Log message #4264714

# At Username Text
# Jun 3rd 2021, 09:17 philo.hamel sorry, I'm not sure
# Jun 3rd 2021, 09:10 etibor i would like to get only a single record
# Jun 3rd 2021, 09:10 etibor ```$this->hasMany('LastUrlFile', ['className'=>'UrlFiles', 'joinType' => 'INNER', 'Limit'=>1, 'Sort'=>([ 'UrlFiles.id' => 'DESC', ]), 'dependent'=>true, 'property'=>'last_url_file' ]);``` it is working but its returns an array insted of a single record
# Jun 3rd 2021, 09:09 etibor but actually originally it was an HasMany association, so i dont have a foreign_key in the main model
# Jun 3rd 2021, 09:08 etibor i having issue with: would like to make another association to the same model, the first is a HasMayn while the second is a HasOne
# Jun 3rd 2021, 09:07 etibor thank you really much
# Jun 3rd 2021, 09:05 kevin.pfeifer sure
# Jun 3rd 2021, 09:05 etibor can i ask you a quick question?
# Jun 3rd 2021, 09:05 etibor hello Kevin
# Jun 3rd 2021, 09:04 etibor since i dont have in the Main Model the url_file_id
# Jun 3rd 2021, 09:04 etibor so back to the question, it does not contained when i use HasOne insted of HasMany
# Jun 3rd 2021, 09:02 etibor moment
# Jun 3rd 2021, 09:01 etibor ``j
# Jun 3rd 2021, 09:01 etibor `$this->hasMany('LastUrlFile', [ 'className'=>'UrlFiles', 'joinType' => 'INNER', 'Limit'=>0, 'Sort'=>([ 'UrlFiles.id' => 'DESC', ]), 'dependent'=>true, 'property'=>'last_url_file' ]);`
# Jun 3rd 2021, 08:59 philo.hamel triple `
# Jun 3rd 2021, 08:58 etibor thank you @philo.hamel okey, first please tell me how can i insert a whole code block not just one line here
# Jun 3rd 2021, 08:55 philo.hamel you'll need conditions to figure out which row to fetch for the association
# Jun 3rd 2021, 08:54 slackebot ->setProperty('work_address') ->setConditions(['WorkAddress.label' => 'Work']) ->setDependent(true); } }```
# Jun 3rd 2021, 08:54 philo.hamel ```class UsersTable extends Table { public function initialize(array $config): void { $this->hasOne('HomeAddress', [ 'className' => 'Addresses' ]) ->setProperty('home_address') ->setConditions(['HomeAddress.label' => 'Home']) ->setDependent(true); $this->hasOne('WorkAddress', [ 'className' => 'Addresses' ])
# Jun 3rd 2021, 08:54 philo.hamel @etibor have you seen this example?
# Jun 3rd 2021, 08:26 etibor or is this not possible without the Documents table have an last_file_id db field??
# Jun 3rd 2021, 08:23 etibor so without the [0] index i would like to get
# Jun 3rd 2021, 08:22 etibor i do this becuase i would like to get the last inserted url_files record and not reach like $last_model[0]->url_path // this is the only working solution now
# Jun 3rd 2021, 08:21 etibor `$this->hasMany('UrlFiles', [` `'className'=>'UrlFiles',` and `$this->hasOne('UrlFiles', [` `'className'=>'LastUrlFiles',` the LastUrlFiles Model does not load in the contain
# Jun 3rd 2021, 08:20 etibor but it does not work
# Jun 3rd 2021, 08:20 etibor i would like to make another association to the same model, the first is a HasMayn while the second is a HasOne
# Jun 3rd 2021, 08:19 etibor hello everyone
# Jun 3rd 2021, 07:07 paolo.bragagni there is a better way?
# Jun 3rd 2021, 07:07 paolo.bragagni in my old template with cake2 I rewrote the beforeFind in model where I tranformed fields in Ita
# Jun 3rd 2021, 07:05 paolo.bragagni How to search between date with https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/search ? and how to set date and numbers in italian (I mean dd/gg/YYYY) in search plugin?
# Jun 3rd 2021, 04:57 y.teruyacookie @ndm Thank you very much! I thought it is the problem about memory overload. Simply I make a mistake about how to use finder method. I have solved this problem finally. Thank you very much!!
# Jun 3rd 2021, 00:47 slackebot for each of your `Documents` results.
# Jun 3rd 2021, 00:47 slackebot https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30241975/how-to-limit-contained-associations-per-record-group/30270675#30270675, for single results you can possibly hack something in using association conditions. Other than that you don't have too many options, the next best thing would then be to manually load and inject the associated results in a result formatter, either using similar partitionable windows, or god forbid, by issuing one query
# Jun 3rd 2021, 00:47 ndm @etibor Because limiting associations isn't supported out of the box. `hasMany` and `belongsToMany` associations are being retrieved in _one_ separate query, so if you apply a limit to it, that query will only receive one record for _all_ your `Documents`, not for _each one_ of them. Try https://github.com/icings/partitionable/, or have a look at the examples in
# Jun 2nd 2021, 22:42 etibor why i can not get only one element from the associated Model: `'PrivateThesises.PrivateThesisUrlFiles' => function($q) {` `$q` `->where(['Documents.class'=>'Types'])` `->order('UrlFiles.created ASC')` `->limit(1)` `;` `return $q;//->first() or last() does not works` `},`
# Jun 2nd 2021, 22:25 ndm tumbleweed
# Jun 2nd 2021, 22:05 etibor hello everyone
# Jun 2nd 2021, 15:50 duchdamian thanks for your help, have a good day!
# Jun 2nd 2021, 15:49 slackebot '/var/www/html/src'`
# Jun 2nd 2021, 15:49 duchdamian oh I see what's up, so the --config it's pulling into rector is actually a php file and not a yaml file, the following command worked if I point it to the yaml directly. It's an issue with the upgrade tool I believe `/cake_upgrade/vendor/bin/rector process --autoload-file='/var/www/html/vendor/autoload.php' *--config='/cake_upgrade/vendor/rector/rector/config/set/cakephp/cakephp40.yaml'* --working-dir='/var/www/html/src'
# Jun 2nd 2021, 15:47 kevin.pfeifer yea, i mean just skip rector