul 15th 2021, 22:41 jh $tableClass->{'AssociationName')->getTableName() or similar
# Jul 15th 2021, 22:39 jh oh just the table name
# Jul 15th 2021, 22:38 jh get a table class instance
# Jul 15th 2021, 22:38 jh setup has-many/belongs to