Log message #4267454

# At Username Text
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:46 kevin.pfeifer i understand why setting default values in the models seems fine but depending on your model/data you could run in the use case, that you need different default values depending on the situation Therefore it would be better to create an empty entity, patch the default value and then patch the input data
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:46 cnizzardini id do some testing around create vs update with that though
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:45 cnizzardini https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/orm/saving-data.html#modifying-request-data-before-building-entities
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:44 tyler.adam.lazenby I am
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:44 cnizzardini then try beforeMarshall
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:44 tyler.adam.lazenby That feels "stinky"
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:44 cnizzardini nothing wrong with doing it in the controller either
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:44 tyler.adam.lazenby hmmmmm
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:44 cnizzardini so beforeMarshall could be an option
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:43 tyler.adam.lazenby ```public function _setToken($token = null): string { if (!$token) { return Security::randomString(32); } return $token; }```
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:43 tyler.adam.lazenby Dang it, the entity doesn't save it by default
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:42 japerlman yeah I keep getting the cake 3 docs and it takes me longer than it should to realize
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:42 japerlman thanks for the help
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:42 japerlman ok yeah it was the missing use, sorry guys.
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:41 cnizzardini i suppose it would fail on marshall if not set before
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:41 kevin.pfeifer i was just looking at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8344189/cakephp-set-default-field-values-in-the-model
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:40 tyler.adam.lazenby the entity is the best place for this I think
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:40 tyler.adam.lazenby I agree with kevin
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:40 kevin.pfeifer i would guess the default value shoul be present before the save is being triggered
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:40 cnizzardini im surprised there is no option for this in Entity
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:40 kevin.pfeifer well, i looked at the cake3 doc, not the cake4…damn google, why do you still rank 3 higher than 4
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:39 cnizzardini and set the value of its null or whatever
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:39 cnizzardini you could use a beforeSave
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:39 tyler.adam.lazenby I like the idea of a field rule that will be system wide to be on the model and not action specific
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:39 tyler.adam.lazenby Exactly
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:38 cnizzardini that seems odd, what if the entity is created elsewhere too?
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:38 dereuromark It is actually EventInterface :P but no biggy
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:38 kevin.pfeifer otherwise you could set the default value on the field as well i guess
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:38 kevin.pfeifer so in the empty entity when your in the add function e.g.
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:38 tyler.adam.lazenby really?
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:38 kevin.pfeifer default values should be set in the controller as far as I know
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:37 tyler.adam.lazenby yeah
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:37 cnizzardini maybe the entity
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:36 tyler.adam.lazenby I think this should be on the table/model but I am not sure where I would do that
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:36 cnizzardini ^ yes
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:36 kevin.pfeifer So if no FQCN is set it tries to autoload the Event class from the point where its currently at…
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:36 tyler.adam.lazenby Is there a way to specify a default value for a field? For example, a way to make it so that the system generates a token using the Security randomChar() method
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:34 cnizzardini will `return false;` actually stop a save?
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:34 kevin.pfeifer add `use Cake\Event\Event;` at the top
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:34 dereuromark Someone should be using an IDE like phpstorm
# Jul 12th 2021, 19:34 dereuromark He is just missing use statements.