Log message #4266252

# At Username Text
# Jun 23rd 2021, 20:10 steinkel you are not posting a form
# Jun 23rd 2021, 20:10 steinkel don't enable FormProtection in your webhooks, they are going to be called by an external entity that's not going to get the required tokens configured
# Jun 23rd 2021, 20:09 tyler.adam.lazenby Which I don't understand because the action is literally just going to be an endpoint for a webhook
# Jun 23rd 2021, 20:04 tyler.adam.lazenby @kevin.pfeifer Form protection. sorry I didn't flag
# Jun 23rd 2021, 20:02 tyler.adam.lazenby FormProtection
# Jun 23rd 2021, 20:02 kevin.pfeifer @tyler.adam.lazenby this exception only gets thrown by either the SecurityComponent or the FormProtector. Can you tell from the callstack which it is?
# Jun 23rd 2021, 20:00 kevin.pfeifer @sebastiansperandio093 a postlink is just an extra form that only gets submitted after you confirm the alert box So you need to find the corresponding form by the ID and adjust the action it would post to
# Jun 23rd 2021, 19:56 sebastiansperandio093 I need to update $article->id var with jquery (depending of an ajax response)
# Jun 23rd 2021, 19:55 sebastiansperandio093 ```<?= $this->Form->postLink( 'Delete', ['action' => 'delete', $article->id], ['confirm' => 'Are you sure?']) ?>```
# Jun 23rd 2021, 19:55 sebastiansperandio093 I meant
# Jun 23rd 2021, 19:54 sebastiansperandio093 hello there! can someone help me to find a way to update the parameter in a postLink with Jquery o Javascript?
# Jun 23rd 2021, 19:52 tyler.adam.lazenby ```$csrf = new CsrfProtectionMiddleware([ 'httponly' => true, ] ); $csrf->skipCheckCallback(function ($request) { if ($request->getParam('action') === 'sendOrderEmail') { return true; } });```
# Jun 23rd 2021, 19:52 tyler.adam.lazenby Possibly related to Cake\Http\Exception\BadRequestException: "`_Token` was not found in request data."
# Jun 23rd 2021, 19:52 tyler.adam.lazenby So I tried the solution that was given yesterday on how to exclude an action from csrf protection checks... but when I test it... this is the error I get
# Jun 23rd 2021, 15:01 joacir.santos So, I missunderstood the setter concept on entity. Appreciate your help!
# Jun 23rd 2021, 14:52 joepferguson Submitted 2 talks. Thanks for the reminder!
# Jun 23rd 2021, 14:46 joepferguson Chris: there's some ideas on the submit page https://cakefest.org/submit • CakePHP features • Optimization and performance • Development and deployment techniques • Integration with other packages or platforms • Plugins and extending the framework • CakePHP 4 • Successful projects in CakePHP
# Jun 23rd 2021, 14:44 dereuromark Thats what behaviors are for, after all ;) Check out alone my tools ones, a huge list of specific things to modify specific fields with. I always try to keep these things out of entities, as this can only blow up.
# Jun 23rd 2021, 14:42 chris301 what sort of things might you be looking for?
# Jun 23rd 2021, 14:39 ndm Long story short, if you want to store base64 encoded data, use either `beforeSave`, or a custom database type.
# Jun 23rd 2021, 14:39 amanda.goff As soon as talk submissions close! We planned maybe the end of this month but may extend through July. I will PM you each soon to discuss details :cake::cake::)
# Jun 23rd 2021, 14:39 slackebot saved, ie the decoded value returned from your getter will land in the database. Basically your code is a complex noop.
# Jun 23rd 2021, 14:39 ndm The value passed to the getter method is the value as it exists in the entity, the getter method can then return it in a modified fashion, it's intended to work that way. The setter receives the value passed from the outside when setting a property, the modified value will be stored in the entity. The getter/accessor will not only be invoked when you read the value in your code, it will also be invoked when the entity is being
# Jun 23rd 2021, 14:38 joacir.santos Yea, I had use beforeSave too in cake 2, I am migrating to cake 4 and had think now I have should use setter to do it.
