Log message #4267314

# At Username Text
# Jul 9th 2021, 09:38 rrd564 Hi, I try to use token authentication with cakephp/authentication. I send the appropritae header, authenticator is loaded, still in doIdentityCheck() the request identity attribute is null. What do I miss?
# Jul 9th 2021, 09:31 nayakvradhit Can anyone please tell currently I am accessing the cakephp app @ipaddress/appname/index.php but I want to access at ipaddress/ how can we achieve?
# Jul 9th 2021, 07:41 kevin.pfeifer for me the easiest was to use `{{ dump() }}` sure you only see the debug output in the generated php file but getting xdebug to work in twig is a bit more complicated
# Jul 9th 2021, 06:50 paolo.bragagni hi how to debug variable in twig (while baking?)
# Jul 8th 2021, 17:15 tyler.adam.lazenby scratch that I made the type text/plain
# Jul 8th 2021, 17:14 tyler.adam.lazenby My hello world for a new action lol ```public function addUser() { /** @var \Authentication\IdentityInterface|\App\Model\Entity\User $user */ $user = $this->Authentication->getIdentity(); $this->Authorization->authorize($user->account, 'addUser'); return $this->response->withType('application/json') ->withDisabledCache() ->withStringBody('Hello World'); }```
# Jul 8th 2021, 14:54 tyler.adam.lazenby I will do that, thanks!
# Jul 8th 2021, 14:53 dereuromark for me entities are ORM (and table) related. sounds more like generic DTOs what you are looking for, see the plugin for it maybe (or create/generate custom hardcoded ones).
# Jul 8th 2021, 14:52 tyler.adam.lazenby On a related question... is it a good idea to create entities that aren't supported by a table? What I mean is for example a call using a specific format for an API call.
# Jul 8th 2021, 14:51 tyler.adam.lazenby oh I like that! (replying to Kevin Pfeifer's comment about mass assignment)
# Jul 8th 2021, 14:21 ndm @k4t Yes... just try it
# Jul 8th 2021, 14:18 steinkel awesome!
# Jul 8th 2021, 14:10 ndm If you don't need automatic identifier quoting or expression parsing capability, pass the SQL snippet as a single string value: `'(IFNULL(previous_price, price) / price) DESC'`. `orderDesc()` accepts raw SQL too: ```$this->Product ->find() ->orderDesc('IFNULL(previous_price, price) / price')```
# Jul 8th 2021, 14:04 ewbarnard Thank you, Jorge! My new co-worker Gary Cartagena will be attending. He and I will be building CakePHP 4.x together.
# Jul 8th 2021, 14:02 steinkel London tz will be, in ~1h
# Jul 8th 2021, 13:50 kupe3b hi, with ```$products=$this->Product->find('all',array( 'order'=>array('IFNULL(previous_price,price)/price'=>'DESC') ));``` in the generated SQL i get : ```ORDER BY `IFNULL(previous_price,price)/price` DESC``` how can i order by this little more complex expression? putting quotes around `IFNULL(previous_price,price)/price` generates broken sql
# Jul 8th 2021, 13:30 danco.zvezdakoski please ignore my messages.. i just got response on the email i sent few minutes ago to the official email.
# Jul 8th 2021, 13:29 danco.zvezdakoski i should be in the list and should have an email with the session login details, but so far i have nothing in the mailbox. Dont want to miss it...
# Jul 8th 2021, 13:26 danco.zvezdakoski regarding the upcoming cakephp training session which should happen in 90 minutes... Anyone of the organisers present here?
# Jul 8th 2021, 13:25 danco.zvezdakoski hello
# Jul 8th 2021, 13:24 k4t Do CAkePHP HTML Form helper escapes input attributes like value?
# Jul 8th 2021, 13:24 k4t Hello
# Jul 8th 2021, 13:17 ewbarnard @steinkel Time zones are hard. Today's training is marked as both GMT and Western European Time, but I think Western European summer time is GMT+1. Is the training time zone currently at 13:16 with training starting at 16:00?
# Jul 8th 2021, 12:01 paolo.bragagni :)
# Jul 8th 2021, 12:00 paolo.bragagni it works
# Jul 8th 2021, 12:00 ndm If your bootstrap is invoked when baking, sure.
# Jul 8th 2021, 11:58 paolo.bragagni it gets inflector rules from bootstrap.php?
# Jul 8th 2021, 11:55 ndm But maybe you should it make it view variable instead, like your other variables.
# Jul 8th 2021, 11:54 ndm The CakePHP twig view has filters for inflection (https://github.com/cakephp/twig-view#extension-filters), so you could do something like `{{ variableName|singularize|underscore }}_id`.
# Jul 8th 2021, 11:49 paolo.bragagni (while baking?)
# Jul 8th 2021, 11:48 paolo.bragagni how to use it in twig?
# Jul 8th 2021, 11:48 paolo.bragagni BUT
# Jul 8th 2021, 11:48 paolo.bragagni Inflector::rules('irregular', ['lingua' => 'lingue']);
# Jul 8th 2021, 11:48 paolo.bragagni well
# Jul 8th 2021, 11:48 paolo.bragagni I use inflectr and it works quite wenn
# Jul 8th 2021, 11:44 ndm There is always a way for anything, it's just a matter of what lengths one is willing to go to. You get those names either through inflection (https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/4.2.7/src/Core/ConventionsTrait.php#L48-L61 - the inflector only speaks US english, one can add custom inflections if one wanted to, but it's of course way easier to simply stick to english), or by inspecting possible association configuration.
# Jul 8th 2021, 11:17 paolo.bragagni language_id from Languages?
# Jul 8th 2021, 11:17 paolo.bragagni so no way to get lingua_id from Lingue?
# Jul 8th 2021, 11:12 paolo.bragagni :(
# Jul 8th 2021, 10:55 slackebot2 !dereuromark-advice
# Jul 8th 2021, 10:55 slackebot2 Command sent from Slack by dereuromark: