Log message #4265436

# At Username Text
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:39 tomrwaller OK cool - I'll have a play around with both and see if I can get my head aound it. Thank you @greg138 and @kevin.pfeifer - you've both been really helpful. Concious I've been asking a lot of questions lately but this community has always gone above and beyond. It's much appreciated.
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:37 greg138 I mean, I think I like the `baselines_ids` solution better. It was empty, but that's because the field name didn't match what you had in the form. You said if you make the form match, then you have to set the label manually. I think that's the better solution.
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:37 alamnaryab I tried above without scope it is working for non-admin, but for admin how can I do where I need language parameter before admin prefix
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:36 tomrwaller I don't think so - as I mentioned, it's working as per your suggestion to use ['baselines']['_ids'].
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:35 greg138 Is there some other problem with using `baselines_ids` instead of `baselines._ids`?
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:35 greg138 Iterating through one array or another is a largely meaningless distinction IMO.
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:34 tomrwaller Gotcha - so would there be a better way - maybe some how iterate through the entities or something? Instead of dealing with the array of IDs?
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:33 greg138 If the only problem with the `baselines_ids` method is that the label isn't right on the input field, then just add `'label' => 'whatever'` when you create the input field.
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:33 kevin.pfeifer I only updated 1 CakePHP 3 app to 4 till now but I would say it mainly depends on how much custom code you have. If you stick to the generated code the bake console gave you then you will not have a hard time upgrading to cake4
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:32 greg138 Honestly, I don't love it. `._ids` is there for a specific use case, which is not the same as your use case. So, you are getting the functionality you want but it's basically because of a convenient side effect, not because you're using it as expected. To me, that brings with it a decent chance that somewhere along the line it will break because of changes made elsewhere, and it may take a while to notice that it's broken.
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:31 tomrwaller What would be the best way to debug that? I'm new (I still learning if that wasn't obvious already :) )
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:30 greg138 Then it's *probably* okay...
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:29 tomrwaller I'm not seeing any baselines being created if that's what you mean?
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:29 greg138 Just be careful to check that it really is working 100%, and not working for what you're looking at so far but also creating other records / associations that you don't actually want.
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:28 tomrwaller So a follow-up then if you don't mind... Is this the best way to do this? I mean it works right :) but I wonder if I'm doing something I shouldn't be.
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:27 greg138 Look at your entity after patching, you may have a `baselines` array in there with stuff you don't really want?
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:27 tomrwaller Aha - thank you both :) ['baselines']['_ids'] does indeed work! I think this is acceptable to me - I only want to create answer records, not baselines. Baselines simply contain a whole bunch of recommendations. I need an answer for every recommendation across whatever baselines a user has selected.
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:26 greg138 It could cover every use case, but then it would still be on beta version 0.9.12796.
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:25 kevin.pfeifer but why though /s :,)
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:25 greg138 Cake can't possibly do *everything* out of the box, there's always going to be some custom coding required.
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:23 greg138 Before changing to this, you should very much be aware of exactly what `_ids` is doing, in terms of records being created in the database. It looks to me like what you get if you do that might not be at all what you want. In which case using your custom field name could be the right way to go, and all you need to do is manually specify the label for the input field.
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:22 kevin.pfeifer indeed
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:22 greg138 So, `$data['baselines._ids']` would indeed be blank, but `$data['baselines']['_ids']` would not be.
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:21 kevin.pfeifer I am on Cake 4.2.6
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:20 kevin.pfeifer @tomrwaller I just checked a basic beforeMarshal method inside one of my models where i use a `projects._ids` field and i do indeed have the data in there (had to `pr(); die();` it because for some reason xdebug doesn’t show it correctly :shrug:)
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:18 jh Yes I can read the migration guides, I am asking about experiences here
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:17 jh any rather big changes from say 3.8 to 4.2?
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:09 tomrwaller In my case, I'm not actually using customers, that was an example. With this, when I save an assessment, an answer gets created for each recommendation in the selected baselines. When I change the form control back to baselines._ids which is what it was when baked, and update the beforeMarshal to match, the if always fails because the data is empty.
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:07 slackebot ($query as $count => $recommendation) {`                 `$data['answers'][$count]['applicable'] = 1;`
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:07 slackebot `$recommendations = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Admin.Recommendations');`             `$query = $recommendations->find('all');`             `$query->matching('Baselines', function ($q) use ($data){`                 `return $q->where(['Baselines.id IN' => $data['baselines_ids']]);`             `});` `            `             `foreach
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:07 tomrwaller Possibly an issue in my beforeMarshal, but it seems to work. This is what I have that works: `echo $this->Form->control('baselines_ids', ['multiple' => 'checkbox', 'disabled' => false, 'options' => $baselines]` `public function beforeMarshal(\Cake\Event\Event $event, \ArrayObject $data, \ArrayObject $options)`     `{`         `if (!empty($data['baselines_ids'])) {`            
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:04 kevin.pfeifer there is some logic present int https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/76babd83538e3e247d1189c2289b2f7b31c2bc9a/src/View/Form/EntityContext.php#L260 and https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/fe6fd198e33f69c1d36d5df4ac2c92d26ffa4807/src/View/Helper/FormHelper.php which checks if the fieldname ends with `._ids` (one time actually checking for the ._ids and the other exploding the field by .)
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:03 greg138 Sounds like your beforeMarshal function has an issue.
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:03 greg138 Then the difference is that Cake has logic to handle a `_ids` as a special case, but nothing for `customers_ids`.
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:02 tomrwaller No. No field matching that.
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:02 greg138 Do you actually have a field in your database somewhere called `customers_ids`?
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:01 tomrwaller Yes - I'm just trying to understand what the difference is and why one works and one doesn't.
# Jun 14th 2021, 19:00 kevin.pfeifer you mean `customers._ids` right?
# Jun 14th 2021, 18:57 tomrwaller I also notice that if I change the control to control('customers_ids') I have to add a label manually, it doesn't automatically use the label as it does when using ._ids.
# Jun 14th 2021, 18:56 tomrwaller Guys - silly question - but what's the difference between customers_ids and customers_.ids? I'm calling a control in a form by control('customers._ids') and that works just fine. However, I'm using beforeMarshal to create some additional entities and I have a query there that looks for $data['customers_ids'). That works if I change the control to control('customers_ids') but it doesn't work if I leave the control as is.
# Jun 14th 2021, 17:37 kevin.pfeifer have you tried that? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40609304/cakephp-3-x-optional-language-routing