Log message #4265839

# At Username Text
# Jun 18th 2021, 11:15 kevin.pfeifer @alamnaryab do you really want to query the `id` column with a `LIKE`?
# Jun 18th 2021, 11:13 alamnaryab Hi All using cakephp 4.2.2 getting below error `Cannot convert value of type `string` to integer` ```$conds = [ 'id LIKE' => '%a%', //int field 'name LIKE' => '%a%', //varchar field ]; $conds= ['OR'=>$conds]; $query = $this->Students->find('all') ->where($conds) ->select($cols); $data = $this->paginate($query);```
# Jun 18th 2021, 11:08 neon1024 Hopefully shouldn’t need a template
# Jun 18th 2021, 11:08 neon1024 Yeah, I am implementing some OAuth, so just trying to get my head around the flow at the moment
# Jun 18th 2021, 11:07 kevin.pfeifer @neon1024 just FYI: If you manually return a response inside your action then you don't need to do that (like when returning ajax directly)
# Jun 18th 2021, 11:06 neon1024 Ace, thanks @kevin.pfeifer
# Jun 18th 2021, 11:05 kevin.pfeifer ```$this->autoRender = false;```
# Jun 18th 2021, 11:05 neon1024 I still get a missing template exception
# Jun 18th 2021, 11:05 neon1024 How do I disable a template render for a controller action? I’ve tried `$this->render(null)` `$this->viewBuilder->disableAutoLayout()` and `$this->viewBuilder()->setTemplate(null)`
# Jun 18th 2021, 08:38 paolo.bragagni ajax
# Jun 18th 2021, 08:10 paolo.bragagni there is a way?
# Jun 18th 2021, 08:04 paolo.bragagni hi I'm trying to get in form.twig the name of the 'title' in associated table
# Jun 18th 2021, 06:01 admad @angelxmoreno Debug if the crud action is using your table class
# Jun 18th 2021, 02:45 angelxmoreno next CRUD Q: I am on friendsofcake/crud 5.5.1 and cakephp/cakeph 3.9.10, I need help debugging why CRUD wont validate my request data https://gist.github.com/angelxmoreno/0581c7ddc95325c40fd42a9166450670
# Jun 18th 2021, 01:58 angelxmoreno @admad just wanted to follow up on your assist. Your point gave me insight and I went with a simpler solution than i originally anticipated. Route rules did the job just like you implied!
# Jun 18th 2021, 01:56 davinci I'm not sure either. :) Hoping someone here might know
# Jun 18th 2021, 01:50 bmudda Not sure you can create migration snapshot for single table. You might have to write it manually.
# Jun 18th 2021, 01:46 davinci @bmudda that seems to be talking about an entire snapshot, not a single table migration
# Jun 18th 2021, 01:45 bmudda @davinci https://book.cakephp.org/migrations/2/en/index.html#generating-migrations-from-an-existing-database
# Jun 18th 2021, 01:20 davinci (via CLI, not just by looking at it :)
# Jun 18th 2021, 01:16 davinci Can I create a migration file from an existing table?
# Jun 17th 2021, 18:41 kevin.pfeifer @joey.mukherjee well I was just referring to a belongsToMany connection, but if you are happy saving the json in your column then go for that :)
# Jun 17th 2021, 18:30 joey.mukherjee That is what I want... Neat! I'm not sure why it says something about time zones in the beginning. Thank you for the pointer!
# Jun 17th 2021, 18:26 admad https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/orm/associations.html#using-the-through-option
# Jun 17th 2021, 18:25 admad s/file type/field type
# Jun 17th 2021, 18:25 admad https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/orm/saving-data.html#saving-complex-types
# Jun 17th 2021, 18:24 joey.mukherjee @ndm I do have a junction table! Can I use that somehow? @admad That sounds useful! Is there a routine in the middle where I can modify the input/output? How do I set the file type in the schema anyway? Is that a MySQL thing? I am converting from old saved data to my new more efficient save that I would like to modify the data a bit...
# Jun 17th 2021, 18:19 admad "I save them as a json_encoded string in the database" Set the file type to "json" in table's schema, then cake will handle the string to array and array to string conversion for you
# Jun 17th 2021, 18:17 kevin.pfeifer @joey.mukherjee so you don’t have a junction table which connects your main table with the “other” table?
# Jun 17th 2021, 18:15 kevin.pfeifer I also learned new things :)
# Jun 17th 2021, 18:15 kevin.pfeifer @ndm :clap:
# Jun 17th 2021, 18:11 alamnaryab also thanks to @kevin.pfeifer and @admad
# Jun 17th 2021, 18:09 alamnaryab @ndm You are great Today in few hours I learnt too much I would like to be in your touch to learn more
# Jun 17th 2021, 18:02 joey.mukherjee I have an entity which needs an array of other entities. I save them as a json_encoded string in the database. When I load them, I want to decode the string and create all the entities. Where is the right place to do that in CakePHP? Do I create a routine in the entity of what is saved or is there something that is called whenever I retrieve/find something in the table routines?
# Jun 17th 2021, 16:14 ndm The easiest solution for you might be a redirect route (https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/development/routing.html#redirect-routing), given that you want to use use a fixed default language like in your middleware snippet, then it would just be a matter of something like `$routes->redirect('/', '/en');`
# Jun 17th 2021, 16:06 admad If you know what you are doing, no; but since you are at this for days/weeks that doesn't seem to be case for you.
# Jun 17th 2021, 16:04 alamnaryab @admad in this implementation I am not using that plugin will it be difficult to do it without plugin?
# Jun 17th 2021, 15:57 admad https://github.com/admad/cakephp-i18n#i18nmiddleware
# Jun 17th 2021, 15:52 alamnaryab what would be better event or method where I can put this redirect? app::beforeFilter()?
# Jun 17th 2021, 15:50 ndm btw, if `/` would be the only route that would have no language parameter, then I would press even harder on implementing a redirect solution, eg redirect `/` to `/default-or-browser-language`
# Jun 17th 2021, 15:49 ndm That example of course won't cover anything that you might want to in your app, you need to take a deep look at how routing works, otherwise you'll get stuck over and over again. You can connect `/` to whatever you want it to point to, like here in the first example https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/development/routing.html: `$routes->connect('/', ['controller' => 'Articles', 'action' => 'index']);`