Log message #4265340

# At Username Text
# Jun 14th 2021, 10:30 dereuromark why is that needed? it is by default this when it is empty
# Jun 14th 2021, 10:29 Lac Hey guys, does anyone know if there's are way to set the msgstr the same as the msgid when generating a pot file through the i18n extract ? Thanks !
# Jun 14th 2021, 10:10 y.teruyacookie Thank you for your reply. I’m sorry, I confirm that results of debug($reserves) and debug($cancels) are different.
# Jun 14th 2021, 08:15 val What would be the correct way to destroy an instance of MyTable class in 3.x so that it would be removed from all places where it is referenced or cached?
# Jun 14th 2021, 08:05 alamnaryab ?
# Jun 14th 2021, 07:13 alamnaryab would you be able to get my anydesk or teamviewer and debug if I am making any mistake?
# Jun 14th 2021, 07:12 alamnaryab thank you for your time
# Jun 14th 2021, 07:09 conehead Really cannot imagine that
# Jun 14th 2021, 07:08 conehead So if you remove the lines from the scope again it is working without any admin prefix?
# Jun 14th 2021, 07:08 conehead There must be something other different.
# Jun 14th 2021, 07:06 alamnaryab if link is there then how it was wroking for non-admin before adding admin scope instead of prefix as you suggested
# Jun 14th 2021, 07:04 conehead Probably because you are trying to add a link to it?
# Jun 14th 2021, 07:03 alamnaryab I am on domain/en it is showing error: A route matching "array ( 'prefix' => 'Admin', 'controller' => 'Users', 'action' => 'login', 'plugin' => NULL, '_ext' => NULL, )" could not be found.
# Jun 14th 2021, 07:02 alamnaryab Missing Route
# Jun 14th 2021, 07:02 alamnaryab now even non admin also showing error
# Jun 14th 2021, 06:59 conehead I mean you are not following standards. You expect a prefix not to be on the first position...which is pretty much the definition of a prefix
# Jun 14th 2021, 06:57 conehead couldnt you just move the routes from the admin prefix to the scope '/' and manually add the admin prefix there?
# Jun 14th 2021, 06:42 alamnaryab then url becomes as domain/admin/en/controller/action while I need language first then admin
# Jun 14th 2021, 06:41 filipecamargo10 ```$builder->connect('/:language/:controller/:action/*', array(), array('language' => 'en|ar'));``` You have to do the same thing in admin routes
# Jun 14th 2021, 06:41 alamnaryab admin inside language
# Jun 14th 2021, 06:40 alamnaryab I tried many things, with that version problem is with admin
# Jun 14th 2021, 06:40 filipecamargo10 the problem is on admin routes
# Jun 14th 2021, 06:38 alamnaryab waiting since last week
# Jun 14th 2021, 06:37 alamnaryab https://discourse.cakephp.org/t/cakephp-4-admin-prefix-routing-with-i18n-language-parameter/9431
# Jun 14th 2021, 06:37 filipecamargo10 right
# Jun 14th 2021, 06:37 alamnaryab https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67888105/cakephp-4-admin-prefix-routing-with-i18n-language-parameter
# Jun 14th 2021, 06:37 alamnaryab localization and admin prefix routing
# Jun 14th 2021, 06:37 filipecamargo10 what u need ?
# Jun 14th 2021, 06:36 alamnaryab I am having issue with cakephp4 routing, can I get help here?
# Jun 14th 2021, 06:36 conehead hello
# Jun 14th 2021, 06:36 alamnaryab hello all
# Jun 14th 2021, 06:35 johncakeboss irc is so nostalgic
# Jun 14th 2021, 06:27 conehead @y.teruyacookie as you are using two custom finder methods that we do not know, this is very much possible that this is true. The name of the finder is not part of the object, so if the content of the finders is the same, but the name differs, it still can be true. did you try debug($cancels) and debug($reserves) and compare them by hand? Do they differ? debug($query->find() === $query->find('list')) is false for me
# Jun 14th 2021, 06:11 other hi
# Jun 14th 2021, 05:43 alamnaryab https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67888105/cakephp-4-admin-prefix-routing-with-i18n-language-parameter
# Jun 14th 2021, 05:43 alamnaryab I am facing problem with cakephp4 i18n and admin routing since last week, hopefully here someone will help me.
# Jun 14th 2021, 05:40 alamnaryab Good morning
# Jun 14th 2021, 05:40 alamnaryab hi
# Jun 14th 2021, 01:03 y.teruyacookie When I run the following DEBUG, it returns true, but I wonder why. ```$reserves = $query->find('Reserve', $options); $cancels = $query->find('Cancel', $options); debug($cancels === $reserves); // true is returned```
# Jun 13th 2021, 15:18 kiril.zvezdakoski just joined. regards to everyone here :)
# Jun 13th 2021, 13:23 admad @angelxmoreno Crud plugin doesn't have much to do with routes. It comes into picture after the URL has already parsed into controller - action based on routes you set.