# Jun 23rd 2021, 14:34 jamison508 I'm really not sure. I've never used an entity setter in Cake, only ever used beforeSave.
# Jun 23rd 2021, 14:33 joacir.santos I had imagine the setter had must be used to convert the field and save on database converted. It´s wrong?
# Jun 23rd 2021, 14:30 joacir.santos I agree about the args on getters, but I saw it like this in cake book reference.
# Jun 23rd 2021, 14:26 jamison508 Secondarily, unless it is critical that the name be base64-encoded on the entity, if you are OK with it being unencoded until you actually save to the database, this might be better handled in the table's `beforeSave()`
# Jun 23rd 2021, 14:25 jamison508 Why are you passing a parameter to `_getName()`? Shouldn't that just be a basic getter with no args?
# Jun 23rd 2021, 14:24 kevin.pfeifer I was curious about the same question :)
# Jun 23rd 2021, 14:23 jamison508 Already submitted, any hints as to when we'll hear back? :)
# Jun 23rd 2021, 14:22 slackebot $this->Users->get(1, ['fields' => ['id', 'name']]); $this->assertEquals('joacir', $saved->name); // success $this->assertEquals('joacir', $user->name); // fail, why???? I think it suppose to be saved in base64 ```
# Jun 23rd 2021, 14:22 joacir.santos Greetings guys! I am have some dificulty to understand why my field do not save like it suppose to, using entity mutetor on field: ```// on entity protected function _setName($name) { if (!empty($name)) { $name = base64_encode($name); } return $name; } // test $user = $this->Users->get(1, ['fields' => ['id', 'name']]); $user->name = 'joacir'; $saved = $this->Users->save($user); $user =
# Jun 23rd 2021, 14:21 martin I’m not really a speaker
# Jun 23rd 2021, 14:17 amanda.goff @channel - REMINDER: if anyone is interested in being a speaker for virtual CakeFest in October, please submit your talk (you just need a quick description) at CakeFest.org. :cake:
# Jun 23rd 2021, 11:32 drashti.b.patel No problem
# Jun 23rd 2021, 09:42 drashti.b.patel ok will check thank you for your help
# Jun 23rd 2021, 09:35 drashti.b.patel It is showing when I run rector command "sudo bin/cake upgrade rector --rules cakephp40 <path/to/app/src>" It seems because it is using the "https://github.com/phpstan/phpstan" package and when I checked separately through the phpstan command then also showing similar error.
# Jun 23rd 2021, 09:15 slackebot Configure::read('Config.CDN_IMG_URL')); Configure::write('App.cssBaseUrl', Configure::read('Config.CDN_CSS_URL')); Configure::write('App.jsBaseUrl', Configure::read('Config.CDN_JS_URL')); $transactionListener = new TransactionListener(); EventManager::instance()->on($transactionListener);```
# Jun 23rd 2021, 09:15 slackebot correctly pluralize or singularize * table, model, controller names or whatever other string is passed to the * inflection functions. */ //Inflector::rules('plural', ['/^(inflect)or$/i' => '\1ables']); //Inflector::rules('irregular', ['red' => 'redlings']); //Inflector::rules('uninflected', ['dontinflectme']); //Inflector::rules('transliteration', ['/å/' => 'aa']); Configure::write('App.imageBaseUrl',
# Jun 23rd 2021, 09:15 slackebot enables the automatic conversion of * locale specific date formats. For details see * @link https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/core-libraries/internationalization-and-localization.html#parsing-localized-datetime-data */ Type::build('time') ->useImmutable(); Type::build('date') ->useImmutable(); Type::build('datetime') ->useImmutable(); Type::build('timestamp') ->useImmutable(); /* * Custom Inflector rules, can be set to