Log message #4267276

# At Username Text
# Jul 8th 2021, 11:12 paolo.bragagni :(
# Jul 8th 2021, 10:55 slackebot2 !dereuromark-advice
# Jul 8th 2021, 10:55 slackebot2 Command sent from Slack by dereuromark:
# Jul 8th 2021, 10:51 paolo.bragagni but I dont find the way to get the 'lingua_id'
# Jul 8th 2021, 10:51 paolo.bragagni ${{ otherPlural }} = $this-{{ currentModelName }}->{{ otherName }}->find('list',['conditions' => ['id' => ${{ singularName }}->lingua_id]]);
# Jul 8th 2021, 10:51 paolo.bragagni more or less is:
# Jul 8th 2021, 10:50 paolo.bragagni $lingue = $this->Libri->Lingue->find('list',['conditions' => ['id' => $libro->lingua_id]]);
# Jul 8th 2021, 10:50 paolo.bragagni In my edit.twig I'd like to make something like this
# Jul 8th 2021, 08:10 erwane Thanks
# Jul 8th 2021, 07:44 dereuromark Range() and loop + translation inside a helper
# Jul 8th 2021, 07:26 kevin.pfeifer You can create a custom view helper if you want
# Jul 8th 2021, 07:20 erwane There is a simple way to create a select of weekdays ? (monday, tuesday, ..) Except creating an array with all days and pass to options ;)
# Jul 7th 2021, 19:58 steinkel you can add generic logic to AppController beforeFilter and use `allow` if you check the controller name and action. BUT it would be much better to have the allow per controller in the respective beforeFilter
# Jul 7th 2021, 19:57 steinkel which version are you using? would be possibly for you to upgrade?
# Jul 7th 2021, 17:36 kevin.pfeifer you can also use mass assignment for the accessible array https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/orm/entities.html#mass-assignment and just set those to false which shouldn't be accessible (like here) https://github.com/dereuromark/cakephp-queue/blob/master/src/Model/Entity/QueueProcess.php
# Jul 7th 2021, 17:31 tyler.adam.lazenby but now it is fixed
# Jul 7th 2021, 17:31 tyler.adam.lazenby ungh I have spent way too long trying to track that down
# Jul 7th 2021, 17:30 tyler.adam.lazenby Thank you so much!!!!
# Jul 7th 2021, 17:20 greg138 `'customer_id' => false,`
# Jul 7th 2021, 17:10 tyler.adam.lazenby and I am not sure why
# Jul 7th 2021, 17:10 tyler.adam.lazenby it saves the user but the customer ID is being saved as null
# Jul 7th 2021, 17:09 tyler.adam.lazenby ```$validator ->scalar('customer_id') ->maxLength('customer_id', 255) ->requirePresence('customer_id', 'create') ->notEmptyString('customer_id');```
# Jul 7th 2021, 17:09 slackebot2 'time_updated' => true, 'forgot_pw_token' => true, 'customer_id' => false, 'user_type_id' => true, 'operator' => true, 'state_owner' => true, 'new_user_type' => true, 'authority' => true, ];```
# Jul 7th 2021, 17:09 slackebot2 individual fields accessible as needed. * * @var array */ protected $_accessible = [ 'user_username' => true, 'user_email' => true, 'user_first_name' => true, 'user_last_name' => true, 'user_password' => true, 'user_type' => true, 'operator_id' => true, 'state_owner_id' => true, 'forgot_pw_token_ts' => true, 'time_created' => true,
# Jul 7th 2021, 17:09 tyler.adam.lazenby ```class User extends Entity implements IdentityInterface, \Authorization\IdentityInterface { use LazyLoadEntityTrait; /** * Fields that can be mass assigned using newEntity() or patchEntity(). * * Note that when '*' is set to true, this allows all unspecified fields to * be mass assigned. For security purposes, it is advised to set '*' to false * (or remove it), and explicitly make
# Jul 7th 2021, 17:09 slackebot2 ($this->Users->save($user)) { $this->Flash->success(__('The user has been saved.')); return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']); } $this->Flash->error(__('The user could not be saved. Please, try again.')); }```
# Jul 7th 2021, 17:09 tyler.adam.lazenby ```$customer = $this->Woocommerce->createCustomer($woo_data); if (!$customer->id) { $this->Flash->error(__('The user could not be created on the shop. Please try again. If this problem persists please contact support.')); } else { $data['customer_id'] = $customer->id; debug($data); $user = $this->Users->patchEntity($user, $data, ['associations' => ['Operators']]); dd($user); if
# Jul 7th 2021, 17:09 tyler.adam.lazenby I am trying to set a unique value called customer_id into my users table. It is for a woocommerce data and it isn't saving
# Jul 7th 2021, 16:20 dereuromark yeah, it is about the files in git :) so in the end it should completely not matter what the folders are, if they are created in the right env anyway.
# Jul 7th 2021, 16:16 bato I don't think git tracks directory permissions. Anyway stay close to prod evn makes sense
# Jul 7th 2021, 16:11 kevin.pfeifer indeed
# Jul 7th 2021, 16:11 dereuromark yeah, which is not relevant for normal files :)
# Jul 7th 2021, 16:11 kevin.pfeifer git ignores/forgets executable bit by default as far as i know
# Jul 7th 2021, 16:10 dereuromark either way, staying local more close to prod env is a plus. that includes the creation of files and folders, which in return takes all issues away about permissions
# Jul 7th 2021, 16:10 dereuromark but yeah, depends on the deploy strategy.
# Jul 7th 2021, 16:10 dereuromark git doesnt lose permissions when checking it out :) at least for me it doesnt
# Jul 7th 2021, 16:06 bato :thinking_face: I think the `i18n` shell script is intended to be used in "dev" instance (local, docker, container, etc...) to create translations. Then it will be pushed to a (probably) git repository. When the repository is cloned that permissions are lost. So I can't figure out why there is need of 770 permissions, but maybe it's my limitations. Thanks for the support as usual ;)
# Jul 7th 2021, 14:52 dereuromark https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19547085/differences-between-chmod-755-vs-750-permissions-set => why would world need access to those if the servers are properly (securely) configured?
# Jul 7th 2021, 14:52 dereuromark linux :) which means local PC but internet apps (which means not so local apps on the web) are not targeting you yourself on your computer, but on remote servers
# Jul 7th 2021, 14:47 bato in linux system the folder created are 775 by default, why it should be 770?
# Jul 7th 2021, 14:44 dereuromark yeah, I didnt have any issues so far, and I run multiple apps through the same container.