Log message #4267078

# At Username Text
# Jul 3rd 2021, 13:40 dereuromark I had the same thought^^
# Jul 3rd 2021, 13:15 kevin.pfeifer but thanks anyway for the help :bow:
# Jul 3rd 2021, 13:02 kevin.pfeifer yea, refactoring my whole search logic to the search plugin is on my list
# Jul 3rd 2021, 13:02 admad especially using the filter collections https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/search/tree/master/docs#filter-collection-classes
# Jul 3rd 2021, 13:01 admad might as well look into using foc/search since you are at it. It will make your code very clean.
# Jul 3rd 2021, 13:00 kevin.pfeifer i will do that
# Jul 3rd 2021, 13:00 admad remove *everything* related to the request :)
# Jul 3rd 2021, 12:59 kevin.pfeifer but yes, i can remove the request type check
# Jul 3rd 2021, 12:58 kevin.pfeifer well first it was all present in the controller and then i moved all that inside that finder method
# Jul 3rd 2021, 12:57 admad why the hell are you even checking request type in there currently? :)
# Jul 3rd 2021, 12:57 kevin.pfeifer :)
# Jul 3rd 2021, 12:57 kevin.pfeifer seems logical
# Jul 3rd 2021, 12:56 kevin.pfeifer :thinking_face:
# Jul 3rd 2021, 12:56 admad exactly, why should the finder need anything else from the request?
# Jul 3rd 2021, 12:55 kevin.pfeifer so then I don’t have the whole request object inside my finder and just use the params
# Jul 3rd 2021, 12:55 admad then use `$options['search']` in your finder to read the search args
# Jul 3rd 2021, 12:54 admad And the changes is pretty easy, all you have to do is `find('index', ['search' => $this->request->getQuery()])`
# Jul 3rd 2021, 12:53 kevin.pfeifer alright, then I will change that. thx for the info :bow:
# Jul 3rd 2021, 12:52 admad @kevin.pfeifer ORM should never know anything about the incoming request.
# Jul 3rd 2021, 09:32 kevin.pfeifer i was just trying to clean up my controller index function and thought this was fine ^^
# Jul 3rd 2021, 09:28 kevin.pfeifer so I shouldn't get the query args through the request object, instead I should pass them via the options.
# Jul 3rd 2021, 03:37 admad @kevin.pfeifer your code is bad given the fact that you are directly using the query instance inside it instead of passing the querystring args through finder options.
# Jul 2nd 2021, 21:57 kevin.pfeifer and yes my app has no authentication/authorization till now :)
# Jul 2nd 2021, 21:56 kevin.pfeifer I don't want to make it a competition but I think my custom finder doesn't look that much better :,)
# Jul 2nd 2021, 21:54 tyler.adam.lazenby btw yes I know I need to use authorization.
# Jul 2nd 2021, 21:53 slackebot2 $contactToList) { if ($contactToList->contact_id === $contact->id) { $contact->isPart = true; break; } } } if ($this->request->is('ajax')) { $this->response = $this->response->withDisabledCache(); return $this->response ->withType('application/json')
# Jul 2nd 2021, 21:53 slackebot2 ->withStringBody(json_encode($contacts)); } return $contacts; }```
# Jul 2nd 2021, 21:53 slackebot2 $contacts = $this->Authorization->applyScope($contacts, 'index'); $contactToLists = $this->Contacts->ContactToLists->find() ->where(['contact_list_id' => $contact_list_id]); /** @var \App\Model\Entity\Contact $contact */ foreach ($contacts as $contact) { $contact->isPart = false; /** @var \App\Model\Entity\ContactToList $contactToList */ foreach ($contactToLists as
# Jul 2nd 2021, 21:53 slackebot2 $contacts = $this->Contacts->find(); $contacts = $contacts->where([ 'OR' => [ "CONCAT_WS(' ', first_name, last_name) LIKE" => $contacts->func()->concat(['%', $param, '%']), 'first_name LIKE' => $contacts->func()->concat(['%', $param, '%']), 'last_name LIKE' => $contacts->func()->concat(['%', $param, '%']), ], ])->orderAsc('first_name');
# Jul 2nd 2021, 21:53 tyler.adam.lazenby ```/** * Ajax Contact Search * @return \Cake\Http\Response|mixed|null */ public function searchContacts() { $this->Authorization->skipAuthorization(); $param = $this->request->getQuery('param'); $referrer = $this->request->referer(); $params = Router::getRouteCollection()->parse($referrer); $contact_list_id = $params['id']; // All Contacts
# Jul 2nd 2021, 21:52 tyler.adam.lazenby I mean... let me just show you my nonesense
# Jul 2nd 2021, 21:52 kevin.pfeifer but basically that should be the base how you filter/search in php
# Jul 2nd 2021, 21:52 kevin.pfeifer I too have to refactor my search to that plugin because its pretty awesome
# Jul 2nd 2021, 21:52 tyler.adam.lazenby Thank you kevin
# Jul 2nd 2021, 21:51 tyler.adam.lazenby I didn't even know this existed
# Jul 2nd 2021, 21:15 kevin.pfeifer custom API Point based on https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/search ?
# Jul 2nd 2021, 19:41 tyler.adam.lazenby what have you found is the best live search js component for cakephp?
# Jul 2nd 2021, 18:59 kevin.pfeifer as a native german speaker I can definitely NOT recommend using it in any matter :,)
# Jul 2nd 2021, 16:49 dereuromark Is klingonian already out again these days?^^
# Jul 2nd 2021, 16:44 tyler.adam.lazenby speak? What is this speaking you .... never mind
# Jul 2nd 2021, 16:17 admad What do you wanna do instead, speak Cherokee? :P