Log message #4265479

# At Username Text
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:57 kevin.pfeifer morphdom wieder was neues :)
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:57 jh schau das video komplett ich glaube er zeigt wie klein die datenmengen sind
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:57 kevin.pfeifer mit websockets hab ich mich auch schon ein bisschen gespielt
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:56 jh kein virtueller dom
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:56 jh 20 oder 30kb js als brücke, websockets und morphdom
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:56 jh das kritische an live view ist nicht sowas sondern dass alles auf dem server passiert
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:56 kevin.pfeifer ja
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:56 kevin.pfeifer User Experience ;)
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:56 jh in dem elixir live view beispiel?
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:56 kevin.pfeifer wenn man auf “New post” klickt was dann aufgeht
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:56 jh UX? du meinst DX?
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:55 jh modal?
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:55 kevin.pfeifer das integrierte Modal und “automatisch nachladen” find ich recht nett UX mäßig :)
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:55 kevin.pfeifer servus
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:54 kevin.pfeifer :,)
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:54 jh ach... rot weiss rot ist das nicht at ... mir sind alle flaggen immer wumpe :D
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:54 kevin.pfeifer the functional code (not the template) looks a bit like python for me
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:53 jh It is quite powerful language, very expressive
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:53 jh Haha :)
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:52 kevin.pfeifer what the hell is that syntax :,)
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:52 kevin.pfeifer oh god
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:50 kevin.pfeifer like when the bootstrap.php changes
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:50 kevin.pfeifer i like to keep my app up2date not only from a core library aspect but also from a base template aspect
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:50 kevin.pfeifer the one thing i “dont like” about cakephp is the fact, that I have to manually check the cakephp/app template if something “groundbreaking” has changed in e.g. the config folder
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:49 jh (but it is no stuff for shared hosts)
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:49 jh Let me know if you like Elixir/Phoenix :)
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:49 kevin.pfeifer oh well :)
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:49 jh I think I started with CakePHP 1.1 :)
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:49 jh And this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvBT4XBdoUE .. elixir is much more a general purpose tool, probably good for most but drivers and 3d engines, especially good for IOT (nerves) and web apps
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:48 kevin.pfeifer to be honest, i started with cake 3.0 and just gradually upgraded my main app over time. Just happened to have to “rewrite” a lot of code anyway when the 4.0 beta came out
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:48 jh yes I know cakephp for ages I just am used to maintain and extend 3.7-3.9 apps now and nothing more
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:47 kevin.pfeifer oho nice, will definitely watch that, thx
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:47 kevin.pfeifer but basically if you stick with the cakephp naming conventions you can easily generate your basic functionality :)
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:47 jh To just give you an impression https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZvmYaFkNJI
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:47 jh functional, process oriented, compiled (mostly)
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:46 kevin.pfeifer ok, never dipped into these lands :,)
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:46 jh Phoenix is Rails on Elixir
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:46 jh Elixir is glorified Erlang
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:45 kevin.pfeifer what the hell is even phoenix/elixir, never heard of that
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:44 kevin.pfeifer what If you remove the ```>prefix('Admin'``` and write your inner write with your patterns including the admin part? Like ``` $patterns = ['language' => 'en|ar']; $routes ->connect('/{language}/admin/:controller/:action/*', []) ->setPatterns($patterns);```
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:43 jh I ll write a new one - the alternative would be laravel + cakephp3 orm :D… sadly the project is too small for phoenix/elixir