Log message #4266324

# At Username Text
# Jun 24th 2021, 08:17 conehead Good morning everyone. Anyone using events a lot? I was just wondering...can I just listen for events for a specific table? Aren't they called automatically? I know they trigger for example 'Model.afterSave', but they do not trigger spefic events like 'Model.Users.afterSave'? Do I have to trigger them manually?
# Jun 24th 2021, 08:16 erwane and shool_groupes ?
# Jun 24th 2021, 08:16 erwane sessions can be workshops ?
# Jun 24th 2021, 08:15 alamnaryab I can you any name, but wanted to learn how experts do it. I like the prefixed version `school_classes` `academic_sessions`
# Jun 24th 2021, 08:12 erwane @alamnaryab you can't use another approching names ?
# Jun 24th 2021, 08:12 kevin.pfeifer @alamnaryab I would rename the table to something like `custom_classes` or `project_classes` or something that is related to what this table actually does. Then you have a valid name and everything should get auto-generated with the bake command
# Jun 24th 2021, 07:53 romuald Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/7c36d290f9028c62f3e120f811158060/pasted.txt
# Jun 24th 2021, 07:52 alamnaryab what is best practice in this scenario? should I name tables as `clases` instead of `classes` but then label will be wrong
# Jun 24th 2021, 07:51 romuald ```
# Jun 24th 2021, 07:51 romuald <th scope="col"><?= $this->Paginator->sort('Alerts.alerts_total', "Total alerts") ?></th>
# Jun 24th 2021, 07:51 romuald / Template/Products/index.ctp
# Jun 24th 2021, 07:51 romuald ```php
# Jun 24th 2021, 07:51 romuald ```
# Jun 24th 2021, 07:51 romuald $this->set(compact('products'));
# Jun 24th 2021, 07:51 romuald $products = $this->paginate($products);
# Jun 24th 2021, 07:51 romuald ]);
# Jun 24th 2021, 07:51 romuald }
# Jun 24th 2021, 07:51 romuald ])->where(['Alerts.active' => true]);
# Jun 24th 2021, 07:51 romuald 'alerts_total' => $q->func()->count('Alerts.id')
# Jun 24th 2021, 07:51 romuald 'Alerts.active',
# Jun 24th 2021, 07:51 romuald 'Alerts.product_id',
# Jun 24th 2021, 07:51 romuald return $q->select([
# Jun 24th 2021, 07:51 romuald 'Alerts' => function($q) {
# Jun 24th 2021, 07:51 romuald $products->find()->contain([
# Jun 24th 2021, 07:51 romuald / Controller/ProductsController.php
# Jun 24th 2021, 07:51 romuald ```php
# Jun 24th 2021, 07:51 romuald Hi all !! What I missed here to have a "count field" ordered with Paginator ?
# Jun 24th 2021, 06:10 erwane You don't have another name for this entities ? Your Table can use the entity you want (set entityClasssName in your model) but with this class and session reserverd words, it will be a problem in all your project, every time
# Jun 24th 2021, 05:43 alamnaryab I am making tables named classes and sessions entity class name will be `Class` and `Session` which are reserved works how should I handle it?
# Jun 24th 2021, 05:39 alamnaryab good morning all
# Jun 24th 2021, 04:23 divyesh.prajapati What is main agenda CakeFest? How can we attend this?
# Jun 23rd 2021, 23:07 ljolley That's what I was looking for @kevin.pfeifer. I'll fool around with it. Thanks!
# Jun 23rd 2021, 23:05 kevin.pfeifer Or you use mailer profiles which can be set when creating the mailer object https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/core-libraries/email.html#configuration Mailer profiles are defined in your config/app.php https://github.com/cakephp/app/blob/master/config/app.php#L257
# Jun 23rd 2021, 23:03 dereuromark You can also use a custom Message, like Tools plugin one ( https://github.com/dereuromark/cakephp-tools/blob/master/src/Mailer/Message.php#L41 ) which sets defaults here based on app config.
# Jun 23rd 2021, 23:00 greg138 Use a custom transport that extends the standard one and just calls `setFrom` with your default value, then calls the parent implementation?
# Jun 23rd 2021, 22:58 ljolley Does anyone know if there is a way to define the `setFrom` for a `Cake\Mailer\Mailer` in the `EmailTransport` defined in `/config/app.php` so it doesn't have to be set every time an email is generated?
# Jun 23rd 2021, 22:55 sebastiansperandio093 thanks! I supposed something like that. I was looking for some ideas. Thanks Kevin
# Jun 23rd 2021, 21:26 tyler.adam.lazenby Right, and I think just using the `getData()` method will work fine it is a json body that gets sent over.
# Jun 23rd 2021, 21:25 kevin.pfeifer ```$this->request->getParsedBody();``` will give you the json directly if you desire that more
# Jun 23rd 2021, 21:24 tyler.adam.lazenby thank you!!!!!!!!
# Jun 23rd 2021, 21:24 kevin.pfeifer with `$this->request->getBody()` you get a PhpInputStream. If you want the unparsed body, you need to call ```$this->request->getBody()->getContents()```