Log message #4267639

# At Username Text
# Jul 15th 2021, 09:58 dereuromark right right
# Jul 15th 2021, 09:54 eax Schema was the way forward :+1:
# Jul 15th 2021, 09:54 eax @dereuromark That only returns the changed values, but thanks :)
# Jul 15th 2021, 09:53 dereuromark $entity->toArray()? :)
# Jul 15th 2021, 09:52 eax Sadly it does not, but good idea with the schema, trying that thanks! :)
# Jul 15th 2021, 09:52 Martin` and you can also read the table schema I think
# Jul 15th 2021, 09:51 Martin` it is not really a array, but it acts as one :P
# Jul 15th 2021, 09:51 Martin` does `foreach ($entity as $k => $v)` not work? or array_get_keys() ?
# Jul 15th 2021, 09:49 eax Hey folks :) In Cake3.8, is there a way to get the name of all the fields in an entity?
# Jul 15th 2021, 06:30 alamnaryab fixed now, I was passing wrong foreign key values.
# Jul 15th 2021, 06:21 alamnaryab For my above issue, I was mistakenly assigning user_ids instead of `Student_id` and `Guardian_id` so it is solved now.
# Jul 15th 2021, 06:05 rudy1976s Hello good morning! I am baking some seed for my plugin: I am creating using bake: my plugin is located in vendor but the bake sometimes creates seeds in app plugin folder and sometimes in the correct path; is there a way to set path for plugin baking ?
# Jul 15th 2021, 05:59 slackebot2 until I try to save `StudentGuardian` , because here I am passing `student_id` and `guardian_id` which is not yet committed to database so it is throwing error that these values does not exist in master tables. How can I handle this situation.
# Jul 15th 2021, 05:59 alamnaryab Good Morning I have school project, on admission entry process, I have to enter `Students` `Guardians` also I have to add `Users` entries for both to allow them login the application. there is student2Guardian relationship table, for which model is named as `StudentGuardians` which has `student_id` and `guardian_id` fields as foreign keys. I am doing all these insertions within a Transaction (to save all or none) all is good
# Jul 15th 2021, 05:37 admad Disk space is the cheapest metric unless you are gonna deploy on a floppy disk.
# Jul 15th 2021, 05:36 admad Yeah 1.3 predates composer, so that's a different thing.
# Jul 15th 2021, 05:22 slackebot2 with the latest version, your whole setup goes right out the window. If you're hoping to save some disc space, the effort to do so is not worth it. If you're thinking it'll save time when you do updates, composer really minimizes how long it takes, so time savings are again very probably not worth it.
# Jul 15th 2021, 05:22 greg138 I used to do it that way with Cake 1.3 apps, and it worked okay, more or less, but it did cause problems. And with the rearrangement of files for autoloading and PSR compliance in Cake 3+, it's much harder to do, and causes more problems to try it. Remember that the day you need to update Cake because you need support for some new plugin in one app, but can't update it because some old plugin in a different app doesn't work
# Jul 15th 2021, 05:11 admad What's your reason for wanting to use only one vendor folder?
# Jul 15th 2021, 04:08 davidmckenzie2015 I just don't want to have three (for example) cakephp core folders to support three cakephp webapps. Thanks again.
# Jul 15th 2021, 04:07 davidmckenzie2015 Yes, I have read cakephp.org and implemented examples there.
# Jul 15th 2021, 04:06 davidmckenzie2015 Thanks for getting back to me. Yes, I should have been more clear. I want to use a single cakephp install on the server and run multiple webapps from that same cakephp core set of files (e.g. the vendor folder, Bin, etc.)
# Jul 15th 2021, 02:46 cnizzardini There is this for a more concrete example: https://github.com/gothinkster/cakephp-realworld-example-app
# Jul 15th 2021, 02:44 cnizzardini Obviously you have read https://cakephp.org/ right? That is your best resource.
# Jul 15th 2021, 02:43 cnizzardini Do you mean entirely different applications (i.e. different controllers, models etc.)?
# Jul 15th 2021, 02:43 cnizzardini "host multiple apps" could mean a lot of things.
# Jul 14th 2021, 23:01 davidmckenzie2015 Can someone please point me to online resources for how to manage cakephp on a production server and have it host multiple apps using the same cakephp core files (version)? I also need help making sure I place the files in the correct directories so that everything is secure. Thanks.
# Jul 14th 2021, 16:39 rightscoreanalysis Am I correct in saying that $this->Model->getInsertId() is risky.... If user A makes a save and then user B makes a save right after, getInsertId is not going to be user A's insert id? the last insert id is the db connection or the current controller execution... this is Cake v2 btw
# Jul 14th 2021, 15:59 tyler.adam.lazenby but good to see you
# Jul 14th 2021, 15:59 tyler.adam.lazenby I was so confused
# Jul 14th 2021, 15:59 cnizzardini oops wrong chat
# Jul 14th 2021, 15:57 cnizzardini Did you try this instead:
# Jul 14th 2021, 10:01 eax Found that solution on github not three minutes ago :P
# Jul 14th 2021, 10:01 eax Thanks @matsaku! I ended up doing. this instead: `$this->ModelName->getEventManager()->off('Model.beforeSave');`
# Jul 14th 2021, 09:55 kevin.pfeifer you can pass a custom option to your ```$articles->save($article, ['doNotBeforeSave' => false]);``` and check in your `beforeSave(EventInterface $event*,* EntityInterface $entity*,* ArrayObject $options)` function if that option is set and then just return true like ```if(!empty($options['doNotBeforeSave']) andand $options['doNotBeforeSave']) return true;```
# Jul 14th 2021, 09:46 eax Hey folks! Cake3 question: Can I disable a beforeSave event from a model somehow? I looked at the examples in the Cookbook but couldn’t make sense of how to apply them here :$
# Jul 14th 2021, 08:14 rudy1976s the listeners is set up in a plugin, I forgot to mention and it is loaded in the plugin.php of the plugin
# Jul 14th 2021, 08:14 rudy1976s hello all ! I have a problem related to events that I was not yet able to manage: I have a controller action where I create an event and dispatch it: i cannot figure out why it randomly fires; i have a listener registered to that event. In the same controller I have another event, in another action which fires every time without any issue.
# Jul 14th 2021, 07:19 dereuromark The existing alternatives are listed in https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/awesome-cakephp#queue
# Jul 14th 2021, 07:17 dereuromark @gautam If you googled, and didnt find anything but that old core ticket, then the answer is most likely "not yet", but you could easily find existing libs out there (e.g. google finds https://github.com/lanlin/codeigniter-swoole ) and you could quickly port this to CakePHP and create a plugin for it yourself.
# Jul 14th 2021, 03:53 hmic You will need to load the data yourself