Log message #4264663

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# Jun 2nd 2021, 15:10 ndm https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/orm/retrieving-data-and-resultsets.html#custom-finder-methods
# Jun 2nd 2021, 15:09 ndm @y.teruyacookie That's not how the `find()` method works, it only take two arguments, the first being the finder name, and the second being an array of options. Similarly finder methods also only take two arguments, the first being the query object, the second being the options array.
# Jun 2nd 2021, 14:58 slackebot ->where(function (QueryExpression $exp) use { return $exp->between('Models.created', '2021-04-01 00:00:00', '2021-04-10 00:00:00'); }) ->order([ 'Models.created' => 'ASC' ]) ->find('Contain'); }```
# Jun 2nd 2021, 14:58 slackebot index() { // output JSON file return $this->setDatas($begin, $end); } public function setDatas($begin, $end) { $datas = $this->Model->find('Datas'); $spreadSheets = $this->Component->toSpreadSheetDatas($datas); return $this->response->withType('application/json') ->withStringBody(json_encode($spreadSheets)); } src/Model/Table/ModelTable.php public function findDatas(Query $query) { return $query ->find('Fields')
# Jun 2nd 2021, 14:58 slackebot select the fields (columns) we want from the table with the select method ->where(function (QueryExpression $exp) use ($begin, $end) { return $exp->between('Models.created', $begin, $end); }) ->order([ 'Models.created' => 'ASC' ]) ->find('Contain'); // Use contain method to join other tables as needed }``` `Code that does not cause memory overload` src/Controller/Api/Controller.php ```public function
# Jun 2nd 2021, 14:58 slackebot $begin, $end); *2 // Format the data for output to a spreadsheet $spreadSheets = $this->Component->toSpreadSheetDatas($datas); // Store the data in the body of the response return $this->response->withType('application/json') ->withStringBody(json_encode($spreadSheets)); } // src/Model/Table/ModelTable.php public function findDatas(Query $query, string $begin, string $end) { *3 return $query ->find('Fields') //
# Jun 2nd 2021, 14:58 slackebot loaded. If anyone knows, please let me know. Thanks in advance. `Code that goes over memory.` src/Controller/Api/Controller.php ```public function setDatas($begin, $end) { // Store the body data of the received POST request $begin = $this->request->getData('begin'); $end = $this->request->getData('end'); *1 // Get data from Model (same as ↓findDatas($this->Model, $begin, $end)) $datas = $this->Model->find('Datas',
# Jun 2nd 2021, 14:58 slackebot usage goes up very high as soon as I add the parameter. Also, is there any way to avoid this memory error? (By the way, I tried to increase the memory_limit in php.ini to 1GB, but it still caused a memory error, even if I increased it to the spec value of my PC. In the following code, I tried to debug() at *1, *2, and *3, and I got memory overload errors except for *1, so I think the memory error occurs right after the findDatas is
# Jun 2nd 2021, 14:58 slackebot ... bytes exhausted”. (The error occurs even if I make the difference between $begin and $end in the code below very small. On the other hand, if I set the two arguments $begin and $end of findDatas in the Model to constants, the code will work without memory overload. On the other hand, if I set the two arguments $begin and $end of findDatas in the Model to constants, the code passes without memory overload. It seems that the memory
# Jun 2nd 2021, 14:58 y.teruyacookie Hi, I need your help. ## Environment Mac OS, Chrome, CakePHP version 3 ## What I’m working on Implementing a function that receives the body of a POST request and returns a resource accordingly. ## What I want to do and what I want to solve I would like to write the following code to implement the function mentioned above, but when I run it, I get a memory overload error saying “Fatal error: Allowed memory size of
# Jun 2nd 2021, 13:27 greg138 It could just as easily be argued that adding tags to a record *is* an update, and so it's doing exactly the right thing. So, I expect that removing the behavior when you don't want that to happen (whether because of this sort of thing or something else) is the right answer.
