Log message #4265687

# At Username Text
# Jun 17th 2021, 07:26 slackebot me with just config/routing.php to make urls as below www.domain.com/en/* www.domain.com/en/admin/*
# Jun 17th 2021, 07:26 slackebot solution. I thought I will create basic CMS project available at cakephp website, with Authentication plugin, admin prefix and multi language implementation. that is available at https://github.com/alamadcs/cake4-routing-problem please help me out in this Currently the current language is being saved in Session not URL. I want it to be in URL, I have also written code to handle it ( commented at AppController/BeforeFilter() ) plz help
# Jun 17th 2021, 07:26 alamnaryab Good Morning I am facing issue with routing since last 2 weeks. also posted at stackoverflow as well as at discourse.cakephp.org I got responses but none worked for me, I am new with Cakephp4 that's why I am not sure when what to debug to fix this issue. some people says application.php has error some say check URL array(i don't know how) in slack also @kevin.pfeifer tried his best to help but we caould not found the
# Jun 17th 2021, 07:13 conehead Does anyone know if/how it is possible to disable translations in unit tests?
# Jun 17th 2021, 07:13 conehead Good morning everyone.
# Jun 17th 2021, 05:30 dereuromark https://github.com/dereuromark/cakephp-queue/blob/master/src/Plugin.php#L38 works for me.
# Jun 17th 2021, 00:17 japerlman how can I troubleshoot/diagnose an issue with the friendsofcake CRUD component for json api on cake 3.x I'm using a REST client and when I set the header for application/json I get 'null' as the only thing back on my GET but if I remove the header I get the normal cakephp view as expected. So I'm thinking there's an issue in the auto-magic of the CRUD component but I really have no idea where to start
# Jun 17th 2021, 00:00 vinicius.big I was looking for a cakephp way to do it, but I think a `class_exists()` will fit here
# Jun 16th 2021, 23:45 vinicius.big thinking here that probably I will have to install Bake even for production
# Jun 16th 2021, 23:40 vinicius.big Hello! How can I *disable* a command inside my plugin when in production mode? I've created a custom bake command in order to bake custom stuff on my project. I'm extending the `AllCommand` from bake. and the class in `src/Command/AllCommand.php` is using `use Bake\Command\AllCommand` But, on production, the Bake plugin is not installed, and I'm getting this class not found error. Is there a way to get around this?
# Jun 16th 2021, 20:25 slackebot ideas? I can post more code if it helps, but I'm trying to keep it simple.
# Jun 16th 2021, 20:25 joey.mukherjee Using a CakePHP union from database, I am not getting all of my "contain"ed tables. I am only getting the first one that is contained. If I reverse the union, I get the other one. Is there a way I can get them all? Here's my union: $reviewers = $obs->union ($tests); If I reverse the "tests" and "obs", I get the other tables information which is correct, but I want them all regardless of the order in the union. Any
# Jun 16th 2021, 20:21 kevin.pfeifer if there is a `composer.lock` file present the command `composer install` will ignore the version strings in your `composer.json` and just install the versions which are set in the `composer.lock` file but if you don't have a `composer.lock` file then it will generate a new one with the newest versions currently available (according to the version strings)
# Jun 16th 2021, 20:19 kevin.pfeifer see https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/versions.md#stability-constraints for what the different version strings are
# Jun 16th 2021, 20:18 slackebot present (which are still valid to your constraints set in composer.json)
# Jun 16th 2021, 20:18 kevin.pfeifer the short gist of it composer.json is the "what versions of software would I like to have" file composer.lock gets generated after executing `composer install` based on the conditions set in the composer.json You can basically perform a `composer update` anytime you want. It then checks what versions are actually installed currently in your system (via the composer.lock file) and the checks if there are newer version
# Jun 16th 2021, 20:17 japerlman I see .lock I think it's a file being used by a process running I thought it was stale and left over
# Jun 16th 2021, 20:16 japerlman I don't and I deleted my composer.lock to get around the last error I was getting so I probably messed it up
# Jun 16th 2021, 20:09 kevin.pfeifer you know how composer.json and composer.lock are related?
# Jun 16th 2021, 20:09 kevin.pfeifer just a composer.json doesn't allow you to use that command
# Jun 16th 2021, 20:08 japerlman ```$ cat composer.json | grep cakephp/plugin-installer "cakephp/plugin-installer": "^1.3",```
# Jun 16th 2021, 20:07 japerlman ```$ dir composer.json composer.json```
# Jun 16th 2021, 20:07 japerlman yes
# Jun 16th 2021, 20:07 kevin.pfeifer and you are in the directory where the composer.json is present?
# Jun 16th 2021, 20:06 japerlman no idea why mine is showing that error, I'm copy/pasting your text
# Jun 16th 2021, 19:59 kevin.pfeifer it should say something like that ```-> % composer why cakephp/plugin-installer cakephp/app dev-master requires cakephp/plugin-installer (^1.3) ```
# Jun 16th 2021, 19:56 japerlman The suggestion from @bmuddagot me what I needed, but that's the output from your command. Seems odd to me but I'm very new so I accept that I don't know much
# Jun 16th 2021, 19:56 japerlman ```$ composer why cakephp/plugin-installer [InvalidArgumentException] Could not find package "cakephp/plugin-installer" in your project```
# Jun 16th 2021, 19:54 kevin.pfeifer something seems to require an old plugin-installer check it via ```composer why cakephp/plugin-installer```
# Jun 16th 2021, 19:54 japerlman thanks! had the wrong composer.json open at first, then had to delete a stale composer.lock file but it looks like it's doing it's thing now. Thank you.
# Jun 16th 2021, 19:49 bmudda you probably have to update you composer.json to update plugin installer library ```"cakephp/plugin-installer": "^1.3"```
# Jun 16th 2021, 19:47 japerlman Or is that not the reason for my error?
# Jun 16th 2021, 19:47 japerlman ```ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified. C:\xxxx\xxxx\xxxxx\vendor\composer\tmp-6493c3d89bb30a9ae52c10e3e9387636```
# Jun 16th 2021, 19:46 japerlman How do I update my plugin installer? Or do I need to install an older version of composer? ```$ composer require friendsofcake/crud:^5.0 Loading "cakephp/plugin-installer" which is a legacy composer-installer built for Composer 1.x, it is likely to cause issues as you are running Composer 2.x.```
# Jun 16th 2021, 17:23 kevin.pfeifer I personally just add the scripts “in the middle” of my HTML when I need to have specific JS loaded in cells
# Jun 16th 2021, 17:20 tyler.adam.lazenby That is unfortunate. What if you need to have a script in order for parts of your cell to work. Do you just have to remember to add it or be content with adding a script tag in the middle of your html?
# Jun 16th 2021, 17:19 kevin.pfeifer the `['block' => true]` doesn’t work in elements ;)
# Jun 16th 2021, 17:17 ndm > Cell templates have an isolated scope that does not share the same View instance as the one used to render template and layout for the current controller action or other cells. Hence they are unaware of any helper calls made or blocks set in the action’s template / layout and vice versa.
# Jun 16th 2021, 17:14 tyler.adam.lazenby Just doesn't add the script tag
# Jun 16th 2021, 17:14 greg138 Does it give an error, or just not add the script tag?
# Jun 16th 2021, 17:13 tyler.adam.lazenby ```$this->Html->script('build/cellEmail.bundle.js?v=1.0.0i', ['block' => true]);```