Log message #4266970

# At Username Text
# Jul 1st 2021, 18:31 tyler.adam.lazenby I am trying to figure that one out but I open it and ijust is a command line thing...
# Jul 1st 2021, 18:30 admad @tyler.adam.lazenby mailhog
# Jul 1st 2021, 18:29 tyler.adam.lazenby hahha
# Jul 1st 2021, 18:22 kevin.pfeifer mhmm, i could try even though i basically refuse to do any coding on windows ,:)
# Jul 1st 2021, 18:21 tyler.adam.lazenby Windows 10
# Jul 1st 2021, 18:21 kevin.pfeifer xampp on which OS?
# Jul 1st 2021, 18:19 tyler.adam.lazenby I was wondering if there is an easy to set up dummy email server that people knew about
# Jul 1st 2021, 18:18 tyler.adam.lazenby the thing is if I disable mercury for example it will just tell me it can't connect to a mail server
# Jul 1st 2021, 18:18 kevin.pfeifer use a dummy email address from a real SMTP server?
# Jul 1st 2021, 18:15 tyler.adam.lazenby anybody know of an easier solution?
# Jul 1st 2021, 18:15 tyler.adam.lazenby What is the easiest way to send email from your local server (so that I can test my email sending in cakephp). I have been trying with xampp mercury for hours and can't even get it to send to root@localhost, even though I can send test emails through the mercury interface
# Jul 1st 2021, 18:02 kevin.pfeifer also: shouldn't part of your where function be placed in a `->having()` because you want to filter by grouped data? like the `ResourcesCounts.date BETWEEN etc.`
# Jul 1st 2021, 17:56 staccato123 @ndm Ah, thanks. That's not obvious from the docs.
# Jul 1st 2021, 17:49 kevin.pfeifer damn that makes sense :see_no_evil: :,) i need more coffee
# Jul 1st 2021, 17:42 ndm staccato123: `hasMany` associations are not being joined, they are being retrieved in a separate query. If you want them joined, then you need to join them, not contain them - check `innerJoinWith()` and `leftJoinWith()`.
# Jul 1st 2021, 16:16 staccato123 (obviously the JOIN needs an ON clause as well :) )
# Jul 1st 2021, 16:16 staccato123 Fair enough, thanks for looking
# Jul 1st 2021, 16:13 kevin.pfeifer can't tell you, sorry :shru
# Jul 1st 2021, 16:11 staccato123 Looking at the query log, all the query needs is "JOIN resources_count ResourcesCounts" adding
# Jul 1st 2021, 16:07 staccato123 error is "Error: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'ResourcesCounts.date' in 'where clause'" as you would expect
# Jul 1st 2021, 16:05 staccato123 https://pastebin.com/YHkq9NZe
# Jul 1st 2021, 16:04 staccato123 *there's
# Jul 1st 2021, 16:04 staccato123 There's SQL. There no JOIN
# Jul 1st 2021, 16:01 kevin.pfeifer or do you get an error?
# Jul 1st 2021, 16:00 kevin.pfeifer is there SQL generated when you look into it via debug kit?
# Jul 1st 2021, 15:59 kevin.pfeifer :thinking_face: so you don’t need to set the extra `className` property because the alias (1st parameter) is the same as the TableObject name
# Jul 1st 2021, 15:55 staccato123 yes
# Jul 1st 2021, 15:55 kevin.pfeifer but the resources_counts Table Class is called `ResourcesCountsTable`?
# Jul 1st 2021, 15:18 staccato123 The only unusualness is that the table for ResourcesCounts is resources_count rather than resources_counts, but I've done a setTable
# Jul 1st 2021, 15:15 staccato123 https://pastebin.com/3nFKFStE
# Jul 1st 2021, 15:13 staccato123 give me a sec
# Jul 1st 2021, 14:47 kevin.pfeifer can you provide code examples of how you define the hasMany and how you use it?
# Jul 1st 2021, 14:46 staccato123 Is there an obvious reason why my hasMany association isn't turning up when I use ->contain() ?
# Jul 1st 2021, 14:45 info315 I'm not using pure SQL, I'm using th eCakePHP Migrations :)
# Jul 1st 2021, 14:45 staccato123 Afternoon
# Jul 1st 2021, 14:43 kevin.pfeifer uh, 5.0 is on the way :scream:
# Jul 1st 2021, 14:42 dereuromark Also see https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/wiki
# Jul 1st 2021, 14:04 cristianhaunsen `CREATE TABLE a.table`
# Jul 1st 2021, 14:04 edu.garcia Really appreciated Kevin
# Jul 1st 2021, 14:04 cristianhaunsen you can prefix the database name in your query (if you are using pure sql)
# Jul 1st 2021, 13:57 kevin.pfeifer for installation requirements see also 3.x https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/installation.html 4.x https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/installation.html