# Jun 2nd 2021, 09:42 k4t thank you
# Jun 2nd 2021, 09:42 k4t understand
# Jun 2nd 2021, 09:40 philo.hamel and the theme is part of the view
# Jun 2nd 2021, 09:39 philo.hamel that's the purpose of the helper: it's view context aware
# Jun 2nd 2021, 09:37 k4t no... Assets class, with helpr this is ok...
# Jun 2nd 2021, 09:36 philo.hamel using the helper?
# Jun 2nd 2021, 09:36 k4t the same problem when it is also used directly in the view
# Jun 2nd 2021, 09:34 philo.hamel unless there's a good reason to keep the view code in the entity, I'd try to move it into the view
# Jun 2nd 2021, 09:30 k4t and in the view.php it is called in that way: <?= $article->imageUrlForSharing; ?>
# Jun 2nd 2021, 09:30 k4t ``` protected function _getImageUrl() { return Asset::imageUrl('sharing-fallback.png', ['fullBase' => true, 'plugin' => true]); }```
# Jun 2nd 2021, 09:29 k4t to be honest inside of entity
# Jun 2nd 2021, 09:27 philo.hamel inside a template? https://api.cakephp.org/4.0/class-Cake.View.Helper.UrlHelper.html#image()
# Jun 2nd 2021, 09:23 k4t I even tried tto add plugin = true to the options but it did not solve the problem
# Jun 2nd 2021, 09:21 k4t In latest CakePHP I am using: https://api.cakephp.org/4.0/class-Cake.Routing.Asset.html#imageUrl() but it look like that function does not take active theme into account so all urls generated by it does not contain active theme prefix. Is this bug or I missed something?
# Jun 2nd 2021, 07:19 kgb.acct.personal Good day. Is it possible for the bake migration snapshot command to include the index names?
# Jun 2nd 2021, 06:16 thomas465 yeah, that’s what i’m thinking too, as a stopgap at least, but i’m just wondering if this is something that should be fixed either in the ORM or in `TimeStampBehavior` ?
# Jun 2nd 2021, 02:35 khalil Solved it :)
# Jun 2nd 2021, 02:17 slackebot the relationship to hasMany, and I change the form field to array (shops.0.name) the company saves properly, is this a bug or am I missing something?
# Jun 2nd 2021, 02:17 slackebot belongsTo users and users belongsTo company. Everything is set properly and following the documentation and the conventions, but when I try to save, only the user is getting saved, the shop is not even appearing in the request, unless I change the form field name from for example shop.name to shops.name - even though in the documentation it's clearly stated that in the case of belongsTo you should use singular not plural. If I change
# Jun 2nd 2021, 02:17 khalil Not sure if it's a bug or something I'm doing wrong In my DB schema, I have "Users" and "Shops", the users table has a shop_id field, and the shops table has a user_id (doing this to make querying easier in some complicated cases I have) The issue is happening when trying to add a new user, when a new user is getting added, I want to also create a record in the companies table. The relationships are belongsTo, companies
# Jun 2nd 2021, 02:12 khalil Hey guys
# Jun 1st 2021, 21:35 corey.taylor.fl test
# Jun 1st 2021, 21:30 greg138 Would your encoded JSON not have something more like `"first_name":"John"` in it anyway?
# Jun 1st 2021, 21:19 tyler.adam.lazenby Thank you for that solution
# Jun 1st 2021, 21:17 tyler.adam.lazenby That is really very helpful thank you
# Jun 1st 2021, 21:17 tyler.adam.lazenby very interesting
# Jun 1st 2021, 21:16 thomas465 ```$responseData = json_decode((string)$this->_response->getBody(), true)```
# Jun 1st 2021, 21:15 kevin.pfeifer and assert that with some json you expect
# Jun 1st 2021, 21:15 kevin.pfeifer after the `$this->post`
# Jun 1st 2021, 21:15 kevin.pfeifer try ```$response = $this->_response->getBody()->__toString();```